
  • 网络Ancient Roman religion;Religion in ancient Rome
  1. 随着罗马人对不列颠的征服和统治,古罗马宗教和东部地中海沿岸地区的一些其它宗教传入不列颠。

    With the conquest and domination of the Romans on Britain , the Roman religion and the Eastern Mediterranean coastal areas of some other religion passed in Britain .

  2. 关于古罗马的宗教和神话的研究

    a study of the religions and mythologies of ancient Rome

  3. 死者灵魂死者的灵魂,在古罗马的宗教中被认为是一种较次要的超自然力量。

    The spirits of the dead , regarded as minor supernatural powers in ancient Roman religion .

  4. 这里曾经是古罗马的商业,宗教和政治中心

    that this was once the center of commerce , religion , and politics in ancient Rome .

  5. 作为古罗马文化象征之一的角斗并非一种单纯孤立的娱乐方式,它与古罗马的宗教、政治、经济、文化及古罗马的兴衰都有着密切的联系。

    As one of the symbols of Ancient Roman culture , gladiatorial combats isn 't a type of amusement only , instead , it is closely related to religion , politics , economy , culture , the rise and decline of Ancient Rome and has a profound effect on them .