
  1. 新古典主义艺术崇尚自然、古典、模仿,其哲学根源是笛卡尔主义哲学。

    Neo-classical art held dear nature , classicism and imitation .

  2. 雷诺兹奠定了古典主义艺术创作的法则,但他的美学思想又受到了英国经验主义美学的影响。

    Reynolds established the classicist writing principles , but his aesthetic idea was influenced by the British empiricist aesthetics .

  3. 论医患关系恶化的哲学根源:医学的异化新古典主义艺术崇尚自然、古典、模仿,其哲学根源是笛卡尔主义哲学。

    On the Philosophical Root-cause of the Deterioration in Relationship between Patient and Doctor-Medical Alienation Neo-classical art held dear nature , classicism and imitation .

  4. 现代主义艺术将主观自我意识定位于意向性关系域中予以考察,既非古典主义艺术的克制自我,也非浪漫主义艺术的张扬自我,而是将其转而为客体自我予以显现。

    Modernistic art examines subjective self consciousness in the light of intentional relationship . It is neither self-restraint in the art of classicism nor self-display in the art of romanticism , but a converted object self-manifestation .

  5. 通过新古典主义艺术和徽派图形艺术之间的比较性的分析和研究,对我们当代人在宣传徽派图形艺术时能够有更好的帮助并打下基础。

    Through the analysis and comparative study between the new classical art and style of graphic art , to our contemporary people can in the propaganda of Huizhou graphic arts have better help and to lay the foundation .

  6. 笛卡尔哲学的怀疑主义和批判精神,推动了科学思想的巨大进步,但对于宗教神学和国家权力的妥协,影响到新古典主义艺术对于绝对主义国家意志的顺从姿态。

    The spirit of doubt and criticism as found in Descartes ′ philosophy pushed forward a tremendous progress in scientific thought , However , because of its compromise to theology and state power , it led to the submission of new-classical art to absolute state will .

  7. 在情节设置、内心刻画和语言运用等方面又尽显古典主义的艺术规范。

    Up , internal description and dramatic language embodied artistic standard of classicism .

  8. 结语总结了文艺复兴与法国新古典主义的艺术特点。

    The conclusion summarizes artistic characteristics of the Renaissance and the French neoclassicism .

  9. 反映了其审美救世主义的价值追求和现实指向。三、和谐、节制&古典主义的艺术风格。

    Reflect the pursuit of value and reality point of its aesthetic messianism . , Harmony , moderation-neoclassical artistic expression .

  10. 在谈到与思考英语,“新古典主义”艺术意味着在每一个特定的佳能的“经典”模式。

    Speaking and thinking in English ," neoclassicism " in each art implies a particular canon of " classic " models .

  11. 新古典主义与艺术上回归理性模型的潮流是同时发生的,可以视为对于一次大战的回应。

    Neo-classicism was born at the same time as the general return to rational models in the arts in response to World War I.

  12. 它是不同于文艺复兴古典主义的新艺术风格,是人们摆脱精神束缚后对世俗快乐的尽情享受。

    The style reflects the enjoyment of vulgar happiness after people break away from the bondage of spirit , very different from the Renaissance .

  13. 成堆的瓷砖和悬挂的嵌板展现了多种历史风格,如西班牙摩尔风、文艺复兴、巴洛克、新古典主义、新艺术和装饰艺术等。

    Stacks of tiles and hanging panels embody historical styles such as Hispano-Moorish , Renaissance , Baroque , neo-Classical , Art Nouveau and Art Deco .

  14. 既然十八世纪古典主义音乐极具艺术价值,为什么会在十九世纪让位于浪漫主义音乐?

    The 18th century classical music owned the utmost point possesses artistic value , but why did it give its position to romantic music in 19th century ?

  15. 西方意象派之意象观并非是对浪漫主义意象观的彻底否定,而是新古典主义和浪漫主义艺术观的折中妥协。

    It is instead an artistic compromise between Neo - classicism and Romanticism .