
  • 网络Roadmap;layout;Plan;site plan;planning graph
  1. 发送确认的商场平面规划图给设计部开展与不同业主的沟通工作。

    Release the confirmed MP layout to Design Team for their coordination work with the different developers .

  2. 你们已经看过规划图了,是吧?

    You 've already seen the layout plans right ?

  3. 基于GIS的矿产资源规划图数字化

    The Digitization of Mineral Resources Programming Diagram Based on GIS

  4. 将各指标评价结果以图形形式利用地理信息系统(GIS),通过多指标分析叠加得到了沈阳城区地下水源热泵适宜性分区规划图。

    The ultima weight of each evaluation by GIS in graphical form . By analyzing of superposition to multiple pointer , zoning plan of groundwater source heat pump in Shenyang will be got .

  5. 基于CorelDraw的旅游规划图设计与制作&以天方富硒村旅游度假区为例

    Designing and Making Tourism Plan Map Bassed on CorelDraw

  6. 为了明确公司的战略重点和战略目标,作者首先运用SWOT方法对LN公司的内外部环境进行扫描,并在此基础上绘制了LN公司的战略规划图。

    In order to define the corporation 's strategic goals , the author firstly scans both the internal and external environments of the corporation through " SWOT " analysis .

  7. 详细叙述了用MAPGIS软件进行地质遗迹保护利用规划图的成图方法。

    This paper expounds in detail the mapping method for protection and utilization planning map of geological heritage by using MAPGIS software .

  8. 传统制图技术在土地利用总体规划图编制中暴露出的许多不足,使其很不适应当今土地管理的信息化需要,因此,机助制图(ComputerAidCartography,简称CAC)技术在此领域的应用应运而生。

    The traditional mapping method has many disadvantages , which is not apt to the need of information of land management , so the application of CAC technology in the field is reasonable .

  9. 制作土地利用分区图是编绘土地利用总体规划图中很重要的一项内容,通常的办法是手工或专业软件着色,这里介绍通过Photoshop制作该图件的方法步骤。

    Painting land-use subarea is a more important issue to drawing and painting subarea of overall land use plan , it is usually painted with handiwork or specialized software , but a method that painting it with Photoshop will be introduced here .

  10. 本文主要研究内容与结论如下:(1)本文以遥感影像为主要数据源,结合DEM、城市规划图等相关资料,采用GIS技术提取得到SLEUTH模型运行所需的输入数据层。

    The main contents and conclusions of this paper were as follows : ( 1 ) Remote sensing images was the main data of this study . Combined with DEM 、 city planning maps and other related data , input data layers were obtained for running SLEUTH model through GIS .

  11. 我画了张图表看最新就寝规划图

    I made a diagram , see ? New sleeping arrangements .

  12. 计算机编制城市规划图的方法探讨

    Discussion of Computer-Aided Design and Editing of Urban Planning Maps

  13. 在总体结构中主要设计了系统总体规划图和网络拓扑结构图。

    Designs a planning chart of the system and the network topology .

  14. 基于扩展目标规划图的网络攻击规划识别算法

    A Network Attack Plan Recognition Algorithm Based on the Extended Goal Graph

  15. 要报告空间规划图中的哪些形状。

    What shapes from the diagram do you want to report on ?

  16. GP&基于规划图的遗传规划算法

    GP : Genetic Planning Algorithm Based on Planning Graph

  17. 基于动态贝耶斯规划图的状态安全报警关联

    Stateful Security Alert Correlation by Dynamic Bayesian Plan Graph

  18. 秦皇岛森林公园彩色规划图测绘方法

    A method for surveying and drawing the colorful layout of Qinhuangdao Forest Park

  19. 具有制作审查和批准管道制图的专业知识如等距图规划图和附图等。

    Expertise in making checking approving piping drawings like isometrics layouts support drawings etc.

  20. 使用电子邮件发送打开的规划图,或将其传送给其他人。

    Send an open diagram through e-mail , or route it to others .

  21. 利用这一算法生成的规划图,在进行有效规划的搜索时是非常方便的。

    It is very convenient for the arithmetic to seek out a valid plan .

  22. 旅游规划图制图规范研究

    Study on the Standardization of Tourism Planning Blueprints

  23. 线性规划图上作业法的多解理论与求法

    The Theory and Process of Multiple Solution of Graphically Operating Method of Linear Programming

  24. 基于规划图原理和启发式状态空间搜索的智能规划算法在众多的智能规划算法中表现十分突出。

    Most Artificial Intelligent Planning algorithms are based on planning graph or state space search .

  25. 在纸上设计郁金香种植规划图。

    Design your tulip layout on paper .

  26. 当电子表格或数据库中的资产信息发生更改时,自动更新空间规划图。

    Automatically update the space plan diagram when asset information in the spreadsheet or database changes .

  27. 她复印了一份城市规划图。

    She photocopied the town plan .

  28. 许多规划图制定以后,未来城市的面貌也就有了个轮廓。

    Maps were drawn and charts prepared , in which the future city was sketched out .

  29. 但真正的投资机会却在东欧地图和城镇规划图方面。

    But the real investment opportunities lie in the maps and town plans of Eastern Europe .

  30. 任何希望寻找可能是便宜货的人,都应该留意欧洲大陆地图和城镇规划图。

    Anyone seeking a likely bargain should look out for maps and town plans of continental Europe .