- unit weight;volume-weight;appearance density

For quality control the compaction parameters for earth-rockfill dams may be dry unit weight incorPOrated with the percentage of moisture content up to the design standard .
The effect of cationic polyacrylamide ( CPAM ) on the flexural strength , inpact resistance , unit weight , porosity and water absorption of modified cement pastes has been studied .
Effect of Centrifugal Spray Granulation on the Test Weight and Flow Property of Vitamin a Microcapsule
⑵ The last type of fertilizer could decreased soil pH value and soil B.D , increased soil total porosity .
There is significant relationship between SOC and soil bulk density , PH value , different soil particle size content .
Dynamic effects of soil bulk density on denitrification and mineralisation by ~ ( 15 ) n labelled lettuce residue and paper wastes
Grass cover decreased bulk density of surface soil ; it also increased organic mater content and PH of surface soil .
There was significant negative index correlation between organic carbon , nitrogen & soil microbial biomass C , N and bulk density ( p < 0.01 ) .
The bulk density of PS was small and porosity was large , especially in winter wheat harvest time .
A · B or specific water capacity , being interrelated closely with soil texture , bulk density or porosity , could be taken as an integrated index of soil aridity .
The results showed that multifunctional composite can decreased soil pH and bulk density , increased the contents of total porosity , and improved soil cation exchange capacity .
Soils in post-heavy-grazing restoration plot exhibit higher bulk density and pH values , and lower Catalase , Urease , and alkaline Phosphatase activities compared to other plots .
Biochar amendment increased soil pH , organic carbon and available K concentration , with no influence on soil total N and available P , but decreased soil bulk density .
Soil sample from the chilli field was taken to determine its bulk density , pH and the organic matter , overall nitrogon , inorganic nitrogen , quick-acting phosphorus and potassium .
Because of the outdoor recreation , the bulk density of soil increases . And the soil moisture , soil porosity , the percentage of soil organic material , the pH-value descend .
Ass ( including total coverage , height and species coverage ), significant negative correlation between snail distribution with specific gravity and unit weight of soil , the correlation index was-0.8751 and -0.9548 respectively .
All the plant average height , coverage aboveground biomass and biodiversity has positive correlative relationship with soil nutrient and negative correlative relationship with soil bulk density ( p0.05 ) .
It showed no-tillage duck-raising was beneficial to improving soil physical characteristics ;
Soil nutrient and soil carbon stock of three restored vegetation was significantly lower than that of regional vegetation , while soil bulk density and pH value were significantly higher than that of regional vegetation .
The forest soils particle size composition notability affected validity phosphorous , validity potassium , soggy density , hygroscopic water , ignition loss and pH. Influence also takes place in soil compactness and organism in some extent .
The PCE saturation in clay sandy was higher than that in the clay loam at the same bulk density .
Soil fertility was positively correlated with Soil moisture , organic matter , alkali N , available K , available P , conductivity , pH , while soil fertility was negatively correlated with the bulk density , total salt .
The effect of grazing on the grassland under woods is relatively great , along with the increase of grazing intensity , soil rigidity , soil capacity , and the nutrient element of N , P , K all decreasing accordingly .
Organic matter , bulk density , soil texture , adsorption capacity and original amounts of heavy metals had great effects on the releases of heavy metals in agricultural soils .
The results were as follows : The soil bulk density was higher , total porosity and field capacity of preserving water were small , organic materials were scant , the content of nutrients distributed uniformly , and the trend of pH value was upward .
8 % peat treatments greatly improved the aeolian sandy soil physical and chemical characteristics . Soil bulk density , total porosity degree , total N , alkali N , available P and K increased , and soil pH value decreased to be little acid or neutralized .
The optimal direction is expressed as : 4:3:1 for slag (≤ 5mm ), sawdust and half decayed straw if they are employed for Chinese pine .
The main research results as follows : 1 . The value of soil pH and soil bulk density decreased , and electrical conductivity , content of organic matter , available nitrogen , available phosphorus and available potassium in soil increased under continous cropping of protected tomato .
The best culture results could be achieved with the direction of perlite and humus soil with a ratio of 3:2 . Its ' bulk specific gravity of the substrate is 0.34 g / cm3 , accounts for only 30 % of soil , and pH-value 5.98 .
Soil analysis showed that in no-tillage fields , soil bulk density and hardness were increased , soil porosity and available P and K were decreased , the amount of actinomyces and fungi was reduced , while that of soil bacteria was increased , and the enzyme activity was promoted .