
  1. 浅析组合结构在房屋改建中的应用

    Analysis of application of composite structure in building renovation

  2. 用碎布屑造纸、把一所房屋改建成几个单元、把英镑兑换成法郎。

    Convert rags into paper , a house into flats , pounds into francs .

  3. 托梁拔柱技术在某框架房屋改建工程中的应用

    Application of bracket girder and removed column technology in one frame building reconstruction engineering

  4. 既有房屋改建为超市建筑的结构设计方法

    Structural Design for the Reconstruction of Supermarket Buildings

  5. 既有空旷房屋加层改建为文物库房的建筑设计

    The Architectural Design of Reconstructing the Existing Spacious House into a Warehouse of Historical Relics

  6. 通过工程实践,介绍了多层砖混结构房屋增层改建时对地基基础进行加固处理的情况。

    Based on the several years ' experience in engineering author introduces the reinforcement treatment conditions in the enlargement in floor of multi layer brick masonry structural building reconstruction .

  7. 上海中山东一路17号友邦大厦房屋结构加固与改建

    Strengthening and retrofit of Building No. 17 the bund

  8. 在砖砌体结构房屋的可靠性评定、房屋改建、事故分析以及抗震加固中,砖砌体抗压强度及抗剪强度是最基本的数据。

    Compressive strength and shear strength of the tired perforated brick masonry are the basic data for safety evaluation , repair , accident analysis and strengthening of masonry structures .