
  • 网络The Pole of Cold
  1. 外边冷极了。

    It 's perishing outside !

  2. 天气冷极了。

    The cold was unbelievable .

  3. 我们冷极了。

    We were perished .

  4. 现在天气冷极了,地面都冻硬了。

    It was bitterly cold now and the ground was frozen hard .

  5. 我冷极了。

    I was absolutely perished

  6. 穿上大衣,外面冷极了。

    Put your coat on . It 's freezing cold outside .

  7. 我穿的是春装,而这儿的天气冷极了。

    I dressed for spring and it 's positively Arctic here .

  8. 我冷极了。今天比昨天还要冷。

    I 'm freezing . it 's even colder than yesterday .

  9. 衣服穿暖一点,外面冷极了。

    Eg. Do cover yourself up : it 's freezing outside .

  10. 那天夜里冷极了,我们都没有出门。

    It was such a cold night that we all kept indoors .

  11. 天气冷极了,我们全部打着哆嗦。

    It was so cold that we were all shivering .

  12. 让我进来!外面冷极了!

    Let me in ! It 's freezing out here !

  13. 这儿冷极了&请问我可以把窗关上吗?

    It 's freezing in here-can I shut the window , please ?

  14. 把门关上,外面冷极了!

    Shut the door , it 's freezing out there !

  15. 于是他打开了门,而她觉得冷极了。

    So he opens the window and she freezes .

  16. 这里冷极了,咱们把加热器打开吧。

    It 's awfully cold here . let 's turn on the heater .

  17. 关上窗户,我冷极了!

    Eg. Shut the window and I 'm freezing !

  18. 冬日的阳光很暧和,但怀特太太却突然觉得冷极。

    The winter sun was warm , but suddenly she felt very cold .

  19. 今天早上冷极了。我的车都几乎启动不了。

    It was so cold this morning . I could hardly start my car .

  20. 这儿夜里冷极了。

    The nights up here get beastly cold .

  21. 今天天气非常好,但昨天冷极了。

    Today the weather is very nice , but yesterday it was extremely cold .

  22. 今天的天气冷极了。

    The weather 's really Arctic today .

  23. 双势阱中超冷极性原子气体的动力学研究讹科费米原子能电站

    Dynamics of an Ultracold Dipolar Atom Gas in a Double Well enrico fermi atomic power plant

  24. 太好了下面暖和多了上面冷极了零下29度

    Excellent , it 's much warmer down here , it 's freezing up there . Minus 29 .

  25. 壁橱里冷极了,鲍勃不得不戴着他那条白色的长围巾取暖。

    It was very cold in the cupboard , and Bob had to wear his long white scarf to try to keep warm .

  26. 所以他就走下山去(浓重的露水,让他的光脚丫子冷极了),一直走进一个树林。

    So he went on downhill ( the thick dew was cruelly cold to his bare feet ) till he came into a wood .

  27. 血红细胞的横向光阱力及光驱动双折射微粒的研究双势阱中超冷极性原子气体的动力学研究

    The Study of Lateral Optical Trapping Force on Lurid Cell and Optical Driven Birefringent Crystal ; Dynamics of an Ultracold Dipolar Atom Gas in a Double Well

  28. 赫伯特离开了家,沿着马路快步地走。他母亲站在门边目送他远去。冬日的阳光很暧和,但怀特太太却突然觉得冷极了。

    Herbert left the house and walked quickly down the road . His mother stood at the door for some time and watched him . The winter sun was warm , but suddenly she felt very cold .

  29. 由于山顶极冷和极干的环境,这些孩子的尸体也木乃伊化了。

    The kids ' bodies became mummified by the dry atmosphere and extreme cold .

  30. 冷藏与CA贮藏比例较低,冷链系统极不完备;

    The refrigeration and CA storage proportion are lower and the cold storage chain system is terribly unsound .