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róng chéng
  • Rongcheng;a surname
容城[róng chéng]
  1. 容城县委副县长SongYongliang表示打击行动还将继续。

    Song Yongliang , deputy county chief of the Rongcheng County Committee , says the crackdown continues .

  2. 容城农田土壤的速效磷养分状况及供磷能力

    A Study on the Readily Available Phosphorus of Soil Nutrient Status and the Soil Ability to Supply Phosphorus

  3. 山西阳高~河北容城剖面大地电磁资料的初步解释&阻抗张量分解技术及其应用

    Preliminary interpretation of MT data along profile from Yanggao to rongcheng : application of decomposition of MT impedence tensor

  4. 昨日上午,记者从容城县疾控中心了解到,闫德利的化验结果呈阴性,显示她并没有患艾滋病。

    Yesterday morning , the reporter learned from the CDC Rongcheng County , Yan Deli test results were negative , indicating she did not suffer from AIDS .

  5. 目前,“闫德利事件”是否在当地立案调查,容城警方尚未作出正式回应。

    At present ," Yan Deli incident " is in the local investigation cases , which allow the city police have yet to make a formal response .

  6. 4月1日,我国宣布设立雄安新区,规划范围涉及到河北省雄县、容城和安新3县,其中安新县是中国北部主要湿地白洋淀的所在地。

    On April 1 , China announced the plan to create the Xiongan New Area , which spans the counties of Xiongxian , Rongcheng and Anxin in Hebei Province , and is home to Baiyangdian , a major wetland in northern China .