
ɡé mìnɡ chuán tǒnɡ
  • revolutionary tradition
  1. 地方革命传统与大学生核心价值观教育&以弘扬闽西革命传统为例

    Local Revolutionary Tradition and Education of Core Values for College Students

  2. 北京是一座具有光荣革命传统的伟大城市。

    Bejing is a great city with a glorious revolutionary tradition .

  3. 红军的光荣革命传统一直发扬到今天。

    The red army 's glorious revolutionary traditions have carried over to the present day .

  4. 同时,上海也是一个具有光荣革命传统的城市。

    Shanghai is also a city with a long revolutionary past .

  5. 他的父亲经常要求他要继承光荣的革命传统。

    His father often asked him to inherit the glorious revolutionary tradition .

  6. 论革命传统精神在新时代的嬗变和升华

    On Transformation and Promotion of Revolutionary and Traditional Spirit in New Times

  7. 众所周知,革命传统应当发扬。

    As everybody knows , the revolutionary tradition should be carried forward .

  8. 他们把革命传统传给了年轻一代。

    They transmitted the revolutionary tradition to the younger generation .

  9. 它是革命传统教育与旅游产业相结合的产物。

    It combines revolution tradition education with tourism industry .

  10. 革命传统思想道德文化在特区的现代转化

    Modern Transfer of the Revolutionary Tradition and Morality in the Special Economic Zones

  11. 我们相信这种革命传统将一代一代传下去。

    We believe this revolutionary tradition will carry through from generation to generation .

  12. 论中国革命传统道德规范

    On the Traditional Ethics Norm of the Chinese Revolution

  13. 进行民族团结和社会稳定的教育;加强革命传统的教育;

    Strengthening the education of national unity , social stability and revolutionary tradition ;

  14. 我们必须保持优良的革命传统。

    We must keep the fine revolutionary tradition alive .

  15. 宁化人民具有光荣的革命传统。

    Nanjing of people have a glorious revolutionary tradition .

  16. 这就要求我们所有同志发扬革命传统。

    Carry the revolutionary tradition forward , may you gain still greater glory .

  17. 主观原因包括:民族资产阶级有着光荣的革命传统;

    Subjective reasons included : firstly , the National Bourgeoisie had glorious revolution tradition .

  18. 北京由于这在中国现代史上光荣的革命传统而著称。

    Beijing is well known for its glorious revolutionary tradition in modern Chinese history .

  19. 惯例我们应该发扬革命传统。

    We shall carry forward the revolutionary tradition .

  20. 河北省革命传统教育资源保护与开发的现状分析

    States Analysis of the Educational Resources Protection and Development on Revolutionary Tradition in Hebei Province

  21. 所以,中华民族又是一个有光荣的革命传统和优秀的历史遗产的民族。

    Thus the Chinese nation has a glorious revolutionary tradition and a splendid historical heritage .

  22. 规划中设想把其开发成为对当代和后代进行革命传统教育的基地。

    It is designed into an educational base for Chinese people to remember the revolution .

  23. 山西大学是一所具有悠久历史和光荣革命传统的高等学校。

    Shanxi University , with a long history , and has a glorious revolutionary tradition .

  24. 20世纪中国革命传统精神的生成发展

    On the Formation and Development of the Traditional Chinese Revolutionary Spirit in the 20th Century

  25. 武汉大学孕育了光荣的革命传统,积淀了厚重的人文底蕴。

    Wuhan University has a glorious revolutionary tradition and enjoys a very high academic status .

  26. 中国的朝鲜族同国内各兄弟民族一样具有光荣的革命传统。

    The Chinese Korean has the same glorious revolutionary tradition with the other brother nationality in domestic .

  27. 加强中华民族优良传统、革命传统教育和国防教育。

    " Strengthen the Chinese nation good tradition , the revolution tradition and national defense education " .

  28. 我们决心要继续发扬艰苦奋斗的优良革命传统。

    We are determined to carry forward the fine revolutionary tradition of plain living and hard struggle .

  29. 韶山风景区是著名的红色旅游景区,全国革命传统教育和爱国主义教育基地。

    Shaoshan is a famous red tourist scenic zone , national revolutionary tradition education and patriotism education base .

  30. 井冈山精神是革命传统精神与时代精神的有机统一。

    Jinggangshan spirit is the organic unity of the traditional revolutionary spirit and the spirit of the times .