
  • 网络strategic action;Strategic Move;strategic initiatives
  1. 红军长征在曲靖的战略行动是实现北上的关键环节

    Red Army 's Strategic Action in Qujing during the Long March

  2. 我们制定了今年和明年的大流行性流感战略行动计划。

    We have drawn up the Pandemic Influenza Strategic Action Plan for this year and next .

  3. 在会谈期间,柯克介绍了他的办公室发起的一个叫做“贸易促进普及医药”(TEAM)的新的战略行动计划。

    During the meeting , Kirk introduced a new strategic initiative from his office , called Trade Enhancing Access to Medicines ( TEAM ) .

  4. 比较主要竞争对手营销策略,有针对性制定X公司市场营销战略行动纲领,给出了基于技术营销的营销战略。

    According to the comparation with its main competitor on marketing strategy , it makes action programme of marketing strategy that is based on technology marketing for company .

  5. 至于高盛(goldmansachs),该行断然驳斥了其模式已经分崩离析的说法,指望着高超的交易能力和机敏的战略行动能帮助其抵御风暴。

    Goldman Sachs , for its part , has defiantly rebuffed suggestions that its model is broken , counting on its trading prowess and penchant for savvy strategic moves to weather the storm .

  6. 敌意收购活动将继续保持活跃态势,摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)欧洲并购业务主管加文•麦克唐纳(GavinMacDonald)表示,企业希望采取战略行动,它们不会因为收购目标不情愿而止步。

    Hostile activity will remain high , said Gavin MacDonald , head of European M & A at Morgan Stanley . Corporates want to make strategic moves and will not be deterred by reluctant targets .

  7. 我们正在制定一项重大战略行动以实现这一点。

    We are preparing a major strategic initiative to achieve this .

  8. 利益分配、战略行动与集体选择的不确定性

    Interest Distribution , Strategy Action and the Uncertainty of Collective Choice

  9. 我们的下一个战略行动当时还悬而未决。

    Our next strategic move was still in suspense .

  10. 执行人人享有卫生保健全球战略行动计划;

    Plan of action for implementing the global strategy for health for all ;

  11. 国际药物管制战略行动纲领

    Programme of Action of the International Drug Control Strategy

  12. 地中海战略行动方案

    Strategic Action Programme for the Mediterranean

  13. 南太平洋发展战略行动

    South Pacific Action for Development Strategy

  14. 厦门第二轮海岸带综合管理战略行动计划研究

    Study on strategic management plan for the second integrated coastal management ( ICM ) in Xiamen

  15. 珊瑚礁战略行动计划

    Coral Reef Strategic Action Plan

  16. 这使得他们没有机会确定与其战略行动协调一致的人选。

    This denies them the opportunity to identify people who are in step with their strategic approach .

  17. 国家执行亚太经社会区域社会发展战略行动纲领准则

    Guidelines for National Programmes of Action in Implementation of the Social Development Strategy for the ESCAP Region

  18. 得以成功根除天花的一项原因是,我们自始至终利用研究成果指导日益复杂的战略行动。

    One reason for the success of smallpox eradication was a constant use of research to guide increasingly refined strategic operations .

  19. 并购是企业扩张的重要手段,也是企业的重大战略行动。

    M & A ( Mergers and acquisitions ) is an important means of business expansion and a business major strategic action also .

  20. 这些工作又与设于总部协调应对战略行动的“战略卫生行动中心”相连接。

    These in turn were linked to the " SHOC room " - the strategic operations centre in headquarters from where our response was coordinated .

  21. 并在此基础上形成了厦门第二轮海岸带综合管理的战略行动计划。

    Then , the strategic management plan for the second integrated coastal management ( ICM ) in Xiamen was formed with fully consideration of the above issues .

  22. 世卫组织还在其日内瓦总部和世界各地的区域办事处建立了战略行动中心,24小时运行以管理突发事件。

    WHO has also built strategic operations centres at its Geneva Headquarters and in Regional Offices around the world , which are available round-the-clock to manage emergencies .

  23. “经济复苏关键取决于稳定金融状况的更加协调一致的战略行动以及刺激需求的持续、强有力的政策支持,”国际货币基金组织称。

    " The turnaround depends critically on more concerted policy actions to stabilize financial conditions as well as sustained strong policy support to bolster demand ," the IMF said .

  24. 联想作为中国一个大型的企业集团,在其发展道路上作出这样财务战略行动,不能不让人对企业集团财务战略决策进行深入的研究。

    As a big Chinese group , Lenovo 's strategic action of the financial affairs on its development path should attract experts to carry on in-deep researches on the financial strategic policy of enterprise group .

  25. 1942年至1945年中国远征军入缅抗日是东方反法西斯战争和中国抗日战争的重大战略行动之一。

    The Chinese expeditionary army went into Burma , resisted against Japanese aggression from 1942 to 1945 , that is an important strategy action of the war of anti-fascist in Eastern and resistance against Japanese aggression in China .

  26. 而改变那些传统的高碳经济发展模式,进而寻求低碳发展路径,从而发展以低能耗、低排放以及低污染为主要特征的低碳经济目前正在成为全球性的战略行动。

    So , changing the traditional high-carbon economic development model , searching for a low-carbon developmental path and developing the low-carbon economy whose main feature is low energy consumption , low emission and low pollution are becoming a global strategic initiative .

  27. 在伴随着低碳经济成为全球新趋势,并成为越来越多国家的战略行动之际,旨在促进节能减排的碳排放权交易市场也越来越繁荣。

    With the low carbon economy becoming a global trend and strategic action of more and more national , the carbon emissions trading market which aims to promote the efficiency of energy saving and emission reduction is becoming more and more prosperous .

  28. 公司需要在2008年年初业务整合的基础上,对今后发展制订相应的战略行动措施。本文对企业如何以行业领导者的身份,在特定目标市场上的发展战略进行研究。

    The company needs to draw a future development plan of corresponding measures of the strategic action based on integrate operations beginning in early 2008.This research is focused on the future development strategies of the company as the marketing leader in a specific target market .

  29. 福特冲到总编办公室门口,紧紧地缩成一个球往门上撞。门吱嘎吱嘎地裂开,福特迅速滚了进去,直滚到那张漂亮的灰色皱皮沙发背后,并在那里设置起他的战略行动基地。

    Ford hurled himself at the door of the editor-in-chief 's office , tucked himself into a tight ball as the frame splintered and gave way once again , rolled rapidly across the floor to where the smart grey crushed leather sofa was and set up his strategic operational base behind it .

  30. 最后,本文描述了STS教育产生和发展的主要社会和科学教育背景,从历史发展的角度呈现了STS教育运动在科学教育领域中所采取的一系列战略转变行动。

    Third , the author described the social and science educational context of the emergence and development of STS education , presented the strategic action of STS taken in science education from the perspectives of historical development .