
  1. 欧洲食品商只是以马肉冒充牛肉添加到汉堡或者冷冻面中,并没有做出任何像泰特斯那样卑劣的事情。

    European food manufacturers did nothing so dreadful when they sold horse as beef in burgers and lasagne .

  2. 冷冻面制品中存在的玻璃体转化现象,易使制品结构遭到破坏,合适的乳化剂可以有效保护制品的结构,提高面制品的品质。

    The phenomenon of vitreous state changing in the frozen flour produc can easily destroy the product structures . However adding the proper emulsifier can effectually protect the product structures and improve the products quality .

  3. 我国冷冻、冷藏型面类快餐调理食品发展浅析

    Development of Freezing and Cold-Storage Type of Flour Snack Recuperating Foods

  4. 冷冻水饺是冷冻面制品中最为普遍的一种,面粉质量的好坏是影响冷冻水饺质量的关键因素。

    Frozen dumpling is a common frozen wheat flour food , its quality was deeply influenced by the flour quality .