
  • 网络iowa;lowa
  1. “艾奥瓦号”的船员一直都在为货物储存准备船只。

    The crew of the Iowa has been preparing the ship for storage .

  2. 艾奥瓦州今年玉米大丰收。

    In the state of Iowa , it 's been a bumper year for corn .

  3. 1932年,他在艾奥瓦州的石头城创建了一所学校,那儿成了艺术家的聚居地。

    In 1932 , he established a school and artists ' colony in Stone City , Iowa .

  4. 麦克唐纳1904年在艾奥瓦州立大学(IowaStateUniversity)获土木工程学学位。

    In1904 , MacDonald had graduated from Iowa State University with a degree in civil engineering .

  5. 许多人认为这些改动是时任美国参议院财政委员会(SenateFinanceCommittee)主席的艾奥瓦州共和党人查尔斯•格拉斯利(CharlesGrassley)的“杰作”。

    The changes were largely considered the work of Iowa Republican Charles Grassley , who at the time was chairman of the Senate Finance Committee .

  6. 艾奥瓦州党团会议召开前,在一个支持桑德斯的集会上,担任主唱的是吸血鬼周末(VampireWeekend)乐队,桑德斯唱歌时则和所有麦克风保持着安全距离。

    At a Sanders rally before the Iowa caucuses , the band Vampire Weekend assumed lead vocals , with Mr. Sanders mouthing the words a safe distance from any microphone .

  7. 艾奥瓦大学减少的主要是中国学生,而中密苏里大学(UniversityofCentralMissouri)负责招生工作的副教务长麦克·戈达德(MikeGodard)表示,该校今年的印度学生数量骤降。

    While Iowa primarily lost Chinese students , the University of Central Missouri experienced a sharp decline this year in students from India , said Mike Godard , vice provost for enrollment management .

  8. 艾奥瓦大学国际项目主任唐宁·托马斯(DowningThomas)表示,十大联盟(BigTen)中的其他高校也遭遇了人数下降,没有一所学校还有不久前的那种快速增长。

    Downing Thomas , the university 's dean of international programs , said that some other schools in the Big Ten are also experiencing declines , and none are seeing the rapid increases of the recent past .

  9. 贝尔医生列举了一些成功的例子,比如艾奥瓦州曼彻斯特的克丽茜·哈钦森(ChrissyHutchinson)。

    Dr. Bell pointed to success stories , including Chrissy Hutchinson , 32 , of Manchester , Iowa .

  10. 富兰克林·D·罗斯福(FranklinD.Roosevelt)麾下的农业部长和副总统亨利·A·华莱士(HenryA.Wallace)一度食素,也是一名和平主义者。来自艾奥瓦州的华莱士认为,对于陷入贫困的美国农村,鸡是一个救星。

    Henry A. Wallace , a sometime vegetarian pacifist from Iowa who also served as Franklin D. Roosevelt 's agriculture secretary and vice president , argued that the chicken was the savior of poverty-stricken rural Americans .

  11. 哈钦森一家给艾奥瓦大学打了电话,在那里,亚力克西丝(Alexis)在孕育22周零一天后诞生了,当时体重之有1.1磅(约0.5公斤)。

    The Hutchinsons called the University of Iowa , and there , at 22 weeks and one day , Alexis was delivered , weighing 1.1 pounds .

  12. 几名激烈角逐参议院席位的共和党候选人也提出了同样的意见,比如乔治亚州的戴维·珀杜(DavidPerdue)、南达科他州的迈克·朗兹(MikeRoundds),以及艾奥瓦州的约尼·厄恩斯特(JoniErnst)。

    The same point has been raised by several Republican candidates in tight Senate races , including David Perdue of Georgia , Mike Rounds of South Dakota and Joni Ernst of Iowa .

  13. 远程工作者无需阻塞道路,而伦敦和纽约的地产价格应当下跌,因为人们在Anglesey或艾奥瓦(Iowa)完成了他们的投行工作。

    Telecommuters don 't need to clog up the roads , and property prices in London and New York should slide as people carry out their investment-banking responsibilities from Anglesey or Iowa .

  14. 她在布鲁克林圣约瑟夫学院作家培训MFA班教授创意写作,并担任艾奥瓦大学作家坊的英文与创意写作副教授。

    Ayana taught Creative Writing at The Writer 's Foundry MFA Program at St. Joseph 's College , Brooklyn . She is an Assistant Professor of English and Creative Writing at the Iowa Writers " Workshop .

  15. 阿雅娜·马蒂斯毕业于艾奥瓦大学作家坊,获得过2014-2015年纽约公共图书馆Cullman中心奖金。

    Ayana Mathis is a graduate of the Iowa Writers " Workshop and a recipient of the 2014-15 New York Public Library 's Cullman Center Fellowship .

  16. 当时一场特别猛烈的暴风雪袭击了艾奥瓦州。

    An especially violent and heavy snowstorm struck the state of Iowa .

  17. 一切是从我在艾奥瓦州安克尼市送报纸时开始的。

    It all began with a paper route in Ankeny , IA .

  18. 德惠周边的北部地区有时也被称为中国的艾奥瓦。

    The northern region around Dehui is sometimes called the Iowa of China .

  19. 我期待著写作,为他和其余的艾奥瓦州的孩子。

    I look forward to writing for him and the rest of the Iowa kids .

  20. 艾奥瓦州一个小镇上的一位报纸编辑称这场暴风雪为bizzard。

    A newspaper editor in a small Iowa town called the terrible storm a blizzard .

  21. 对艾奥瓦乙醇行业更为严重的长期威胁可能来自其他生物燃料。

    A more serious long-term threat to Iowa 's ethanol industry might come from other biofuels .

  22. 美国艾奥瓦州2008年特大洪水及洪灾稀遇程度

    Catastrophic Flood and the Rareness of the Flood Disaster in Iowa State of the U.S.A. in 2008

  23. 尽管她失去了艾奥瓦州的初选,邓巴还是获得了杰姬·夏普的支持。

    But even though she lost the Iowa primary , Dunbar now has Jackie Sharp in her corner .

  24. 我知道,您将前往艾奥瓦州访问,多年前您曾作为地方主管去过那里。

    I know youll be visiting Iowa , where you visited many years ago when you were governor .

  25. 他说这本书会成为艾奥瓦州和中国人民长久友谊的见证。

    He says it will a lasting tribute to the enduring friendship between the people in Iowa and China .

  26. 今年秋季,艾奥瓦大学的国际学生入学总数从2015年的4100人下降到了3564人。

    At the University of Iowa , overall international enrollment this fall was 3564 , down from 4100 in 2015 .

  27. 该研究由艾奥瓦大学的研究人员开展,研究结果在本周一的媒体报道中被引述。

    The findings by Researchers at the University of Iowa are part of a study quoted by media reports Monday .

  28. 这个载誉满满的农场已经成为艾奥瓦州的农业示范区,接待来自世界各地的游客们。

    The award-winning farm has a demonstration site for Iowa 's agriculture sector , receiving visitors from around the world .

  29. 电视和电台采访的个人和群体的作者在广播艾奥瓦城和大学社区。

    Televised and radio interviews with individuals and groups of writers are broadcast in the Iowa City and university communities .

  30. 今晚,因为你们在艾奥瓦州所做的,我们离这个美国梦想已经只有一步之遥。

    Tonight , we are one step closer to that vision of America because of what you did here in Iowa .