
  • 网络school act
  1. 学校法规定孩子上特别班应征得家长同意。

    The school laws state that parents be consulted regarding special class .

  2. 建议制订《学校法》以弥补教育法、民法监护制度的不足。

    It is urged to lay down the school law to make up the defection on guardianship in the education law and the civil law .

  3. 现在的教科书审定制度是根据1947年颁布的学校教育法制定的。

    The school education law enacted in1947 created the current system of textbook authorization .

  4. 卡内基高等学校分类法是美国最有影响力、最有代表性的高等学校分类方法。

    Carnegie Classification of Higher Education Institutions is the most influential and representative classifications in the United States .

  5. 郑啸提醒说,一些学校没法控制学生的待遇、工作量以及他们在公司是否感到安全。

    Zheng warns that some schools are not able to control how much their students are paid and worked , and how secure they feel at the company facilities .

  6. 那些本来成为作家或演员的人,(因为听了别人的建议)转而选择了一条谨慎的路,去上会计学校、法学院或牙科学校。

    They are people who wanted to be writers or performers , and decided instead to take the cautious route and go to accountancy school or law school or dental school .

  7. 自1973年公开发布以来,卡内基教学促进基金会分别于1976年、1987年、1994年、2000年和2005年对其高等学校分类法进行了五次修订。

    Derived from empirical data on Colleges and universities , the " carnegie classification " was published for use by the Carnegie Commission on higher education in1973 , and it was subsequently revised in1976198719942000and2005 .

  8. 2002年修改后的日本《学校教育法》不仅确立了大学的第三方评价制度,而且对现行日本大学制度的改革做了新的规定。

    The School Education Law of Japan was successfully revised in 2002.The revised law not only introduces the continual third party evaluation system into the higher education institutions but also provides more flexibility for the reorganization of faculties and departments of the universities .

  9. 论公立学校的行政法地位

    On the Status of Administrative Law of the Public School

  10. 职业学校开展学法指导的认识与思考

    Cognition and thinking of launching guide of a method of study in vocational school

  11. 论高等学校在行政法上的定位

    On Higher Schools Status in Administration Law

  12. 逐步制定一套完善的学校教育产业法,促进学校体育教育产业化的形成;

    A set of perfect laws for school sports industry should be established to speed up the industrialization of school sports .

  13. 近几年,我国的职业教育在蓬勃发展,构建适合非经济法专业以及非法律专业的职业学校《经济法》教材体系显得尤为重要,本文对其基本原则、内容及意义进行阐述。

    Its vitally important to establish a textbook system of economic law which is suitable for the non economic law majors and non law majors in vocational schools .

  14. 这所学校相信互动教学法。

    The school believes in interactive teaching methods .

  15. 但学校官员认为隐私法阻止弗吉尼亚理工大学共享这些信息资料。

    But school officials thought privacy laws prevented sharing this information with Virginia Tech.

  16. 他发现他把课本丢在学校里,没法做家庭作业了。

    He could not do his home work , as he found he had left his textbook at school .

  17. 没有早餐,孩子就无法正常的成长,上午在学校里就没法学习得好和玩的好。

    Without breakfast children may not grow as fast as they should and may not study and play as well in school in the morning as they can .

  18. 听说过道路交通法的中学生比例为85.7%,在学校接受过交通法教育的中学生只有68.1%。认为交通安全应该由行人、机动车和非机动车共同负责的学生比例为69.5%。

    85.7 % students have heard the law about road traffic , 68.1 % students reported that they were instructed in their schools , only 69.5 % students agreed that traffic safety should be take charge by foot passengers , motor vehicles , and cycles ;

  19. 在公共行政的背景之下,本文提出公共职能标准来确定行政法的适用范围,得出公立高等学校应当接受行政法规制的结论,并对公立高等学校确立为公务法人的可行性进行分析。

    On the condition of public administration , the article brings forward the standard used to defined the applied sphere , makes the conclusion that public university should be obey the rules defined by administrative law , and analyses the feasibility to regard public university as public establishment .

  20. 美国特许学校运动正式兴起于1991年,以明尼苏达州第一部特许学校法的颁布为标志。

    The Charter School Movement in the USA first sprung up in 1991 , symbolized by the first charter school law issued by State Minnesota .