
  • 网络real estate management;Estate management;Real Estate;property management
  1. XML在基于B/S架构的房地产管理信息系统中的应用

    Application of XML in Real Estate Management Information System Based on B / S Frame

  2. GIS技术在房地产管理中的应用

    Application of GIS Technique in Real Estate Management

  3. 这就对在房地产管理中如何应用GIS技术提出了迫切的需求。

    This proposes the urgent demand in the real estate management using the GIS technology .

  4. 同时说明了基于节点控制的工作流自动化是中小城市房地产管理OA系统的可行实现方案。

    Workflow automation based on control nodes is proved to be a feasible scheme of the real estate management OA system suitable for middle and small cities .

  5. 对房地产管理数字化应用的现状进行了分析,指出了存在的问题和解决方法,并在商用GIS软件ARCGIS的基础上设计了可用于房地产数字化管理的应用系统。

    This article has analysed the digital real estate management application , pointed out the existing question and the solution . A digital real estate management information system has been developed based on the commercial GIS software Arc GIS .

  6. 2009年,Airbnb的用户和员工数量在短短几个月里增加了一倍,这时切斯基开始与房地产管理公司合作出租房屋。

    In 2009 , when airbnb was doubling its user base and employees over the course of a few months , Chesky began working with property management groups to rent out properties .

  7. 如建筑,施工,房地产管理以及测量等。

    Such as architecture , construction and estate management as well as surveying .

  8. 江汉油田房地产管理信息网络建立的构想

    The Conception of Building the Real Estate Management Information Network of Jianghan Oilfield

  9. 我国保险企业公司房地产管理现状及建议

    Current Situation and Suggestions of Company Real Estate of Insurance Enterprises in China

  10. 论房地产管理人员职业道德与培养

    On Real Estate Managers ' Professional Morality and Training

  11. 有酒店管理和房地产管理经理优先。

    Hotel sales experience will be a priority ;

  12. 连载之五主要论述了土地开发整理与复垦和房地产管理的立法演变情况。

    Legislative evolution on land exploitation and consolidation , secondary ploughing and real estate management .

  13. 海外房地产管理信息交流网络

    Overseas Properties Management and Information Exchange Network

  14. 基于地理信息系统的天津房地产管理数据库

    GIS Based Tianjin Real Estate Administration Database

  15. 关于军队空闲房地产管理的思考

    Management of troops real estate

  16. 构建房地产管理系统虚拟专用网是房地产管理部门信息化网络化的重要组成。

    It is important for real estate administrators to construct a VPN of real estate management system .

  17. 公司房地产管理的战略也可以从三个维度去分析:财务指标维度、物理环境维度以及社会目标维度。

    CREM strategy can also be analyzed by financial dimension , physical dimension , and social dimension .

  18. 该公司房地产管理部门和员工也都要接受环保理念的培训。

    Its real estate management arm and the employees will also be trained with an eco-friendly philosophy .

  19. 在这种形势下,房地产管理采用信息化是一条很好的选择。

    Under this situation , it is a good choice that information technique is adopted in real estate management .

  20. 房地产管理系统是针对房地产行业的需求设计和实现的。

    The real estate management system management system is aims at the real estate profession the demand design and the realization .

  21. 里斯登于1994年成立了一家房地产管理公司,她表示,对这些房子的需求量很大。

    And , says Risdon , who set up a real estate management company in 1994 , they are in high demand .

  22. 近年来,随着政府部门加快信息化建设的步伐,房地产管理部门的数字房产系列工程也相继展开。

    Recently with the development of information industry , series of " digital estate " projects spring up in the Real-estate Administration Bureau .

  23. 在房地产管理中,首当其冲的是地产管理,而地产管理最直接的反应就是对土地的管理。

    In real estate management , the first is the management of landed property , which is related most directly to land management .

  24. 我们团队由来自工商管理不同方面的学生组成,包括会计、财务管理以房地产管理专业。

    We are a team composed of students of different aspects of business administration , including accountancy , financial management and property management .

  25. 然后在需求识别的基础上确定房地产管理系统的建设目标,分析了系统的基本特征和功能以及系统建设的内容。

    And at the demand for recognition based on the system objectives . Then it analyzes the basic characteristic and function of this system .

  26. 我国对转租一贯采限制主义,无论是《民法通则》,还是原《经济合同法》和《城市房地产管理法》均采此主义。

    Our country adopts restrictionism in General Rules of the Civil Law , the original Economic Contract Law and Urban Real Estate Management Law .

  27. 为提高房地产管理的水平与效率,对房地产管理信息系统进行了探讨。

    In order to improve the level and efficiency of realestate information management , a management information system for the real estate development is introduced .

  28. 同时,也为房地产管理部门、中介企业以及消费者提供了一套科学的计算方法,使市场更趋于理性。

    Meanwhile , this essay offers real estate management departments , agencies , and consumers a scientific calculating method to make the market much more rational .

  29. 地理信息系统在房地产管理中的应用运用五常法规范产房的护理管理

    The Application of GIS ( Geographic Information System ) in Real Estate Management Using the five-routine working regulations to strengthen the standardization management in delivery room

  30. 对一家飞速发展的公司来说,这个举措合情合理:房地产管理公司拥有大量的出租房,难道还有比他们更合适的合作伙伴吗?

    For a fast growing company , the move made sense : who else to better keep pace than other companies offering dozens of rooms for rent ?