
  • 网络Define tasks;teaching aims
  1. 结果显示,教师承担的教学任务十分繁重,多数教师实际完成的工作量远远超过了规定任务;

    The results show that teachers'working load is terribly heavy , and most of the teachers'actual working load surpassing the prescribed missions ;

  2. 我们今后订计划,一定要切合实际,并且留有余地。今后规定任务,一定不要过重,也不要过死。

    In future we must work out realistic plans that allow for some flexibility , being certain not to set too heavy or inflexible tasks any more .

  3. 空空导弹的末端效能是指用来执行规定任务所能达到预期目标的程度,也就是对目标的毁伤程度。

    Terminal efficiency of air-to-air missile is the evaluation degree when we carry out a prescriptive mission and attain an anticipative possible goal , in other words it is the target destroying degree .

  4. 分析得到的结果是令人满意的,从而进一步解决了如何通过较理想的效能模型,全面地预测防空导弹武器系统在给定条件下完成规定任务的能力问题。

    The results from the ability of satisfactory and can be used to quantize the ability of air defense missile systems to intercept targets under the conditions given by using an ideal efficiency model .

  5. 为定量地综合评价信息化高炮武器系统的作战效能,假设武器系统具有一定可用度和可信度条件下,对系统完成规定任务的能力提出了一种基于未确知理论的评价模型。

    In order to evaluate combat effectiveness of informationized AA gun weapon system comprehensively , on the assumption that weapon system has certain availability and confidence , an evaluation model for estimating capability that system performs certain tasks based on uncertain theory is proposed .

  6. 高校体育教学也应在完成教学大纲所规定任务的基础之上,加强自我锻炼技能的培养,使学生养成良好的锻炼习惯。

    Physical exersise ( PE ) in institutions of higher education should cultivate the students ' ability of self - exercise on the basis of accomplishing the tasks designed by the teaching programme so that the students can form a good habit of physical exercise .

  7. 追踪和管理所有规定的任务型工作流程步骤。

    Tracking and managing all the specified task-based workflow procedures .

  8. 除非你完成了规定的任务,否则不可能谈付费问题。

    Unless you have finished your assignment , discussing your payment is impossible .

  9. 他全力投入了自己所规定的任务。

    He has participated the intimate regulation of the task with all the strength .

  10. 强制执行这些规定的任务由价格管理局承担。

    Enforcement of these provisions was the task of the Office of Price Administration ( OPA ) .

  11. 在我国,扫除文盲是《宪法》规定的任务。

    In our country , the elimination of illiteracy is a " constitutional " provisions of the task .

  12. 迷失在有的明确有的又不明确的混乱语言当中;每个孩子都有明确规定的任务。

    Lost in a maze of words both defined and undefined ; each child has clearly defined duties .

  13. 任务成功概率是任务成功性的概率度量,指在规定的任务剖面内,产品能完成规定任务的概率。

    Mission completion success probability means the weapon system to fulfill the probability its mission in a prescribe task profile .

  14. 凡寻求克服天性的人,在开始的时候,给自己规定的任务不要太大或者太小。

    He that seeks victory over his nature , let him not set himself too great , nor too small tasks ;

  15. 仿真和实验结果表明提出的任务描述方法可行,事务执行器能够可靠地完成事务描述所规定的任务。

    Simulation and experimental results show the validity of the presented mission specification me-thod , and the mission executor can perform the specified tasks reliably .

  16. 土星的导引和控制系统的设计能使飞行器在规定的任务范围内提供合适的弹道和姿态方位。

    The Saturn guidance and control systems are designed to provide the proper trajectory and attitude orientation for the vehicle over a range of expected missions .

  17. 在这样的政府当中,行政管理是按照为促进公共福利的目的而组织起来的,并且具有仅仅完成单一意志所规定的任务才可能具有的那种简便和效率。

    In such governments administration has been organized to subserve the general weal with the simplicity and effectiveness vouchsafed only to the undertakings of a single will .

  18. 而在机器人技术的相关研究中,人机交互及离线编程系统是一个研究的难点和重点,它直接关系到机器人能否圆满地完成规定的任务。

    In robotics research , the man-machine interaction and off-line programming and is a difficult study field . It relates to that whether the robot can successfully complete the task .

  19. 其研究目的在于如何使船舶更好的完成上层指令规定的任务,按照一定的准则自动规划出由起始点到指定目标位置的最优航线。

    The purpose of the study is how to complete the top command ship mandate better , in accordance with certain criteria automatically planning target location specified by the starting point to the optimal route .

  20. 本文中对单模与三模冗余(TMR)方式进行了比较。讨论了模块可修复性和附加备用模块对TMR系统可靠度(表示在规定条件下任务的成功概率,它是定量指标)的影响。

    The comparison between TMR and simplex system is introduced Influences of repairable modules and additional spare modules on the reliability of TMR system are discussed .

  21. 本文提出了一个较通用的直升机机动科目分段函数描述方法,该方法可以对ADS-33E-PRF规定的大部分任务科目建立逆仿真所需的数学模型。

    A general mathematical method with subsection function is given to describe helicopter maneuver , most of mission task elements ( MTE ) defined in ADS-33E-PRF can be modeled .

  22. 本文首先构建了一类2自由度平面并联机构(PPKM),然后提出一个系统的方法来研究它们的优选问题,目的是为规定的操作任务选择一个最合适的机构方案。

    In this dissertation , a class of 2-DOF planar parallel mechanism ( PPKM ) is constructed , and then a unified method is put forward to solve the problem of their optimization for a specified operating task .

  23. 每天都有规定期限的任务。

    Everyday , there is a deadline to meet .

  24. 我们总要完成一连串规定期限的任务。

    We always have a deadline to meet .

  25. 21.2%的学生除了完成规定的学习任务外,能够主动地阅读相关的课外书籍。

    21.21 % students could read extra literature on one 's own initiative in addition to assignment .

  26. 实验线路上的运行表明,机器人较好地实现了自主越障,能够完成规定的巡检任务。

    Their operation along experimental lines shows that they satisfactorily negotiate obstacles automatically and fulfill specified inspection tasks . Laboratory ;

  27. 到1957年底,一五计划规定的各项任务除少部分农产品外大都超额完成。

    To the end of 1957 , first five-year plan for the various tasks in addition to a small number of foreign agricultural products are over-fulfilled .

  28. 数学思维能力的培养成为当今数学教育的焦点之一,也是新的《数学课程标准》中明确规定的教学任务之一。

    The question that how to cultivate the maths thought abilities has come to the one of focal point in maths education , and also one of teaching tasks in the newly-issued Mathematics Curriculum Criterion .

  29. 一是从根本上反省哲学本身的传统,以此重新规定思想的任务,以回答人类在其历史进程中所遭遇的根本挑战。

    The other is to reflect fundamentally on the tradition of philosophy itself to re specify the task of human thinking so as to face all the fundamental challenges to human beings in the course of history .

  30. 因此,党的文艺工作,在党的整个革命工作中的位置,是确定了的,摆好了的;是服从党在一定革命时期内所规定的革命任务的。

    Therefore , party work in literature and art occupies a definite and assigned position in Party revolutionary work as a whole and is subordinated to the revolutionary tasks set by the party in a given revolutionary period .