
  1. 巴金:革命年代的五四话语

    Bajin : " May 4 Discourse " in the Revolution Year

  2. 这表明,当代中国社会开始由革命年代的超越性乌托邦社会主义朝向现世性的世俗社会主义转变。

    This indicated the transformation from Eutopia socialism of revolutionary age to worldly socialism of now in present Chinese society .

  3. 在价值上,红色歌谣不仅是革命年代革命友谊的见证,也是红军文化和红军精神的载体。

    They are not only witness of revolutionary friendships in the revolutionary years , but also carriers of the culture and spirit of red army .

  4. 这两个在革命年代是英雄,但是在和平年代却又存在着不同的问题,这与作者的意识形态和价值追求有关。

    They were the heroes in the Revolution , but in times of peace there are different problems , which is connected with the author 's pursuit of ideology .

  5. 发生工业革命的年代。

    The years that witnessed the industrial revolution .

  6. 延安精神形成于革命战争年代的延安时期。

    Yan'an Spirit was born in Yan'an period of the revolution and war times .

  7. 革命战争年代的延安女杰的激昂与精神危机中的坚韧凄凉。

    To discuss the passion of the heroine and her tenacious misery in Yanan during the Revolutionary War Time .

  8. 前者形成于战争与革命的年代,后者形成于和平与发展的时代。

    The former was formed in the age of war and revolution , the latter in peace and development .

  9. 应用大量详实史料,对杨东莼在革命战役年代和社会主义建设时期所从事的教育实践活动入行了完全地评述。

    The author makes full use of accurate historical materials and tries to make a complete statement about Yang 's educational practice .

  10. 建国后,党在执政方式上基本沿袭了革命战争年代的一元化领导体制。

    After the People 's Republic of China founded , the party mainly carried on the centralized leading system as before on the governing method .

  11. 原来,即便在革命的年代,政治的影响在经济的利润面前,终究是要打掉折扣的。

    It turned out that in an age of revolution , political influence would be at a discount when it was faced with economic profits .

  12. 互助原则在革命战争年代显得不合时宜,但在和平建设时期却是社会发展的主导原则。

    The cooperation principle is not suitable in the revolutionary age , but actually it is the social development leading and guiding principle in peace time .

  13. 在革命战争年代和建国初期,党依靠强有力的思想政治工作赢得了民心,赢得了人民群众的拥护与支持。

    During the revolutionary war and in the early period of new China , the Party enjoyed the ardent support of the people depending on th political ideological work .

  14. 首先,必须承认在过去的革命战争年代以及社会主义建设时期,思想政治教育都发挥了巨大的作用。

    First of all , we must recognize that in the past and the revolutionary war period of socialist construction , ideological and political education has played a huge role .

  15. 同时,对我国古代和革命战争年代、资本主义国家和其他社会主义国家的理想信念教育经验进行分析总结。

    At the same time , the ideal and faith education in ancient China and the age of revolutionary war 、 capitalistic states and the other socialist states will be studied .

  16. 在革命战争年代,党号召全党同志不怕牺牲、前赴后继地为革命的胜利而英勇斗争。

    During the revolutionary wartime , our Party called on all its members to fight bravely and fear no sacrifice , and advance wave upon wave for the victory of revolution .

  17. 思想政治教育作为党和国家的有力武器,在过去的革命战争年代及社会主义建设时期都发挥了巨大的作用。

    As a powerful weapon of the party and the state , ideological and political education has played a huge role in the revolutionary war time and the period of socialist construction .

  18. 过去在革命战争年代,各方面的红军,各个革命根据地的干部,形成各个山头,那是自然形成的。

    During the revolutionary war years , the Red Army on the different fronts and cadres from different revolutionary base areas formed various " mountain strongholds "; these came into being naturally .

  19. 闻名遐迩的沂蒙红嫂是沂蒙山区广大妇女拥军支前的光辉形象,是革命战争年代沂蒙女性的群体形象。

    The famous " Yimeng Red Sisters " is the brilliant image of Yimeng women supporting the army and the front . It is the collective images of Yimeng women in the revolutionary period .

  20. 在革命战争年代,他的社会公平思想的践行,起着凝聚民心、鼓舞民意、激励广大人民去推翻不合理的旧制度,建立新社会的巨大作用。

    During the revolutionary war , the practice of his ideas on social justice plays the significant pole on agglomerating people , inspiring people , motivating people to overthrow the unreasonable old systems and establish a new society .

  21. 革命战争年代,儿童团员、共青团员创造了可歌可泣的英雄业绩。在敦刻尔克之役可歌可泣的历史中,它将年复一年地傲然前进。

    During the years of revolutionary wars , members of the Children 's Corps and the Communist Youth League performed stirring deeds of heroism . She 'll go sailing proudly down the years in the epic of Dunkirk .

  22. 现在,在革命和战争年代的法国拿破仑的扩张性政策的蔓延,助长了新的思潮在19世纪初,整个系列。

    Now the spread of the Revolution and French expansionary policies during the era of the Napoleonic Wars , contributed to an entire series of new intellectual trends in the early19th century .

  23. 他在革命和战争年代,把马克思主义战略策略基本原理创造性地运用于中国实际,为发展革命统一战线,夺取中国革命的胜利,作出了杰出的贡献;

    He applied the basic principles of Marxist strategy and tactics creatively to Chinese practice during the revolution and war years , and made brilliant contributions to the development of revolutionary united front and the victory of the Chinese revolution ;

  24. IT革命改变了90年代的世界经济增长格局。

    IT revolution changed me growth pattern of world economy in 1990s .

  25. 革命老区在战争年代付出了巨大牺牲,作出了极大贡献。

    The old revolutionary base areas paid a huge sacrifice and made a great contribution during the war years .

  26. 于是在革命与战争的年代,女性与革命政治,女性与民族和阶级解放的时代主题紧密联结起来。

    In the revolutionary years and wartime , women ' lives are closely connected with revolution , politics and so on .

  27. 红色革命歌曲没有随着年代而失色,反而一再激发民众的歌咏热情。

    The Red Songs ( Revolutionary Songs ) do not fade with the elapsing of the age , but have grasped the interest of the people time and again .

  28. 解放区文学叙事中的革命伦理彰显了革命战争年代崇高的革命意识,并通过与文学叙事的有机结合参与了现代中国革命与民族国家的建构。

    The revolution ethics showed the respectable revolution consciousness of revolution war in narrative of liberated areas literature , and had a hand in establishment of modern revolutionary and nation of China through combination with literature narratives .

  29. 然而随着信息革命、市场经济革命尤其是90年代知识经济的爆发,使得官僚制政府的生存环境发生变迁,官僚制范式的内在局限性和不适应性日益暴露出来。

    However , with the development of the information revolution , market economy revolution , and especially with the eruption of Knowledge Economy , the existent surrounding of bureaucratic government has changed and the limitation and inelasticity of the bureaucratic paradigm has exposed .