
  • 网络Tourism benefits;tourist benefit
  1. 生态旅游效益构成及特性分析

    Analysis on the component and characters of ecotourism effect

  2. 青藏铁路实现最佳旅游效益策略研究

    Studies into the Best Tour Benefits of Qing-Zang Railway

  3. 森林生态旅游效益评价指标体系研究

    Assessment on the Indicators for Forest-based Eco-Tourism Benefit

  4. 红色旅游效益最优价值拓展及策略选择

    Research on the Value Expending Framework for Beneficial Optimization and Strategy Selecting of Red Tourism

  5. 这样就能使这一宝贵的彝族文化走向世界和走向现代化,并将为彝族地区带来很好的民族文化旅游效益。

    Doing so we will be able to internationalize and modernize this Nosu traditional culture and it bring good ends to Nosu territory 's cultural tourism .

  6. 分析了植物幕墙具有的生态效益、社会效益、经济效益和旅游效益,重点阐述了植物幕墙的特殊优势。

    This paper analyzed the ecological benefits , social benefits , economic benefits and tourism benefits with the plant curtain wall , and focused on its unique advantage .

  7. 根据森林生态旅游效益的基本构成和特点,应用系统学的基本原理构建了森林生态旅游效益评价的标准与指标体系。

    Indicators used to assess forest-based eco-tourism benefit ( FBETB ) were defermined based on the basic structure , characters of FBETB and the principle of system science .

  8. 珠三角在旅游效益方面有一定优势,成长力较稳定,但旅游总量、质量与环渤海和长三角存在差距。

    The overall quantity and quality in Pearl River Delta are weaker , but it has a more stable growth and its efficiency is stronger , compared to the other two regions .

  9. 汾河二库水利枢纽工程开发利用目标中的旅游效益,开展、开发的前景非常广阔,其交通、旅游资源、设施等基本条件已经具备。

    The tourism , in the general goal of developing and exploiting Fenhe Reservoir ⅱ water project , is regarded to be of the broad prospect , the basic conditions of developing such as transport , resources and facilities of tour have had .

  10. 并介绍了国内外在旅游效益研究领域的成果,目前这一领域仍处在起步阶段,定性研究多而定量研究少,理论研究多而实证研究少,片面研究多而综合研究少。

    And introduced domestic and foreign research in the tourism benefits of the results of this field is still present in the initial stage , More qualitative research , quantitative research less , More theoretical research , empirical research less , More than one-sided study , less comprehensive study .

  11. 对团结乡乡村旅游经济效益构成的分析。

    On the unity of rural economic structure of rural tourism .

  12. 信阳南湾风景区旅游经济效益分析

    The analysis about tour economic benefits at Nanwan scenic spot in Xinyang

  13. 关于提高江西旅游经济效益的思考

    Reflections on Raising the Benefit of Jiangxi Tourist Economy

  14. 公路项目对旅游业效益贡献评价

    The Evaluation on Tourism Benefit of Highway Project

  15. 第五、工业旅游的效益。

    The benefit of the tourism industry .

  16. 加快配套设施建设,增加旅游营运效益;

    Thirdly , accelerate the facility construction associated with tourism industry and increase the profit of tourism-running .

  17. 厦门市开发龙舟体育旅游的效益分析及对策

    The Analysis and Strategy of the Benefit of Dragon Boat Races to Promote the Tourism of Xiamen

  18. 杭州西湖南线景区的旅游经济效益分析

    The analysis of the tour benefit of the landscaping area on South side of West Lake , Hangzhou

  19. 通过对三个典型西部森林生态旅游景区效益评价结果的比较分析,提出西部森林生态旅游业发展对策建议。

    By a comparative analysis of the three typical western forest eco-tourism scenic effective evaluation results , the western forest eco-tourism development suggestions .

  20. 为了实现在资源不被破坏的前提下旅游经济效益最大化,需主动进行环境治理并采取适当的经济手段。

    In order to attain the maximun benefit without destroying the environment , we need carry out pollution disposal positively and take advantage of economic methods .

  21. 西部开发:旅游先行效益先行&论西部大开发中旅游业的地位和发展模式

    Developing China 's Western Regions : Tourism First , Benefit First & Discussions about the Developing Mode of the Tourism Industry in the Development of the Western Regions

  22. 本文对旅游产业效益的概念体系和评价方法上进行了系统分析,构建了旅游产业效益评价体系,并以北京市门头沟为例进行了实证研究。

    Carry on a systematic analysis of the concept system of the tourism industry benefits and evaluation method , to build a tourism industry benefit evaluation system , and taking Beijing Mentougou as an example to carry on empirical research .

  23. 生态旅游区投资效益评价体系研究

    Study on Evaluation System of Investment Benefit About Ecotourism Zone

  24. 基于模糊层次分析法的森林旅游住宿设施效益评价研究

    Benefit Evaluation of Forest Tourism Lodging Facilities Based on AHP

  25. 是实现和保护旅游资源社会效益的需要。

    And protection of tourism resources to achieve social needs .

  26. 旅游企业经济效益评价方法分析

    Analysis of Economic Benefits Assessment in Tourist Enterprises

  27. 政府作用与旅游区投资效益

    Government Function and Investment Benefit in Tourist Areas

  28. 旅游投资项目效益和费用是旅游项目技术经济分析的基础。

    Cost-benefit analysis for tourism investment project is the foundation of its tech-economic analysis .

  29. 张家界旅游产业结构效益分析与优化

    The Analysis of the Benefits and Optimization of Tourism Industrial Structure in Zhangjiajie City

  30. 中国各地区旅游企业经济效益评价与统计分析

    Comprehensive evaluation and statistical analysis on the economic benefit of regional tourist enterprises in China