
  1. 案例以中国电子科技集团公司中原研究所的发展历程为背景材料,解剖其发展过程和战略变革历程,加深对军工科研院所的了解。

    To strengthen the understanding of military products development of the research institutes and academies by anatomizing its development and strategic reform history .

  2. 通过分析我国实施技术跨越发展战略的历程,本文将我国技术跨越发展分为三个阶段,并分别探讨了三个阶段的技术跨越政策、政策特征和存在问题。

    Through analyzing the process of implementing the technical leapfrogging strategy in our country , it divides the process into three stages , and separately discusses technical leapfrogging policy , policy characteristics and questions in each stage .

  3. 首先,从主体功能区提出的历史渊源出发,阐述了我国空间经济战略演变历程以及主体功能区出台过程,论证了主体功能区的基本内涵、特征、评价指标体系以及区域政策体系。

    First , the historical origin of from development priority zones , this paper expounds spatial economic strategy evolution and development process , demonstrates the basic connotation , the characteristics of development priority zones , evaluation index system and policy system in the region .

  4. 竞争情报在战略管理发展历程中的作用

    The Role of CI in the Historical Development of Strategic Management

  5. 这个政党开始了重新考虑政策和战略的艰难历程。

    The party has begun the painfulprocess of rethinking its policies and strategy .

  6. 企业经营战略的发展历程,其本质在于竞争优势的演变过程;

    The development of corporate business strategy is essentially an evolvement based upon competitive advantage .

  7. 第一章主要论述济南二机床集团公司竞争战略的实施历程,总结、分析其战略特征及实施效果。

    The first section relates the competitive strategy 's using process characteristics and results of this company .

  8. 战略管理理论历程及发展趋势美国雇员持股计划的发展历程与现状分析

    A Dynamic View of Evolution of Strategic Management Theory Development and Current Situation of ESOP in the US

  9. 基于作者的研究成果,介绍了国际营销理论与战略及其发展历程。

    The thesis shall introduce the international marketing theory and strategy development in stages based on authors ' research .

  10. 发展经济学在不同阶段的发展思路和指导方针,决定了上个世纪发展中国家对外贸易发展战略的演进历程。

    The developing ideas and policy guidelines of developing economics in the different stages concluded foreign trade and strategic track of developing countries in 20th century .

  11. 本文首先在回顾企业竞争战略理论发展历程的基础上,认为企业应考虑建立面向新时期新的竞争观。

    By reviewing the development of the competitive strategy of the enterprise , we tell that a new competitive view should be established in the new environments .

  12. 本文在介绍了我国银行业引入境外战略投资者的历程和合作现状后,从引资、引制和引智三个方面分析了境外战略投资者对我国上市商业银行绩效影响的作用。

    Then the article analyzes the ways that foreign strategic investors to affect the performance of listed commercial banks in China from three aspects : attract investment , cited system and introduce ideas .

  13. 然后分别对其中的三种模式,建立海外营销机构、跨国并购和反向OEM模式进行详尽的分析和研究,深入挖掘三种模式的战略特点、发展历程及优劣势对比。

    Then one of the three modes , respectively , the establishment of overseas marketing agencies , transnational mergers and reverse OEM model thorough analysis and research , dig three modes of strategic characteristics , development process and the advantages and disadvantages of contrast .

  14. 中埃战略合作十年历程:成就、特点与前景

    The Decade 's Strategic Cooperation between China and Egypt : the Fruit , Features and Prospects

  15. 在研究中论述了康熙至乾隆时期三帝对国家防卫战略思想的发展历程。

    Elaborated Kangxi in the research to Emperor Qianlong time three to the national defense strategic concept development process .

  16. 从战略理论的发展历程和演绎过程可以看出,宏观战略管理理论是基于组织和企业战略管理理论形成的,是战略管理理论的重要组成部分。

    The macro strategy management theory basic on theory of the corporate development strategic management is a part of the strategic management theory .

  17. 回顾了企业竞争战略理论的发展历程,从知识创新的角度对于企业特有竞争优势的获取和保持进行了分析。

    After review the history of the competitiveness strategy theory , the author analysis the acquisition and possessing of particular advantages of enterprises .

  18. 本文在对国内外战略管理理论发展历程和现状的学习基础上,对企业发展战略相关理论进行了一定的研究。

    After studying the history and the status of strategy management in the foreign and domestic field , the thesis researched some theories in the enterprise development strategy .

  19. 摘要我国高校推进战略规划工作的历程大致可以分为思想萌芽、初步探索与全面铺开三个阶段。

    The history of Chinese colleges and universities to promote the strategic planning can be divided into three phases : thought germination , preliminary exploration and comprehensively launches .

  20. 系统地回顾了20世纪以来教育战略规划的发展历程,重新划分了教育规划发展阶段,阐述了未来教育规划发展的趋势和特点。

    The dissertation reviews systematically the development process and the stages of educational planning in the 20th century and indicates the trends and characteristics of the future development of educational planning .

  21. 第一部分,总结了西方国家企业战略理论的发展历程,对于核心能力的理论框架进行了全面介绍和论述,说明核心能力是企业持久竞争优势的源泉。

    Section one summarizes up the history process of the corporation strategy in the western countries and it covers mainly the basic frame of core competence theory , which is regarded as the source of persistent competition advantage for corporation 's long-term development .

  22. 本文研究了近代企业生产战略、营销战略、多元化战略、虚拟经营战略的演变历程。

    This thesis studies the evolution history of production strategy , marketing strategy , diversification strategy , and virtual operation strategy .

  23. 在最高层次上,经济发展战略只能有一个。通过回顾河南经济发展战略演变历程,探讨经济发展战略制定原则,可剖析跨越式发展战略的内涵并阐明河南抉择跨越式发展战略的原因。

    This essay undertakes an analysis on the connotation of great-leaped development strategy and explains the reason that it is selected by retrospection on evolution and discussion about the established principle of economic development strategy .

  24. 在第二章,详细阐述了公共部门战略管理兴起的背景,并在此基础上阐述了公共部门战略管理发展的历程及其最新发展趋势。

    In the second part introduces the boom background of the public sector strategic management in detail , and on this basis introduces the development process of the public sector strategic management and it 's new development trend .