
  1. 浅议房地产预售中的纠纷及处理措施

    On the disputes in real estate pre-sales and settlements

  2. 办理房地产预售备案应提交什么资料?

    Is conduction estate opened to booking put on record what data should submit ?

  3. 作为远期实物交易制度的房地产预售并不必然导致住宅价格的上升,但在供求失衡条件下,远期交易的缺失有可能使得市场价格波动趋于加剧。

    Without the forward sales of real estate , the volatility of the spot price of private residential property would enlarge under the condition that supply falls short of demand .

  4. 首先,银行贷款是我国房地产企业的主要资金来源,包括房地产开发贷款和预售商品房按揭贷款,占到资金来源比重的一半以上。

    First of all , the bank loan is the main capital sources of enterprises of real estate of our country , including the loan of development of real estate and selling the mortgage loan of commodity apartment in advance , accounts for over half of capital source proportion .