
fù shuǐ
  • rehydrate
  1. 上复水pH值在6.5&7.0范围内底泥释磷量最低;

    The lowest release capacity was observed in a pH range of 6.5-7.0 of the overlying water .

  2. 复水之后,4种蕨类植物的CO2同化能力能够快速恢复也证明了这一点。

    The quick recovery in CO2 assimilation rates after rehydration also supported this .

  3. 干态MC经复水后能恢复至冻干前的形态。

    Dried MCs could comeback their original shapes by rehydration .

  4. 复水冷却滚筒冷渣器在DG450t/hCFB锅炉中的应用

    Application of Condensate Cooling Roller Slag-cooler in DG 450 t / h CFB Boiler

  5. 转MnSOD基因品系的净光合速率在复水后恢复最好;

    The Pn of Mn-SOD gene transformed line recovered better after getting water recovery than that of the other two lines .

  6. 脱水速率快慢直接影响干后外观质量、复水性能和VC的保存。

    While the effect of dehydrating rate on dry mushroom quality , preservation of VC and restoration of water was analyzed too .

  7. 同时,经检测复水冻干品中的Zn和SO2残留量分别为19.5mg/kg及0.028g/kg,符合产品质量卫生要求。

    Through the examination , the Zn and SO2 residue content of recovery freeze-drying product was respectively 19.5 mg / kg , 0.028 g / kg .

  8. 不同干燥方法对苹果片品质的影响不同,探讨了普通热风干燥、远红外线干燥及微波干燥3种方法对苹果片品质(VC的含量、总酸度、复水性及感官品质)的影响。

    The influences of three drying methods include ordinary hot air-drying , far infrared drying and microwave drying to the quality of apple slices were discussed in this paper .

  9. 最后,探讨了热风干燥中干燥温度和时间对方便米饭复水率和品质的影响,结果显示80?C下干燥90min最佳。

    Finally , the influence of drying temperature was discussed , drying with hot air for 90 min at 80 ?

  10. 复水处理后,ABA含量先上升后下降,PAO活力很快降低。

    After re-watering , abscisic acid content was increased first and then decreased , and polyamine oxidase activity was decreased rapidly . 2 .

  11. 在干旱胁迫及复水条件下,2年生苹果品种嘎拉盆栽苗叶片相对膜透性、MDA和H2O2含量随干旱胁迫程度的加重而增加,复水后降低。

    The relative membrane permeability , MDA and H2O2 concentrations in two-year-old potted apple plants increased with the continuance of drought stress and began to decrease after re-watering .

  12. 干旱复水循环机制下,第二个干旱时期对照组叶片IAA响应水分胁迫,含量下降。

    Under moisture stress and rewater recycle regime , leaf IAA content decreased of the control in response to drought during the second drought maximum .

  13. 辐照剂量、热风温度、切片厚度三因素对脱水速率和干制品的外观质量、VC含量、复水比等四指标大都呈显著影响。

    The three factors of irradiation dosage , hot-air temperature , and initial slice thickness significantly affected the four indexes of appearance quality , VC content , dehydration rate and rehydration rate .

  14. ARDS装置CP-01白铜复水器失效分析及对策

    Analysis of Failures of CP-01 White Bronze Condenser in ARDS Unit and Countermeasures

  15. 复水后,根系水导呈现缓慢&慢速的恢复趋势,Pn、Gs、Tr、叶片水势随着根系水导速率的增加而逐渐恢复;

    After rehydration , Lpr recovered slowly . Pn , Gs , Tr and leaf water potential increased and Ci decreased gradually with the recovery of Lpr .

  16. 正确选择6063(LD31)铝合金的Mg+Si含量和Mg/Si比值,可使型材的力学性能和氧化着色性能兼优。复水性良好;

    The 6063 aluminium alloy profiles appear high tensile strength and good colouring properties , when the Mg + Si content and Mg / Si ratio of 6063 alloy properly were elected .

  17. GSH预处理提高了胁迫以及复水期间GR、GPX、SOD和APX的活性以及AsA的含量,对POD和CAT没有影响,降低了MDA的含量。

    GR , GPX , SOD and APX activity and AsA content was increased , POD and CAT were not greatly influenced by GSH pretreatment and thereby decreased MDA content .

  18. 小麦根系较长,小麦连体耐萎蔫能力较强复水以后恢复较快。表明适当浓度的SA提高膜结构的稳定性,有利于干旱胁迫过程中小麦叶片保持水分,抵抗干旱逆境。

    As a result of all these beneficial factors , the membrane stability and the ability to maintain water and resist drought were enhanced in wheat leaves treated with appropriate concentration SA under drought stress .

  19. 水分胁迫均导致豌豆叶片ABA、IAA含量增加,ZT、GA含量降低,各种内源激素比例发生变化,复水可产生补偿效应。

    Water stress increased the content of ABA and IAA , decreased the content of GA and ZT , and changed the ratio between any two endogenous hormones , rewater induced compensation effect .

  20. 另外,经PEG处理后复水,种子的萌发率均高于对照的32.4%,提示PEG处理可以打破木荷种子的休眠现象。

    In addition , through the water addition after PEG treatment , the sprouting rate of seed was 32.4 % higher than that of the control , which hinted that PEG treatment might break the dormancy phenomenon .

  21. 通过实验室和现场模拟研究,考察了pH、温度、溶解氧、氧化还原电位及上复水种类等环境因素对底泥释磷量和释磷速率的影响。

    Simulation studies in the laboratory and in the field were conducted to determine the effects of various environmental parameters including pH , temperature , dissolved oxy-gen concentration , redox potential and the type of overlying water on phosphorus release rate and release capacity from the sediments .

  22. 刺槐和侧柏复水后,水势值开始出现下降,2h后开始回升,复水24h后,幼苗的水势值基本回升到对照水平。

    The water potential of Robinia pseudoacacia and Platycladus orientalis began to decline after rewater , then it began to recovery after 2h , water potential rose to the control level after 24h . 2 .

  23. 最优复水条件为温度15℃,盐水质量分数为3%,时间为20min。

    Secondly , the best condition of rehydration is 15 ℃, salt solution is 3 % , and the rehydration time is twenty minutes .

  24. 复水后MBN显著上升,且随干湿交替次数的增加而幅度增强。(5)反硝化酶活性与土壤质量含水率存在显著正相关(P0.05)。

    MBN increased after rewetting and showed a pulse increasing with the DW cycles going . ( 5 ) Denitrifying enzyme activities had a significant positive correlation with soil moisture content ( g / g ) .

  25. 当水分含量达85%左右(复水60min)呼吸速率基本达到原初水平,且保持相对稳定。

    When moisture content reached 85 % of all ( rehydration 60min ), respiration rate basically reached the original level , and remained relative stability . 5 .

  26. 初步选择蔗糖、海藻糖、甘露醇、乳糖等作为冻干保护剂,比较冻干后辅酶Q10前体脂质体的形态及复水后形成的辅酶Q10脂质体的平均粒径和包封率。

    Then sucrose , trehalose , mannitol and lactose were selected as cryoprotectants . The particle morphology , the size range and encapsulation efficiency of coenzyme Q10 liposomes before freeze-drying and after rehydration were studied .

  27. 叶片可溶性糖含量变化总体趋势为:随胁迫强度和时间延长一直呈上升趋势,复水过程中,可溶性糖含量呈明显下降趋势,但均比CK高,不能恢复到CK水平。

    Changes in the trend of overall soluble sugar content is that an upward trend with the stress intensity and time , the complex process of water , soluble sugar content was significantly decreased but higher than the CK can not be restored to the level of CK .

  28. 结果表明:从水分胁迫后24小时开始,PWS苹果苗饲喂源叶CO2气体交换速率显著下降,复水后其恢复滞后5天。

    CO_2 exchange rate of source leaves in PWS plants , as estimated by the total radioactivity in the whole-plant , was significantly reduced by water stress 24 h after initiating treatments and there was a five-day lag in complete recovery after removing water stress .

  29. 啤酒ADY的最佳活化条件为:活化液为12Bx麦汁,33℃复水,30℃活化2h。

    The optimum activation conditions were determined as following : 12Bx wort was used as activation solution , ADY was soaked at 33 ℃ and activated at 30 ℃ for 2 hours .

  30. 研究了小麦胚芽粉对提高油炸方便面复水后粘弹性的效果,并与其他品质改良剂(磷酸交联淀粉、活性干面筋、鲜鸡蛋清、瓜尔豆胶、CMC)的效果进行了比较。

    The efficiencies of wheat germ flour for improving the viscoelasticity of the instant noodle softened in boiling water and that of the other quality modifiers such as cross linking starch phosphate , active dried gluten , fresh albumen , guar bean gum and CMC were studied .