
  1. 找不到代班司机。

    No relief drivers were available .

  2. 从建设监理拓展到代建制项目管理

    From Supervision during Construction to Owner-substituted Construction Engineering

  3. 但是在代建制模式下,项目管理风险集中转移到代建单位,相关法律、制度的缺失又使代建风险进一步加剧。

    But in agent-construction system , the management risks nearly transfer to the agency all together . And short of pertinent law and system aggravates this further .

  4. 就在不到一代人的时间里,坐飞机已经成了很多旅行者的出行方式。

    Within a generation flight has become the method used by many travellers .

  5. 无性世代周期观察表明,从孢子萌发到次代分生孢子产生仅24小时。药理试验结果,该菌对小鼠毒性口服剂量LD(50)>70g/kg;

    The observation of asexual state showed that from spore germination to secondary sporulation took only 24 hours . During the asexual division of E.

  6. 我们实验室发现并建立了一种患有视网膜色素变性疾病的近交系小鼠(rdf小鼠,现已繁殖到F18代)。

    Our laboratory found and has been establishing an inbred mouse model of retinitis pigmentosa .

  7. 通过对R2和R3代遗传特性进行田间观察和分析,突变株系到R2代性状就已经稳定,没有发生遗传漂变的现象,选育时间大为缩短。

    With the observation of the traitS inheritance of R2 and R3 , no drift was found .

  8. 以MSCs为饲养层时,添加细胞因子与否均无法观察到原代集落。

    The primary colons were unable to observe by MSCs as the feeder layer , when the cytokines were added or not in the medium . 4 .

  9. 到F9代时基因纯合位点达27个,纯合基因位点率为90%。

    By F_9,27 loci have become homozygotic , with a homozygosity rate of 90 % .

  10. 到39代时对残杀威的抗性为11.78倍,对DDVP和氯氰菊酯的抗性分别为3.35和9.71倍。

    In the 39 generation , those were 11.78 folds to propoxur , 3.35 to DDVP and 9.71 to cypermethrin .

  11. 曲线拟合结果表明国外GaAs光电阴极的后界面复合速率较低,表面逸出几率和电子扩散长度从标准三代到四代不断提高,这些性能的改善导致了GaAs光电阴极灵敏度的提高。

    The curve simulation results showed that foreign GaAs photocathodes have low interface recombination velocity , and surface escape probability and electron diffusion length have been improving from standard Gen III to Gen IV , which led to increase of sensitivity the GaAs photocathodes .

  12. 由原料到溴代物的合成总收率达80%。

    Over all yield from starting to bromide is 80 % .

  13. 进而将该反应体系推广到溴代芳烃。

    Then the reaction system was applied to some aryl bromides .

  14. 你的家谱可以追溯到多少代?

    How far back can you trace your family tree ?

  15. 你要将你的怒气延留到万代吗?

    Will you prolong your anger through all generations ?

  16. 从朦胧诗到新生代诗&新时期文学回叙之二

    A Review of Literature in the New Era

  17. 这可以追溯到很多代以前。

    This can go back many generations .

  18. 从太古代到新生代,几乎各个时期都有岩浆活动。

    From Archeozoic to Cenozoic , there were magmatic actions in occurrence during every period .

  19. 我追溯到三代人。

    I went back three generations .

  20. 在鱼类中,先天性和适应性免疫因子能由母体传递到子代。

    Both innate and adaptive types of factors are transferred from mother to offspring in fishes .

  21. 目前研究人员还没有搞清楚这种基因信息是如何从父代传递到子代的。

    Researchers do not yet understand how the genetic information is transferred from father to child .

  22. 因为资财不能永有,冠冕岂能存到万代?

    For riches do not endure forever , and a crown is not secure for all generations .

  23. 到了代,在大多数移民家庭,的母语就消失了。

    By the third generation , the original language is lost in the majority of immigrant families .

  24. 然而,多数法国犹太家庭是在两到三代之前从北非来的。

    But most of France 's Jewish families came two or three generations ago from North Africa .

  25. 在不到一代人的时间里,英格兰葡萄酒就从受人嘲笑变成真正具有投资前景。

    In less than a generation English wine has gone from being a joke to a serious investment prospect .

  26. 但是在10到15代产品演化后他们将能做到,这些是机械的世代,不是人类的世代

    But , in 10 or 15 machine generations they will , and these are machine generations , not human generations .

  27. 这本书按时间顺序叙述了中国历史上从战国到五代(公元前403-959CE认证)。

    The book chronologically narrates the history of China from the Warring States to the Five Dynasties ( 403 BC-959 CE ) .

  28. 这对我们来说是个谜,这些微型线粒体染色体如何‘成群’转移到子代线粒体及线粒体中的子代细胞中,以及细胞分裂问题。

    It is a mystery to us how these minimitochondrial chromosomes are'herded'into daughter mitochondria and daughter cells at mitochondrial and cell division .

  29. 一代女童的成长关系到两代人的素质,关系到国家及整个社会的可持续发展。

    The growing of a generation relate to the quality of two generations and the durative development of a nation and a society .

  30. 代际公正要求现实环境问题的解决方案要考虑到下代人的利益。

    The international justice requires that the solution of the real environmental problems should take account of the interests of the next generation .