
  • 网络French art;Franch;French Beaux-Arts
  1. 本章节通过对这些画派作品的分析和整理来研究安格尔的艺术观与十九世纪法国美术之间的关系,对于我们更深刻地了解安格尔和19世纪的法国美术具有重要意义。

    A comprehensive analysis and finishing with the striker in the 19th century aesthetic , the relationship between the French art for us a deeper understanding of the striker and 19th century French art is of great significance .

  2. 法国巴黎美术学院是国际著名的美术院校,20世纪60年代起,她以其一系列的改革,以开放的心态,与社会文化和当代艺术的发展趋势紧密结合,成为现代高等美术院校教育的典范

    Paris Art College is world-famous in the sense that it has been undergoing a series of reforms and opening up to the outside world that makes it a good example of modern art college education

  3. 他抱持到法国去研究美术的希望。

    He nourishes the hope of going to France to study fine arts .

  4. 请注意:法国国家现代美术馆的其中一个展地因重新粉刷目前已被关闭。

    Please note : one of the floors of the Mus é e national d'art moderne is currently closed for refurbishment .

  5. 拥有法国文学和美术学位的他搬到巴黎来撰写关于建筑和城市规划的博士论文。

    Holding degrees in French Literature and Fine Arts , he moved to Paris to do a doctoral dissertation on architecture and urban planning .

  6. 1924年入上海美术专科学校。1925年进入法国巴黎高等美术学院让·保尔·罗朗斯画室学习,与周碧初、汪日章、颜文梁同学。

    He entered Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts in1924 , and pursued his further study with Zhou Bichu , Wang Rizhang and Yan Wenliang in ENSBA ( Ecole Nationale Sup é rieure des Beaux-Arts ) in1925 .

  7. 这是法国最古老的美术馆。

    This is the oldest museum in France .