
lěng yǐn
  • cold drink;cooler
冷饮 [lěng yǐn]
  • [cold drinks] 清凉饮料

冷饮[lěng yǐn]
  1. 我想要冷饮,不要咖啡。

    I think I 'll have a cold drink rather than coffee .

  2. 喝杯茶吧——除非你喜欢冷饮?

    Have a cup of tea ─ unless you 'd prefer a cold drink ?

  3. 她坐在阳光下懒洋洋地抿着冷饮。

    She sat in the sun , idly sipping a cool drink .

  4. 发烧的孩子不愿吃东西,只会要冷饮。

    A feverish child refuses to eat and asks only for cold drinks

  5. 在热天喝冷饮使人感到清爽。

    Cool drinks are refreshing on a hot day .

  6. 那个小男孩正在喝冷饮。

    The little boy is taking cold fluids .

  7. 第一年上市时,可口可乐在亚特兰大各个售卖的冷饮柜台日均销量是9瓶。

    The first year it was available , Coca-Cola averaged nine servings a day across all the Atlanta soda fountains where it was sold .

  8. 她会看着我沿街向下,等我骑自行车到她门口时,会有一杯冷饮等着我。

    She 'd watch me coming down her street , and by the time I 'd biked up to her doorstep , there 'd be a cold drink waiting .

  9. 所以他们只供应冷饮。

    So they only serve cold drinks .

  10. 他正在喝冷饮

    He is taking cold fluids .

  11. 冷饮在到达上颚之前没有足够的时间升温。

    The drink doesn 't get chance to warm up before it hits the roof of your mouth .

  12. 以后人家会说——年轻的书法家,怎么找一个卖冷饮的

    People would ask , then , how come a young calligrapher should choose to marry a cold-drink peddler ?

  13. 最简单的办法就是喝冷饮时吸管不要直接对着上颚。

    The simplest way when you are drinking through a straw is not to angle3 the straw in the direction of your palette .

  14. 冰激凌头疼,有时也叫“脑冻结”,指用吸管喝冷饮的时候,冷饮直接到达上颚时感觉到的来自太阳穴的疼痛感。

    The ice cream headache , often called a " brain freeze " , is actually referred pain from the roof of the mouth which you feel coming from the temple area of your forehead when you suck cold beverages2 through a straw , sucking the liquid directly onto the palate .

  15. 我现在想喝点冷饮。Learning动名词做主语

    I feel like a cold drink now .

  16. B辣菜和冷饮&很好的组合。

    Hot food , cool drink – a good combination .

  17. PCS在冷饮生产过程中的应用

    The Application of PCS in Icecream Production

  18. HACCP理论在冷饮制品生产中的应用

    Application of HACCP Theory in Cold Drink Production

  19. 带着冷饮箱和装满公路旅行音乐的IPod播放器

    with a cooler and an iPod loaded with road-trip music .

  20. 以W公司为例,就冷饮企业营销渠道的构建与有效管理进行探讨。

    The article takes W company as all example and study about the designing of the marketing channels and the valid management about the cold drink business enterprises .

  21. 冷饮生产中存在的主要问题与解决方法QS质量安全认证:各冷饮厂家反应不一

    Problems in Beverage Production and Solutions QS : different respond in cold beverage companies

  22. 为提高冰激淋的卫生质量,选取了一家大型冷饮厂的奶油冰激淋生产线作为HACCP研究对象。

    In order to improve the hygienic quality of ice cream , the HACCP system was applied in a big ice cream producing factory .

  23. 这台Keurig冷饮机计划于明年正式上市。

    The Keurig cold platform is scheduled to launch next year .

  24. 从553份冷饮、牛乳、污水、苍蝇等材料中分离出7株肠结肠炎耶尔辛氏菌(yersiniaenterocolitica).检测了它们的生长性能和生理生化特性。

    Seven strains of Yersinia enterocolitica have been isolated from 553 specimens of cold drink , flies , sewage , milk and cow dung .

  25. 百事公司表示,Spire是第一款可以个性化制作百事品牌饮料的数字冷饮售卖机,希望它能让消费者通过造型优美的数字触摸屏幕,探索新口味。

    The first digital fountain that lets you personalize your favorite Pepsi brands , Spire aims to let customers explore new taste territories from a sleek , digital touch screen , Pepsi said .

  26. 除可口可乐品牌的饮料包以外,Keurig还将提供非碳酸凉茶、果汁和运动饮料的冷饮包。

    In addition to pods for Coke brands , the Keurig will also offer pods for non-carbonated cold teas , juice and sports drinks .

  27. 对可口可乐来说,单杯胶囊冷饮机是接触消费者的全新渠道,毕竟这些消费者在咖啡领域早已彻底接受了Keurig。

    For Coca-Cola , single-serve pods give the company a new channel to consumers , who have already embraced Keurig in the coffee space .

  28. 据“法院新闻”(CourthouseNews)报道,在4月的另一场集体诉讼中,芝加哥的斯泰茜·平卡斯(StaceyPincus)控告星巴克在冷饮中加的冰块太多,导致消费者拿到的饮料只略多于其应有分量的一半。

    A separate class-action lawsuit in April by Stacey Pincus of Chicago accused the company of putting too much ice in cold drinks , leaving consumers with just over half the amount they paid for , according to Courthouse News .

  29. 百事公司表示,Spire是第一款可以个性化制作百事品牌饮料的数字冷饮售卖机,希望它能让消费者“通过造型优美的数字触摸屏幕,探索新口味。”

    The " first digital fountain that lets you personalize your favorite Pepsi brands , " Spire aims to let customers " explore new taste territories from a sleek , digital touch screen , " Pepsi said .

  30. 但SodaStream当天股价也上涨7.2%,达到38.35美元,因为一些投资者押注自制冷饮有望形成趋势,他们还预计,SodaStream可能会与百事公司(PepsiCoInc.)或DrPepperSnappleGroupInc.结盟。

    But shares in SodaStream also rose Thursday , gaining 7.2 % to $ 38.35 , as some investors placed bets the at-home movement will gain momentum and that SodaStream could team up with PepsiCo Inc. or Dr Pepper Snapple Group Inc.