
dào àn jià gé
  • CIF price;cost. insurance and freight
到岸价格[dào àn jià gé]
  1. 所有的转运费用都包括在到岸价格里面了。

    All transport transshipment charges will be included in the C.I.F. price .

  2. 到岸价格的英文是costinsurancefreight,也就是说这些货物在抵达澳大利亚之前的全部费用由供货商支付。

    C.I.F.stands for Cost , Insurance , and Freight of your product landed in Australia , which will be borne by the supplier .

  3. 采用到岸价格,意味着比起距离遥远的淡水河谷(vale),必和必拓将具有切实的长远竞争优势。

    Using a landed price means BHP now has a real long-term competitive advantage over far away vale .

  4. 请关于船上交货和到岸价格基础报给你的价格。

    Please Quote your prices on both FOB and CIF Basis .

  5. 到岸价格加战争险费海上货物运输战争险

    Cost insurance freight and war risk Ocean Marine Cargo War Risks

  6. 很遗憾,我宁可采用到岸价格条件。

    B : I d rather use the CIF quotation .

  7. 我不得不提醒你我们的条款是汉堡的到岸价格。

    I have to remind you that our terms are CIF Hamburg .

  8. 所有报价皆为不含佣金的到岸价格。

    All the price quote be on the basis of cif term without commission .

  9. 是的,到胡志明市的到岸价格。

    Yes , CIF Ho Chi Minh City .

  10. 到岸价格加卸岸条件

    C.I.F. landed terms ship-to-shore pipe line

  11. 到岸价格加战争险费

    Cost insurance freight and war risk

  12. 到岸价格加佣金和利息

    Cost insurance freight and commission interest

  13. 你们的报价都是成本加运费保险的到岸价格,我们希望你们能报离岸价。

    All your prices are on a CIF basis . we 'd rather you quoted us FOB prices .

  14. 铁矿石到岸价格上周升至每吨76.50美元。

    Iron ore prices this week hit $ 76.50 a tonne , including cost , freight and insurance .

  15. 猪肉价格暴涨和国家战略安全管理危机的应对策略到岸价格加战争险费

    Skyrocketing Pork Price and Crisis of Strategic Security Management in China ; cost insurance freight and war risk

  16. 到岸价格。包括成本、保险费以及运费,要求运到卖方指定港口。

    Price includes cost , insurance , freight to a named port of destination in the buyer 's country .

  17. 供应商应尽可能降低其到岸价格,甚至低于其国内价格。

    Suppliers should try their best to reduce their CIF price , even make it lower than their home price .

  18. 按到岸价格成交之货,由我公司以发票价值110%投保一切险。

    As to the goods priced on CIF basis , our company will insure against all risks for110 % of invoice value .

  19. 到岸价格和离岸价格不能确定时,完税价格由海关估定。

    Where the CIF or FOB price can not be ascertained , the price for duty assessment shall be estimated and fixed by the customs .

  20. 是的,我们跟保险商谈过了。考虑到这笔生意是以到岸价格成交的,我们认为应该投保水渍险。

    Yes , we talked about it with our underwriter , and think that we should get a policy for With Particuler Average , considering our deal is based on CIF clause .

  21. 如果定单得到履行,甲方需付乙方现行到岸价格与给第三方的销售价之间的差额。

    If and when these orders are transacted , Party A shall pay Party B the differential between the current CIF price and the price at which the goods are sold to the third party .

  22. 货物分摊价值,按照货物的到岸价格,减除不属于共同海损的损失金额和承运人承担风险的运费计算。

    The contributory value of the cargo shall be computed on the basis of the CIF values , less the amount of loss or damage not allowable in general average and the freight at the risk of the carrier .

  23. W:你所指的是CIF(到岸价)价格还是FOB(离岸价)价格?

    W : Do you quote CIF or FOB ?

  24. 请诉你方椅子到汉堡到岸价的最低价格。

    Would you tell us your best prices C.I.F.Hamberg for the chairs .

  25. 请报温哥华到岸价的最低价格。请对该商品报最低价格报价。

    I 'd like to have your lowest quotations , C.I.F. Vancouver . Please quote us your lowest price for the goods .

  26. 我们希望您保证给我们一个做广告的最低价格。我想请你们报鹿特丹到岸价的最低价格。

    We would like to ask for a guaranteed minimum in advertising . I & ; am # 39 ; d like to have your lowest quotatio , C.I.F. Rotterdam .

  27. 您的报价是到岸价还是离岸价?到岸价格加结关费用价

    Do you quote CIF or FOB ? cost , insurance , freight cleared