
  1. 而长期内,房价和地价互为Granger因。因此,在实证分析的基础上,提出相应的房地产调控政策建议,促进房地产事成的健康稳定发展。

    The long term , house prices and land prices for each other Granger . Therefore , in the empirical analysis , based on the policy recommendations put forward the corresponding real estate , real estate things can be done to promote the healthy and stable development .

  2. 第三,在程序方面,房地产调控缺乏严格的程序规制。

    Thirdly , macro-control of real estate lack of regulation of strict procedures .

  3. 我国房地产调控的宏观把握和实施步骤

    The Macro-modulation and Approaches of Real Estate in China

  4. 第二,分析房地产调控效果不佳的原因。

    Secondly , analyze the reason of bad effect of real estate regulation .

  5. 本文从影响房价的供给与需求入手,探究货币政策在房地产调控的效应。

    This paper explores the effects of monetary policy on housing demand and supply .

  6. 房地产调控:政府的手放在何处?该如何把握尺度?

    Real estate regulation : the hand placement ? How to grasp the scale ?

  7. 随着房地产调控的深入,房产税改革势在必行。

    With the deepening of regulation of real estate , property tax reform is imperative .

  8. 我国新一轮房地产调控的市场效应和未来走势

    Market Effect and Future Trend of the New Round Real Estate Regulation and Controlling in China

  9. 为此,国家出台了一系列的房地产调控政策。

    For this reason , the government has issued a number of real estate macro-control policies .

  10. 国务院参事、经济学家陈全生回答了关于房地产调控的问题。

    Chen Quansheng , State Department counselor , economist , answered questions on real estate issues .

  11. 看不见的手打败了多只看得见的手&对当前宏观调控及房地产调控的分析

    An Invisible Hand Defeats Visible Hands : Analysis of Current Macro Economic Readjustment and on Property Market

  12. 今年您在政府工作报告当中也重申,要坚定不移地搞好房地产调控。

    You reiterated in the government work report that the government will resolutely regulate the real estate market .

  13. 本部分运用经济法的相关理论从五个方面对房地产调控政策进行了分析。

    The paper analyzes the real estate control policies with the theory of economic law from five aspects .

  14. 但现阶段我国房地产调控的指导思想和政策设计存在完全市场化倾向。

    At present , the guide and policy design in Chinese real estate regulation tends to total competitive market .

  15. 通过量化分析,把抽象的房价问题用相关参量呈现给读者,丰富和发展了房地产调控的相关研究文献正是本文的理论价值所在。

    Through quantitative analysis , the abstract of the real problem between related parameters is presented to the readers .

  16. 并且,本文借助于对北京房价数据,对房地产调控政策进行了阶段划分。

    This paper classifies real estate macro control policies into stages with assistance of housing price data of Beijing .

  17. 随着国家房地产调控政策的持续和加剧,房地产行业的冬天已经到来,房地产行业将告别暴利时代,进入到微利时代。

    With the intensification of the national real estate control , the winter of the real estate industry has come .

  18. 同时利率的波动、房地产调控政策等也会导致高波动状态的出现。

    While interest rate volatility , real estate control policies will lead to the emergence of the high volatility state .

  19. 论文对健全房地产调控体系、增强政策的有效性等方面有一定的理论和实践意义。

    The paper has somewhat theoretical and practical significance to robust real estate regulation system and enhances the policy effectiveness .

  20. 本文的研究结论可为重庆市及至内陆城市房地产调控提供决策依据。

    The conclusions of this study , for Chongqing and inland city real estate regulation to provide basis for decision making .

  21. 近年来房地产调控和商品住宅价格之间似乎形成了周而复始的循环博弈,国内关于商品住宅价格变动的原因及其是否合理也成了最具争议性的问题。

    In recent years , real estate regulations and commercial housing price seem to have formed a cycle of the loop game .

  22. 本文选择从公法的视角对我国目前房地产调控现状进行分析。

    This paper is going to analyze the current situation of the regulation of real estate from the point of view-public law .

  23. 基于此,国家对房地产调控应该充分考虑汇率因素对房地产价格的影响。

    Based on this , the state regulation should take full account of the real estate exchange rates on real estate prices .

  24. 国家多次出台房地产调控措施,规范市场秩序,稳定住房价格,努力为人们群众创造更好的住房条件。

    The government take many measures to standardize the market order , stabilize housing prices and hope to create better housing conditions for people .

  25. 结合实证,本文提出房地产调控的建议与此次研究的不足之处。

    Based on the above theoretical analysis and empirical study , we proposed several real estate regulation policies and several inadequacies in the paper .

  26. 限购是中国政府房地产调控政策“弹药库”中最有力的武器,它限制了现有房屋业主购买第二套住房。

    The single most powerful weapon in Beijing 's arsenal of real estate controls , it prevents existing homeowners from buying a second property .

  27. 在房地产调控不断深入的背景下,房地产开发商纷纷从住宅地产开发转向城市综合体开发。

    With the further development of the real estate regulation , more real estate developers are turning to city complex development from housing real estate .

  28. 第四,在房地产调控主体的法律责任方面,传统的法律责任不足以制约房地产调控主体的不法行为和不当行为。

    Fourthly , in the aspect of legal liability , traditional liability can not restrict the wrong act and misconduct of macro-control of the real estate .

  29. 在比较国内、国外房地产调控政策后,就目前的房地产现状作出正确的调控政策组合。

    In comparing the domestic and foreign real estate regulation policy , on the current status of the real estate regulatory policies to make the right combinations .

  30. 本文第三章对目前我国房地产调控的现状进行了分析,同时也对有些典型的调控政策进行了公法剖析。

    The third chapter of this paper analyzed the current situation of the regulation of the real estate industry of our country and also analyzed some typical regulation policies .