
  • Real Estate;real estate industry;realty business
  1. 雇佣有经验、了解房地产业的人。

    Hire someone with experience , someone who knows about real estate

  2. 他们已把钱主要投资到昂贵的房地产业了。

    They have mostly invested their money in expensive real estate .

  3. 接着出现了经济繁荣,尤其是在房地产业和建筑业。

    An economic boom followed , especially in housing and construction

  4. 他曾长期从事房地产业。

    He had a long career in real estate .

  5. 日本公司已经由生产型企业转而从事金融和房地产业。

    Japanese corporations have been turning away from production and have diverted into finance and real estate

  6. 在来年影响房地产业的另一个因素是美国年久失修的基础设施。

    Another issue affecting real estate in the coming year will be America 's failing infrastructure .

  7. 加入WTO对中国房地产业的影响

    The influence on China 's realty business after entering WTO

  8. Internet的迅猛发展给房地产业提出了新的要求和挑战。

    The rapid progress of Internet brings forward new demands and challenges to the industry of real estate .

  9. 加入WTO对我国房地产业发展的影响及其对策

    On Influences and Countermeasures of Chinese Real Estate Industry Development after the Entry into WTO

  10. 分析我国加入WTO后对我国房地产业的影响,针对目前我国房地产业中存在的问题提出应对策略。

    And then the countermeasures for boosting the competitiveness of Chinese real estate industry are presented .

  11. 但由于统计惯例和一些统计口径的问题,房地产业增加值占GDP的比重被严重低估。

    But because of the problems in statistic practice and criterion , its added value is heavily devalued .

  12. 经济全球化和中国加入WTO、加快城市化和现代化进程,为江苏房地产业带来机遇。

    Both economic globalization and entrance to WTO and fast pace of urbanization and modernization , offer an opportunity for the real estate in Jiangsu Province .

  13. 房地产业落实CEPA内地与香港互认估价师资格

    The Real Estate Industry is carried out CEPA

  14. 木文着重分析了加入WTO,对我国房地产业带来的影响,包括在房地产业国际化、房地产业的经营管理、房地产市场体制、房地产市场等方面带来的机遇;

    The important part of this article is to analyze the opportunities for the industry of real estate after affiliating WTO , including the industry internationalization , industry functions and management , market system , etc ;

  15. 随着中国加入WTO,房地产业作为我国国民经济的支柱性产业之一,也面临着机遇与挑战并存的局面。

    With the entry into WTO of China , as one of the pillar industries of our national economy , the real estate industry is facing the situation of opportunity and challenge existing side by side .

  16. 自1998年以来,我国房地产业飞速发展,在2003年,房地产开发投资突破了1万亿元,对GDP的贡献达到了2.5个百分点。

    Since 1998 , real estate industry in our country has been rapidly developing . In 2003 , investment in the real estate industry exceeded one thousand billion yuan , which contributed 2.5 percent in the increase of GDP .

  17. 近几年来,贵州省房地产业规模发展迅速,房地产开发投资在GDP中的比重日趋上升,逐渐成为了贵州省国民经济的重要行业之一。

    In recent years , the scale of real estate industry in Guizhou province become larger and larger rapidly , the percentage of real estate investment in Gross Domestic Production are increasing gradually , therefore real estate industry becomes one of the important industries in Guizhou economy .

  18. 介绍了如何将OLAP和数据挖掘技术运用到房地产业中,在数据过滤转化、数据矩阵的构建及运用OLAP、数据挖掘技术分析方面作了初步探讨。

    This paper discussed how to apply OLAP and Data Mining technology to Real estate . The data filter and transformation , multi-dimensional data cube construction , as well as the application of On-line Analytical Processing and Data Mining techniques are discussed .

  19. 北京市房地产业发展现状分析

    Analysis of the status quo of Beijing 's real estate development

  20. 西部地区房地产业只有面对市场才能持续健康地发展

    The Way to Develop Continuously and Healthily Is to Face Market

  21. 构建我国房地产业战略联盟研究

    Studies on the Application of the Strategic Alliances of Real Estate

  22. 银川市房地产业投资环境评价

    The Assessment on Investment Environment of Real Estate in Yinchuan

  23. 需求的价格弹性&房地产业的定价谋略

    Price elasticity of demand & Strategy of fixing a real estate price

  24. 南宁市房地产业发展战略研究

    Developmental Strategy of the Real Estate Industry in Nanning City

  25. 房地产业发展的制度约束与政府管理

    The System Restrictions and Governmental Management of Development of Real Estate Industry

  26. 房地产业是一个非常典型的资本密集型行业。

    Real estate industry is one of the typical capital denseness industries .

  27. 中国房地产业经历了曲折的历史发展过程。

    Chinese real estate industry experience winding history developing process .

  28. 对合肥市房地产业现状的几点看法

    The opinion of state housing and real-estate vocation in Hefei

  29. 房地产业的迅猛发展对房地产投资理论提出了新的要求。

    The high-speed development demands new real estate investment theory .

  30. 中国房地产业宏观调控政策选择

    Selection of the Macro Adjustment and Control Policy of Chinese Real Estate Industry