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  1. 马克思和恩格斯在《德意志意识形态》中把自己称作是“实践的唯物主义者”。

    Marx and Engels called themselves " practical materialist " in their literature The German Ideology .

  2. 马克思在《德意志意识形态》中把现实的个人视为唯物史观的前提或出发点;

    Karl Marx viewed " realistic individual " in The German Ideology as the prerequisite or starting point of historical materialism .

  3. 这个时期以《德意志意识形态》为代表。

    This period of " German Ideology " as the representative .

  4. 论马克思在《德意志意识形态》中的世界历史理论思想

    Karl Marx 's World History Theory in " German Ideology "

  5. 《德意志意识形态》关于分工的论述及其作用

    The Discussion of Labor Division in The German Ideology and Its Significance

  6. 《德意志意识形态》中的异化思想评介

    The Comment on the Idea of Alienation in German Ideology

  7. 《德意志意识形态》中的世界历史理论。

    The theory of universal history is in The Consciousness of Germany .

  8. 《德意志意识形态》标志着马克思恩格斯文化观的正式形成。

    German Ideology marked the official formation of cultural view of Marx and Engels .

  9. 《德意志意识形态》价值哲学思想探微

    Research on Value Philosophy of German Ideology

  10. 敞亮人的存在状态&论《德意志意识形态》对人的存在之揭秘

    Brightening Man 's Existence & To Reveal the Secrets of Man 's Existence in German Ideology

  11. 马克思主义法哲学的理论基石&重读《德意志意识形态》

    The Theoretic Foundation Stone of Marxism Legal Philosophy & A Second Read on German Ideology ;

  12. 《德意志意识形态》的出版开启了意识形态理论研究的新路径。

    The publication of The German Ideology opened new road for research of the ideological theory .

  13. 《德意志意识形态》中蕴涵的交往思想

    Communication Thoughts in German Ideology

  14. 《德意志意识形态》中唯物史观的形成被抽掉哲学观前提;

    The forming of materialist conception of history in Formation of German Ideologywas taken out the premise of philosophy ;

  15. 异化的终结思想的腾飞&论马克思恩格斯《德意志意识形态》中的异化观

    The End of Alienation and the Soar of Thought & On Alienation Views of Marx and Engels in The German Ideology

  16. 意识形态没有历史是马克思在《德意志意识形态》一文中提出的一个否定性、批判性的命题。

    Marx has put forward a negative and critical viewpoint on " Ideology has no history " in The Germany Ideology .

  17. 略论唯物史观审视历史的基点&《德意志意识形态》对唯物史观的贡献

    On the Basic Points of History Observation of the History Materialism & the Contribution of Historical Materialism in the German Ideology

  18. 《德意志意识形态》研究,仅仅表现以简要介绍、专题汇编、语录等形式的学习性研究。

    There were only learning Research such as Brief Introduction , Thematic Compilation , and Quotations in the research of German Ideology .

  19. 马克思恩格斯在《德意志意识形态》中提出了唯物史观的两个前提(出发点),即历史前提与逻辑前提。

    Marx and Engles put forward two premises ( starting points ) of historical materialism , the historical premises and the logical premise .

  20. 文章通过解读文本,阐述了《德意志意识形态》的分工理论对于建构唯物史观的作用。

    By interpreting the text , this paper presents the significance of labor division theory of The German Ideology in constituting historical materialism .

  21. 《德意志意识形态》的异化思想与《1844年经济学哲学手稿》的异化思想具有内在、明晰、严谨的逻辑关联性。

    From The Manuscript of Economics and Philosophy in 1844 to The German Ideology , the internally logic correlation of alienation is clear and strict .

  22. 在马克思主义哲学中,有一个隐性的全球化理论,《德意志意识形态》是这种隐性全球化理论的滥觞。

    In Marxist philosophy , there is a recessive theory of globalization , and the German Ideology is the origin of this recessive theory of globalization .

  23. 历史唯物主义形成的标尺&从《1844年经济学哲学手稿》到《德意志意识形态》分工范畴的分析

    Benchmark Formed by Historical Materialism & An Analysis on the Labor Division Category from the Manuscript of Economics and Philosophy in 1844 to the German Ideology

  24. 这对于巩固马克思主义在意识形态领域的主导地位是有其积极意义的,但这也进一步拉开了与国外《德意志意识形态》文献学研究的距离。

    It played an important role in consolidating the dominant position of Marxist ideology , but also further widen with the foreign literature research of German Ideology .

  25. 隐性全球化理论的哲学确证&对《德意志意识形态》中全球化思想的原像探索

    The Conclusive Philosophical Proof of the Recessive Theory of Globalization & An Exploration of the " Original Model " of the Idea of Globalization in the German Ideology

  26. 马克思和恩格斯合作完成的《德意志意识形态》,不仅使意识形态概念获得了理论上的重大意义,也为学者们研究意识形态概念提供了新路径。

    It not only lays theoretical foundation for the concept of ideology , but also provides new ways for scholars to do research on the concept of ideology .

  27. 价值本质论、价值评价论等哲学价值论思想在《德意志意识形态》中都有所研究。

    This book studies value ontology , value evaluation and the value philosophy theory of German ideology , which is of great significance to contemporary Chinese value theory research .

  28. 本文试就马克思在《德意志意识形态》中所阐释的现实的个人范畴,并在唯物史观的理论体系内,对其做出较为系统的说明。

    This paper tentative provides a systematic explanation to the category of ' Real Individual ' proposed by Marx in his masterpiece German Ideology in the context of Historical Materialism .

  29. 从《德意志意识形态》中诸多范畴的三个层次之间内在的相互影响、相互作用的关系把握马克思主义的唯物史观不失为一个独特的解读视角。

    It is actually a unique interpretation to understand the Marxist historical materialism from the perspectives of the interactivities among the three levels of the many categories in German Ideology .

  30. 对《德意志意识形态》的实践,无论是哲学政治化的旧错,还是实践拜物教的新误,都使我们的马克思主义中国化面对着现代性的悖论。

    In the practice of German Ideology , whether the old fault of politicized philosophy or the new error of practical worship make Marxist Sinicization facing the paradox of modernity .