
  • 网络hiv;Anti-HIV gp
  1. ELISA双抗原夹心法检测艾滋病病毒抗体实验条件的优化

    Optimizing HIV Antibody Test Conditions through Antigen Based Sandwich ELISA

  2. 部分国产艾滋病病毒抗体检测试剂临床应用质量评价

    Quality evaluation of locally-prepared kits for HIV antibody detection in clinical applications

  3. 6种艾滋病病毒抗体初筛试剂质量评估

    Quality evaluation of six ELISA kits for human immunodeficiency virus antibodies

  4. 艾滋病病毒抗体初筛实验室质控分析

    Analysis of quality control of the laboratory for AIDS initial screening test

  5. 1125名工人艾滋病病毒抗体检测结果均为阴性。

    No HIV antibody positive was found in 1125 interviewees .

  6. 济南市羁押、收教人员艾滋病病毒抗体筛检及健康教育模式研究

    HIV Screening and Study on Model of Health Education for People under Custody in Jinan

  7. 能够通过测试判别的是人体内的艾滋病病毒抗体。

    Can through the test distinction be in the human body AIDS virus immune body .

  8. 方法:通过疫情报告网收集自1997年到2004年居住在本区、经艾滋病病毒抗体确认的报告病例。

    Method : The data collected patients of in1997-2004 , they are validated and live in Liwan .

  9. 艾滋病毒血液测试就是在寻找人体有无艾滋病病毒抗体。

    Whether there is is the AIDS virus blood test is seeking the human body AIDS virus immune body .

  10. 模拟的参数由临床标准、快速艾滋病病毒抗体检测和CD4+T淋巴细胞数量构成。

    The modelled parameters consisted of clinical criteria , rapid HIV antibody testing and CD4 + T-lymphocyte ( CD4 ) count .

  11. 在接受颇具创造性的干细胞疗法后,他不仅成功地战胜了白血病病魔,就连体内的艾滋病病毒抗体也转为阴性。

    In a very creative stem cell therapy , he not only successfully overcome the disease of leukemia , but the body has antibodies to HIV-negative .

  12. 这些男性都曾经与男性发生或性行为,而且在这项研究开始的时候血液中都没有艾滋病病毒抗体,这就意味着它们尚未被感染。

    All had had sex with men , and all carried no HIV antibodies in their blood at the beginning of the study , meaning they were not yet infected .

  13. 如果妇女经过快速测试和常规测试都呈阳性,这组科学家就用检测艾滋病病毒抗体的另一项测试证实感染,并在两天内得出结果。

    If women tested positive in both the rapid tests and conventional tests , the scientists confirmed infection with a further test that detects HIV antibodies and gives results in two days .

  14. 类艾滋病病毒单克隆抗体的研究

    Study on Monoclonal Antibodies to Virus of SAID

  15. 检测猴艾滋病D型逆转录病毒抗体的ELISA技术

    ELISA for detecting antibodies to simian type D retrovirus in macaques

  16. 目的分析医院对艾滋病病毒(HIV)抗体筛选结果,了解HIV感染与HBV、HCV肝炎病毒混合感染的关系。

    Objective : To analyse screening results on ADIS virus antibody in hospitals and to investigate HIV infection in relation with HBV and HCV infections .

  17. 目的对比分析艾滋病病毒(HIV1+2)抗体筛查试验阳性结果与免疫印迹试验结果。

    Objective To compare and analyze the HIV 1 + 2 screening positive results and Western Blot Test Results .

  18. 在这个阶段外周血中产生大量的艾滋病病毒,免疫系统通过产生艾滋病病毒抗体和细胞毒淋巴细胞来抵抗病毒。

    At this stage a large amount of peripheral blood of HIV , the immune system of HIV by producing antibodies and cytotoxic lymphocytes to virus resistance .

  19. 本条例所称的艾滋病病毒感染者,是指艾滋病病毒抗体阳性,无症状或者不能诊断为艾滋病病人者。

    AIDS virus carrier as used in these Regulations refers to a person who reacts to AIDS virus antibody positively but with no symptoms of AIDS or without enough symptoms to be diagnosed as AIDS victim .

  20. 用艾滋病知识知晓率,艾滋病传播危险行为变化和艾滋病病毒(HIV)抗体阳性率评估干预效果。

    Intervention effect was evaluated by the change and awareness of possibility of HIV / AIDS transmission , the HIV transmission risk behavior rate and the HIV positive rate before and after the health education intervention .

  21. 如果怀疑自己有可能感染上艾滋病病毒时,应尽早到有条件的医院、卫生防疫站或其他指定的卫生部门去作艾滋病病毒抗体检测。

    If there is any doubt they have been infected with HIV may be , shall , conditional early hospitals , epidemic prevention station or other designated for the health sector to HIV antibody testing .