
  • 网络The Road to Rejuvenation;Road to Revive;The Road To Revival;The road to renewal
  1. 他许诺在100天内让国家走上经济复兴之路。

    He promised that within 100 days he would put the country on the path to economic recovery .

  2. IBM的品牌复兴之路

    The Way of IBM 's Brand Revival

  3. 人们开玩笑称GM的意思是“GovernmentMotors”(政府汽车)。现在,通用汽车逐渐走上复兴之路。

    People joked that GM meant " Government Motors . " Now , General Motors could be on the road to recovery .

  4. 那些热议中的新兴国家金砖四国(Brics,巴西、俄罗斯、印度和中国)都需要一场财政危机,把它们送上经济改革和国家复兴之路。

    Those much discussed emerging powers , the Brics ( Brazil , Russia , India and China ) all needed a fiscal crisis to set them on the road to economic reform and national resurgence .

  5. 当然,许多科技公司的复兴之路都以失败告终,很多公司更是屡战屡败&比如一度热门的雅虎(Yahoo)、AMD和社交网络MySpace。

    Of course , many technology companies try and fail in their comeback attempts repeatedly , in some cases like Yahoo ( yhoo ) , amd ( AMD ) and MySpace , the once-popular social network .

  6. 当然,许多科技公司的复兴之路都以失败告终,很多公司更是屡战屡败——比如一度热门的雅虎(Yahoo)、AMD和社交网络MySpace。

    Of course , many technology companies try and fail in their comeback attempts - repeatedly , in some cases - like Yahoo ( YHOO ) , AMD ( AMD ) and MySpace , the once-popular social network .

  7. 中华民族的伟大复兴之路

    The Road to the Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation

  8. 现在,通用汽车逐渐走上复兴之路。

    Now , General Motors could be on the road to recovery .

  9. 民族音乐复兴之路探索

    The Exploration in to the Revival of National Music

  10. 加拿大土著改革复兴之路探析:对多元文化政策的思考

    An Analysis of Canadian Aboriginal 's Road to Rejuvenation : On the Multicultural Policy

  11. 李光耀领导新加坡走上了全面自由和复兴之路。

    Lee Kwan Yew is credited with leading Singapore into full independence and prosperity .

  12. 中华民族伟大复兴之路&论中国和平崛起的重要战略机遇期

    On Ch. People 's Great Revival Route

  13. 中国特色社会主义道路就是中华民族的复兴之路。

    The socialist road of Chinese features is the road to the Chinese national great renaissance .

  14. 中国佛教是在近代科学主义流行的历史时期步入复兴之路的。

    Chinese Buddhism assumed its new vitality during the historical period when modern scientism became popular .

  15. 复兴之路从这里开始

    The fight back starts here .

  16. 将捐弃党派教条并领导全国走上复兴之路的爱国志士联盟。

    A coalition of patriots that would set aside party dogma and lead the nation towards recovery .

  17. 漆线雕的复兴之路

    Rejuvenation of Carved Lacquer ware

  18. 探寻民族复兴之路

    In Pursuit of National Rejuvenation

  19. 2007年江铃袁政海班组等一批优秀典型报道的涌现,让我们相信经过革新,典型报道将会踏上复兴之路。

    So we believe that through innovation typical report will set foot on the road to rehabilitation .

  20. 只有国会能解决这个问题,并且使波多黎各走上复兴之路。

    And only Congress can fix the problem , and put Puerto Rico on a path to recovery .

  21. 利用科学认识自然、控制自然是人类的复兴之路,这一复兴是出于上帝的计划。

    The renaissance of human being lies in the cognition and domination of nature , which is planned by God .

  22. 中国特色社会主义道路有丰富的内涵,是实现民族复兴之路、实现共同富裕之路和实现社会和谐之路。

    Socialism with Chinese characteristics has rich connotations , it is the way to achieve national rejuvenation 、 common prosperity and social harmony .

  23. 现代化与本土化:好莱坞与香港电影的双向互动&兼论香港电影复兴之路

    Modernization and Indigenization : The Interaction Between the Films of Hollywood and Hong Kong & The Access to the Resurgence of the Film in Hong Kong

  24. 而统观以上西方哲学中上帝观的演化历程,从根本上讲是一条理性在西方哲学中的艰难复兴之路。

    The system view of the above concept of God in Western Philosophy evolution process , is fundamentally a rational philosophy in the West difficult road of rehabilitation .

  25. 通过对广东排球运动过去和现在的体制、管理、普及、特点等问题进行分析比较,辩证地提出广东排球复兴之路。为广东排球走出低谷出谋献策。

    To compare the system of organization , management , popularization and characteristic of Guangdong volleyball in the past and now , put forward the way of rejuvenation .

  26. 《复兴之路》再现了中国从鸦片战争到建立中华人民共和国,建设国家的历史,还包括了1998年抗洪救灾和2008年汶川抗震救灾。

    " Road to Revival " traces the country 's history from the Opium Wars , the founding and building of New China , rescue missions during the1998 flood and the Wenchuan earthquake in2008 .

  27. 随着宋元时期文人画的兴起,工笔画地位旁落千年,仅在民间受到人们的喜爱。进入20世纪80年代,众多工笔画家开始关注工笔画复兴之路。

    With the rise of literati painting in Song , Painting Millennium status changed hands , only loved by the people in the folk.80 years into the 20th century , many began to pay attention at home Painting Painting Revival .

  28. 亚欧十二国交通部长为复兴丝绸之路出谋划策&记第三届国际丝绸之路大会

    26 Ministers of Transportation from 12 countries in Asia and Europe address how to rejuvenate Silk Road-The Third International Conference on Silk Road

  29. 中国这条曾经创造了灿烂文明,执世界牛耳的东方巨龙,在经历了近代的沉伏之后,再次踏上了伟大的复兴与腾飞之路。

    After the depression in modern history , China which has ever created splendid civilization and been the pacemaker of the world for hundreds of years during ancient era restarted off on the great way to revival and growth .