
  • 网络Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery;cemetery of revolutionary martyrs
  1. 系统研究并具体提出革命烈士陵园规划思想的尚且还没有。

    There have no system and specific study on the planning ideas of the Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery yet .

  2. 本文的不足之处有:①革命烈士陵园景区化规划思想的理论研究不够;②革命烈士陵园景区化规划思想内涵研究不够深入和全面。

    The inadequacies of this article are : The theoretical study is not enough ; Ideological content was not thorough enough and comprehensive .

  3. 本文的创新之处有:①提出革命烈士陵园景区化规划思想;②提出革命烈士陵园的规划策略和方法;③对革命烈士陵园进行了基础研究。

    The innovation of this paper are : Put forward the planning ideology ; Put forward the planning strategies and methods ; Do the basic research on the Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery .