
  • 网络Replica;Duplicate Plate
  1. 失窃的物品有1996年州冠军奖杯,装在相框中的科比高中时期球衣的复制版和几双科比亲笔签名的耐克球鞋。

    Among the stolen items were a 1996 state championship trophy and net from the title game , a framed replica of Bryant 's Lower Merion jersey and some Nike sneakers signed by the Lakers legend .

  2. 在这款游戏中,玩家可按照自己的想象构建任何种类的虚拟世界,包括整座城市、影片场景、太空船,甚至是丹麦的复制版。

    Instead , players set about building just about any kind of virtual world they can imagine : creations include entire cities , sets from films , space shuttles and even a replica model of Denmark .

  3. 此外,他最近与耐克(Nike)联手推出了AirForce1复制版运动鞋(他从孩提时代就穿该鞋),既赋予了孩子们一丝蒂希式的时尚感,更给他们增添了些许青春狂野味。

    Elsewhere , his recent collaborations with Nike , a take on the Air Force 1 trainers he has worn since childhood , have offered kids a slice of Tisci cool with a bit more bounce for their buck .

  4. 数据库需要一个存储卷Vol,它是现有存储卷的复制版,并且WAS需要数据库的IP地址来设置JDBC连接。

    The database needs a volume Vol which is a clone of an existing volume and the WAS needs the IP address of the database to set up its JDBC connection .

  5. 有些人甚至认为Slingshot就是Snapchat的2.0版或复制版。

    Some may even consider Slingshot to be a kind of Snapchat 2.0 or Snapchat clone .

  6. 这是一本18世纪书籍的复制版。

    This a facsimile edition of an eighteenth century book .

  7. 这艘复制版邮轮将永久停靠在一个水库。

    The idea is it 'll be permanently docked in a reservoir .

  8. 铅铸版:活版印刷用的复制版。

    Stereotype ( Stereo ): A duplicate relief plate for letterpress printing .

  9. 复制版印刷之前从印版中取出的校样。

    A proof taken from a form before duplicate plates are made .

  10. 复制版:用同一菲林底片制成多块相同的版。

    Duplicate block / plate : Blocks / plates made from the same film image .

  11. 双版同印:(1)用复制版或用连机造成印版施印,使一次压印,得两份相同印件。

    Two-up : ( 1 ) Printing two copies of the same thing at one impression by using duplicate plates or a step-and-repeat machine .

  12. 蜡刻:造电铸复制版用的模的方法。亦是制造蚀刻板画的印版式的方法。

    Wax engraving : A process to produce a wax mould for use in making duplicate plates by electrotyping . Also , a process to prepare a plate for etching .

  13. 塑胶版:一种凸版印刷用的复制版。用塑料材料分别用压模法或铸造法制成。参阅复制版。

    Photogelatin process Plastic plate : A type of duplicate plates for relief printing . It uses plastic materials and produced either by pressing or casting . See Duplicate plate .

  14. 谢尔顿:你就好像电影“天外魔花”(好莱坞恐怖片)里面那个植物的完全复制版,只是它没涂那么多发胶。

    Sheldon : As if one of the plants from " Invasion of the Body Snatchers " duplicated you in every way , only with an absurd amount of hair gel .

  15. 澳大利亚矿业企业家克莱夫?帕尔默周二公布了泰坦尼克二号的设计蓝图,这一设计是对那艘沉没的远洋班轮的现代复制版,不过他不再号称这艘船永不沉没。

    Australian mining entrepreneur Clive Palmer on Tuesday unveiled blueprints for Titanic II , a modern replica of the doomed ocean liner , although he stopped short of calling the vessel unsinkable .

  16. 它的美丽让它载入了教科文组织世界文化遗产名录之中。然而,“在中国建设小镇复制版的计划”这一最新“殊荣”让一些小镇居民感觉有点吃不消。

    Hallstatt 's beauty has earned it a listing as a UNESCO World Heritage site but some villagers are less happy about a more recent distinction : plans to copy their hamlet in China .

  17. 但是伦敦地铁的主管奈杰尔霍尔尼斯说,地铁工作人员被玛格丽特的故事深深打动了,因此他们翻出了旧版录音,给了她一份录音的复制版。

    But Nigel Holness , director of London Underground , said its staff has been so moved by McCollum 's story that they dug up the recording and gave the widow a copy of the announcement on a CD for her to keep .

  18. 《X因素》第三季将于今年秋天回归,把英国版《X因素》搬到美国的考威尔又将企图复制英国版的成功。

    When " X Factor " returns for its third season this fall , Cowell will attempt once again to match the success of the U.K. series he brought to America .

  19. 浮雕型全息图复制镍版的扫描电子显微镜观察

    The SEM of Ni Replication Master from a Relief Hologram in photo resist

  20. 将所选邮件的源文件复制到剪贴版。

    Copies the source from the selected messages to the clipboard .

  21. 制作用来复制的母版的动作行为。

    The act of making a master recording from which copies can be made .

  22. 在彩色复制中对黑版的探讨

    Black Printing Plate Used in Color Printing

  23. 时代公司挺进互联网之后,不仅仅是复制杂志的印刷版。

    As it shifts online , Time Inc is striving not simply to reproduce the print versions of its magazines .

  24. 在印刷技术中,一种用电镀方法从原版复制成的印刷版。那本著作仍旧没有印刷〔原稿未动〕。

    In printing , a duplicate letterpress plate made from an original by electroplating . The work is still in manuscript .