
  • 网络German Films
  1. 德国电影并不是自动的挤身于欧洲各大重要的电影节。无论是在威尼斯电影节还是嘎纳影展,与其说是面对众多优秀的竞争者,不如说是获得更多在公众面前曝光的机会。

    German films do not automatically make the grade in this most important of European festivals ( which is more accessible to the general public than its more glamorous rivals , Venice and Cannes ) .

  2. 这使我想起了1927年的德国电影Metropolis。

    I am reminded of the1927 German movie Metropolis .

  3. 德国电影节基本上由中国的歌德学院(Goethe-InstitutChina)主办,施隆多夫作品的回顾展是本届电影节的重头戏。

    The German film festival , largely organized by the Goethe-Institut China , had as its centerpiece a retrospective of Mr. Schl ? ndorff 's films .

  4. 其中的两个人是中国演员兼导演姜文和德国电影制作人沃克·施隆多夫(VolkerSchlndorff),在德国电影节(FestivalofGermanCinema)开幕的周末,他们坐在台上进行了对话。

    Two of them , the Chinese actor and director Jiang Wen and the German filmmaker Volker Schl ? ndorff , sat on stage in a conversation on the opening weekend of the Festival of German Cinema .

  5. 他是一位赢得无数荣誉的德国电影导演。

    He 's an award - winning German film director .

  6. 制片称这将是德国电影史上耗资最钜的电影。

    Its producers call it the most expensive German film of all time .

  7. 本届德国电影节从10月12日持续到26日,在中国四个城市举办活动。

    The festival , from Oct. 12 to 26 , travels to four Chinese cities .

  8. 本课程主要想了解二战后的德国电影制片。

    This course is an invitation to German film-making since the end of the Second World War .

  9. 柏林吸引了许多来自世界各地的艺术家,他们认为柏林是德国电影的非官方首都。

    Artists from around the world are attracted to Berlin and many consider Berlin the unofficial capital of German film .

  10. 柏林电影博物馆的罗尔夫·吉森博士告诉记者,这部电影冲破了德国电影的禁区。

    Dr Rolf Giesen , from the Film Museum in Berlin , told reporters that the film had broken taboos in German cinema .

  11. 在西方,他主要受到意大利新浪潮电影和德国电影的拍摄手法和拍摄技巧的影响。

    In the West , he is mainly affected by the Italian New Wave cinema and German film shooting style and technique of shooting .

  12. 传统德国电影的崩溃终于令电影的经济基础坍塌了,从理念到实践我们都抵制这种电影制作模式。

    The collapse of the conventional German film finally removes the economic basis for a mode of filmmaking whose attitude and practice we reject .

  13. 一部以希特勒为主要角色的电影在柏林举行了首映,这部影片塑造的希特勒形象冲破了德国电影最后的禁区。

    A new film which breaks one of the last taboos of German cinema by portraying Hitler in a central role , has premiered in berlin .

  14. 关于新德国电影的制作,我们有理性、正规和经济上的确切认识,我们作为一个集体,已经做好准备来承担经济风险。

    We have concrete intellectual , formal , and economic conceptions about the production of the new German film We are as a collective prepared to take economic risks .

  15. “德国人认为意大利人太戏剧化、夸夸其谈,而意大利人觉得德国电影太沉闷,”坎贝尔先生说。

    " The Germans thought the Italians were too theatrical and over the top , while the Italians thought the German film was very boring ," says Mr campbell .

  16. 我们也会透过几部电影了解当时东德的电影制作,并观察德国电影从90年代迄今所选择极为不同的走向。

    We will also look at examples of East Germany 's film production and finally observe the very different roads German cinema has been taking from the1990 's into the present .

  17. 换句话说:德国电影的独特之处为何,如何精确地欣赏偏离主流传统的电影?

    In other words : what is so different about German Cinema , and how can we appreciate it precisely for the ways in which it veers from the " dominant " convention ?

  18. 走在解放的途中(上)&论德国女性电影导演玛格蕾特·封·特洛塔早期五部电影创作主题的独特女性主义视角

    Ideology and Feminist Film Theory On the Road to Liberation & the Unique Feminist Visions

  19. M就是凶手是一部上映于1931年的德国恐怖电影,导演弗里茨·朗,主演彼得·罗瑞。

    M is a 1931 German drama-thriller directed by Fritz Lang and starring Peter Lorre .

  20. 据德国联邦电影委员会估计,德国去年上映的约175部英语影片中,超过九成是配音版。

    Of the 175 or so English-language films released here last year , the German Federal Film Board estimates that more than 90 percent were dubbed .

  21. 据德国表演、电影和电视职业协会(InstituteforActing,FilmandTelevisionProfessionals)的数字,这个行业在2013年创收1.25亿美元。

    The industry generated $ 125 million in 2013 , according to the country 's Institute for Acting , Film and Television Professionals .

  22. 首先我认为这是对德国球迷的电影。

    Well , first of all I think it 's a film for the German fans .

  23. 德国抽象动画电影

    The Abstract Animated Films in Germany

  24. 这个广告由德国一家电影学院的学生完成。

    Done on spec by a German film school , this ad spoofs the horror classic The Exorcist .

  25. 喜欢德国歌曲和德国电影?

    Are you interested for German song and German film ?

  26. 使我感到惊恐因为我仅在电视上看见过这样的镜头,在关于德国法西斯分子的电影中。

    I was frightened because I had seen such scenes only on TV , in movies about German fascists .

  27. 通过对这两部影片的深入分析,探讨德国文化在二战电影新思维下的具体表现形式。

    The article probes into the facets of German culture via the deep analysis of the above-mentioned two films .

  28. 美国军方要求怀尔德前往德国,帮助重组电影工业和广播媒体。

    Wilder was asked by the United States Army to go to Germany to help re-organize the movie industry and radio media .

  29. 德国视角影院注重德国电影的主题及风格趋势并向国际观众介绍德国电影行业的最新发展。

    The Perspektive Deutsches Kino looks at thematic and stylistic trends in German cinema and introduces international audiences to the latest developments in the German film industry .