
dào dá gǎng
  • port of arrival
  1. 海关有关关税及到达港商检、货费由卖方承担。

    Customs duty , inspection charge at unloading port , discharging charge to be borne by buyer .

  2. 你们到达卸货港所允许的最大水尺是多少?

    What is the maximum draft allowed at discharging port ?

  3. 该轮将于5月5日晨,如期到达横滨港。

    The steamer will due in Yokohama on the morning of the5th May .

  4. 货物到达目的港时可能被发现其质量是低劣的。

    The goods might be found to be of inferior quality upon arrival destination .

  5. 如买方所订船只到达装运港后,卖方不能在买方所通知的装船时间内将货物

    Time as notified by the Buyer , after its arrival at the port of shipment

  6. 但持续的战事使得有毒物质难以到达拉塔基亚港。

    But the ongoing fighting has made getting the toxins to the port of Latakia difficult .

  7. 由船公司在卸货港的代理出具的承载船舶已经到达目的港的声明,正本一份,副本一份。

    One original and one copy of statement of vessel arrival issued by shipping agent at discharging port .

  8. 到达海防港后,线索便中断了,但跟踪这批货物的人员怀疑,最终目的地还是中国。

    While the trail ran cold in Haiphong , people tracking the shipment suspected its final destination was China .

  9. 正本运输文件必须在货物到达目的港前快递到上海华惠公司。

    Original shipping documents are kindly required to send to Shanghai Hua Hui directly before shipment arrival destination port .

  10. 最后他的确把我们平安地送上了岸,但是那艘船在到达利物浦港后不久就沉没了。

    And in the end he did land us safe , but the ship sank soon after it reached the port of liverpool .

  11. 船方不负责装卸、堆装及平舱费运输方式及到达站港和费用负担:海陆联运费用由供方负责。

    Transport mode and station of arrival port and expense burden : The sea land combined transport expense is responsible by the supplier .

  12. 1788年亚瑟•飞利浦船长到达悉尼港,带来了他从巴西和好望角买来的澳洲第一株葡萄苗。

    In1788 Captain Arthur Phillip arrived at Sydney Cove he bought along Australia 's first grape vines from Brazil and the Cape of Good Hope .

  13. 自货物到达目的港起12个月为质量保证期。

    The guarantee period shall be 12 ( twelve ) months staring from the date on which the commodity arrives at the port of destination .

  14. 如果船只不能在买方通知的船期后日内到达装运港,买方应承担从第日起发生的货物仓储保管费用。

    In case the carrying vessel of the date of arrival has to be changed , the Buyer or its shipping agent shall advise the Seller in time .

  15. 1488年的今天,葡萄牙航海家巴尔托洛梅乌·迪亚士绕过好望角后到达莫塞尔港,他成为第一个绕过好望角的欧洲航海家。

    1488 – Bartolomeu Dias of Portugal lands in Mossel Bay after rounding the Cape of Good Hope , becoming the first known European to travel so far south .

  16. 经过了四个小时的航程,从菲尼克斯到西雅图,之后又乘一个小时的小型飞机到达洛杉矶港,最后一个小时的车程到达福克斯镇。

    It 's a four-hour flight from Phoenix to Seattle , another hour in a small plane up to Port Angeles , and then an hour drive back down to Forks .

  17. 预计离港日期、预计到港日期该轮将于5月5日晨,如期到达横滨港。

    The estimated date of departure from Port of Shipment and the estimated date of arrival at Port of Unloading The steamer will due in Yokohama on the morning of the 5th May .

  18. 根据我的理解,你还应通知我方合同号码、商品名称、数量、装船港及货物估计到达装船港的日期。

    As I understand it , you are also to inform us of the contract number , name of commodity , quantity , loading port and the estimated time when the goods will reach the port of loading .

  19. 合同号,合同设备名称,实际装货数量,总的毛重,总的体积,船名,装船完成日期或开航日期,预计到达卸货港日期。

    Contract no. , name of contract equipment , actual loading quantity , total gross weight , total volume , vessel name , completion date of loading or sailing date , the estimated date of arrival at the port of unloading .

  20. 买方承担货物在运输途中直至到达目的港为止的一切费用,除非这些费用根据运输合同应由卖方支付。

    The buyer would bear all costs and charges relating to the goods whilst in transit until their arrival at the port of destination , unless such costs and charges were for the seller 's account under the contract of carriage .

  21. 然而在货油的运输过程中,为了保证船舶到达目的港后能够把货油顺利的卸出,通常要对液货进行加温和保温操作,以满足卸油的要求。

    However in the process of oil transportation , in order to guarantee unloading to cargo oil successfully when ships arrives the goal port , usually cargo oil must be heated and heat preservation , which meets the requirement of cargo oil 's unloading .

  22. 国内无航政机关或国外无驻外使领馆、代表处、办事处或外交部授权机构之地区,雇用人应于到达船籍港三日内补办雇佣契约验证手续。

    Where no one shipping administration authority or embassy , consulate , representative office or authorized organization is available in a domestic or a foreign area , the employer shall prepare the verification procedures within three days after the ship arrives at her registration port .

  23. 在14世纪,来自淋巴结鼠疫感染地区的船只到达意大利的威尼斯港时要在港外停留40天。

    In the fourteenth century , ships that arrived in Venice , Italy , from areas infected with bubonic plague had to stay outside port for forty days .