
  • 网络rule consciousness
  1. 并从企业和政府两个角度论述了如何树立规则意识,在WTO的规则框架内获取最大的收益。

    Discusses how to set up rule consciousness from enterprise and government respects to win the biggest profit within WTO regulations .

  2. 强化规则意识,实现法治效益;

    Enhance the rule consciousness to carry out the rule of law performance ;

  3. Schmidt(19901993)提出在注意层次上对语言形式具有的意识是二语学习所必须的,而在语言规则意识层次上的意识则能极大有利于对语言的学习。

    Schmidt ( 1990 , 1993 ) has argued that conscious awareness of form at the level of noticing is necessary to subsequent second language development and that consciousness at the level of rule awareness is strongly facilitative of subsequent learning .

  4. 离开了翻译的主体间性,翻译的规则意识和价值意识就无从谈起。

    Without inter-subjectivity , translation will lose its rule and value .

  5. 提高规则意识构建和谐社会

    Promoting the Consciousness of Regulations to the Constructing a Harmonious Society

  6. 论加强足球运动员的规则意识训练

    To Strengthen the Rules Awareness of Training to Football Players

  7. 儿童识字能力与汉字规则意识关系研究

    A Study on the Relationship between Children 's Literacy and Character Regularity Awareness

  8. 龙永图:中国入世需强化规则意识

    Long Yongtu : Heighten " Sense of Rules and Regulation " of WTO

  9. 规则意识的社会政治依托&政治文明

    The Socio-Political Backstopping of Rule Consciousness & Political Civilization

  10. 强化规则意识推进依法行政进程

    Enhance Rule Awareness to Promote Administration by Law

  11. 大学生思想政治教育应加强规则意识的培养

    Ideological and Political Education Should Strengthen the Rule-awareness

  12. 运行理念由人治观念向规则意识转变。

    The operating idea switches from the concept of rule by man to regulation consciousness .

  13. 规则意识教育:职业学校德育课教学的新视角

    Rule Consciousness Education & The New Angle of View of Moral Education Teaching in Vocational School

  14. 第四,在当代大学生中树立规则意识;

    Fourthly , it is of importance to help college students to establish the consciousness of " rules ";

  15. 结果发现:(1)对汉字中的规则意识得更早的儿童有更高的识字能力。

    The results show that ( 1 ) Children who have an earlier awareness of character regularity can develop better literacy .

  16. 三到六年级汉语儿童英语拼写发展及其与正字法规则意识的关系

    The Development of English Spelling in Chinese Elementary School Students from Third to Sixth Grade and Its Relationship with Orthographic Awareness

  17. 规则意识不仅是公民要坚守的,更是司法工作者特别是刑事司法工作者最应坚持的基本理念。

    The rule should be abide by not only the citizen but also the judicial workers , especially the criminal judical workers .

  18. 职业意识主要包括职业目标意识、专业意识、责任意识、团队意识、规则意识、竞争意识和自我创新意识。

    Occupational consciousness can be mainly divided by consciousness of occupation target , major , responsibility , teamwork , rule , competition and innovation .

  19. 规则意识的缺失并不是现在才有的,也不单单是某一领域的具体问题。

    Lack of rule consciousness does not merely exist in modern times , and it is not a concrete problem in some specific field .

  20. 另一方面还要加强对学生为适应未来知识经济的挑战而必须具备的如创新精神、团队协作精神、人本主义观念、规则意识等的培养和教育。

    On the other hand , it should strengthen to train students ' innovative spirit , team cooperative spirit , humanism conception and regulation consciousness .

  21. 加强道德建设、实行互动教学、强化规则意识是克服少数大学生道德信仰模糊的一些对策。

    Some countermeasures might be taken to overcome this phenomenon , including strengthening ethic construction , implementing interactive teaching , and emphasizing on rules awareness .

  22. 他表示,从小培养青少年的规则意识及要求他们尊重他人,甚至比教授法律知识更加重要。

    He said cultivating adolescents ' awareness of obeying rules and respecting others from a young age was even more important than teaching legal knowledge .

  23. 教育者僵化的规则意识使得教育者自己成为学生规则的制定者、灌输者与监督者,忽略了学生主体性的发挥;

    Educator 's rigid regular consciousness make educators become formulation person , inculcator and supervisor , and neglect the full play of students ' entity .

  24. 激活被试的规则意识,能明显的促进推理成绩的提高,但是这种促进作用受到题目形式的影响。

    Activated the consciousness of rules , the grades of the students were obviously improved , but the improvement was influenced by the form of questions .

  25. 本文的研究成果有利于进行公民规则意识的培育,有利于以上两个方面问题的解决。

    The results of this study is conducive to the cultivation of civic awareness of the rules is conducive to the solution of these two aspects .

  26. 推动规则意识在外部权威的规约,内心信念的引导和规则意识的践行中发展和完善。

    To promote it in the external authority of the compulsory , inner sense of faith and rules of guidance in the development and improvement of practice .

  27. 冲突解决的过程可以帮助个体学会协商、互助与合作,增长社会经验和规则意识,提高社会交往能力。

    During the process of resolving conflicts children can learn how to negotiate , help each other and how to cooperate and enhance the ability of social communication .

  28. 这种社会必然倡导社会个体间的诚信与社会安定,是推崇有序规则意识的法治社会;

    This society is certain to be a society governed by law with the awareness of order regulation which advocates the cordiality in social individuals and social stability .

  29. 培育和提高规则意识,必须依托于一定的社会政治文化环境,起关键作用的是政治文明的程度。

    To cultivate and enhance the rule consciousness is to be based on an appropriate socio-political environment , for which the degree of political civilization is of critical importance .

  30. 高职教育要紧扣专业特点&以法学高职(专)生规则意识与权利意识的培育为楔点

    Higher Education Must Pay More Attention to Specialty Characteristics & From the Perspective of Cultivating Rule Consciousness and Right Consciousness of the Students of Higher Legal Vocational Education or Junior Higher Education