
lěnɡ cuì xìnɡ
  • Cold brittleness;low-temperature brittleness;black shortness
  1. 为提高Cr-Mo-V系炮钢的韧性,消除其冷脆性,对采用含稀土氧化物渣系在电渣重熔过程加入稀土的工艺作了系统的实验研究。

    The technology of electro-slag remelting was researched systematically under the condition of using the slag system containing rare earth oxide in order to eliminate the cold brittlement of gun steels of Cr-Mo-V system .

  2. 锆及钛对QAl(10-4-4)铝青铜缓冷脆性的影响

    Influence of Zr and Ti on slow cooling brittleness of QAl_ ( 10-4-4 ) aluminum bronze

  3. 建立了晶界化学和冷脆性温度之间的关系。

    Chemical interaction between grain boundary chemistry and cold brittleness temperature .

  4. 控制轧制对造船碳素钢板的组织和抗冷脆性的影响

    The influence of controlled rolling on the microstructure and resistance to cold-brittle of ship building carbon steel plate

  5. 95W5(Ni/Fe/Co)合金的冷脆性转变温度在-50℃左右,此时脆性断裂以钨颗粒的自身解理为主。

    The transition temperature of 95W-5 ( Ni / Fe / Co ) alloy is about - 50 ℃, at which the embrittlement mainly results from the cleavage of tungsten particles .

  6. 磷对绝大多数钢种来说是有害元素,磷含量的增加会使钢的塑性和韧性降低,通常称为冷脆性。随着钢中碳含量的增加,这种现象更为严重。

    The increase of phosphorous content will decrease the ductility and toughness of the steel , especially with the increase of carbon content in steel , this phenomenon is usually called " cold brittleness " .

  7. 研究金属过冷液体的脆性在能量图谱上的表征方式(第五、六章);

    How to predict liquid fragility by the features in PEL ( chapter five and chapter six );

  8. 由于淬火缓慢冷却过程碳化物的析出以及回火缓冷过程中回火脆性的出现,使锻件的冲击韧性随淬火和回火冷却速度的降低而大幅度下降;

    Owing to the carbides precipitating and tempering brittleness during slow cooling quench and slow cooling temper , the impact toughness decreases sharply with decreasing quench and temper cooling speed .