
kāi hù yín hánɡ
  • bank of deposit;deposit bank;bank where one's account has been opened
  1. 协助执行手续费是指向发现并举报空头支票违规行为、协助人民银行办理行政处罚工作的出票人开户银行支付的费用。

    Service charge for assisting the imposition refers to the charge paid by the deposit bank of the drawer and arising from the discovery and the report of the rule-breaking behavior of issuing dishonored cheques and assisting PBC to handle with the administrative punishments .

  2. 他的开户银行错误地拒付了票面金额为75,000英镑的支票。

    His bank wrongly bounced cheques worth £ 75,000 .

  3. “账户协议”指即将由ABC有限公司,特许经营公司与开户银行在生效日期当日或之前签订的协议,以及随时可能对其原文所做的修订。

    " Accounts Agreement " means the Accounts Agreement to be entered into among ABC INC. , the Concessionaire and the Accounts Bank on or before the Commencement Date , as amended from time to time .

  4. 你的开户银行会和你们沟通的。

    Your open an account silver-colored guild and you communicate .

  5. 不知夫人知道您弟弟的开户银行吗?

    Do you know your brother 's bank , madam ?

  6. 市民亦可向开户银行进一步查询。

    Members of the public can also contact their bank for further information .

  7. 开户银行(美元):中国银行湖北省分行洪山支行。

    Bank ( RMB ): Bank of China , Zhongnan Road Subbranch of Hubei Branch .

  8. 注册资金(资本)、投资总额、开户银行及帐号;

    Registered capital , total investment , name of bank where an account is held and bank account number ;

  9. 开户银行对存入财政专户的社会保障资金,要按规定的利率计息。

    Bank of the fiscal accounts into social security funds , according to the provisions of the interest rates .

  10. 我方开户银行是中国银行北京分行,你方可以向该行了解我方的情况。

    My bank is the Bank of China , Beijing Branch . You may refer to it for my status .

  11. 现在,四分之三的德国人从不更换开户银行,更换开户银行的学生比例也在迅速下降。

    Three-quarters of Germans never change their bank , and the proportion of students who do so is falling fast .

  12. 上述开户银行及账号若有调整,按照财政部有关规定办理。

    Any change of the accounting banks or account numbers shall be handled in accordance with relevant provisions of the Ministry of finance .

  13. 有关资料应包括最近的财务报告书、开户银行名称、证明文书以及其他相关的信用资料。

    Please include a recent financial statement , the name of your bank and references , together with any other relevant credit details .

  14. 在交货期15-20天前,贵方应凭开户银行开具的汇票付款。

    20 days prior to the date of delivery , you should pay against the presentation of the drawn on the opening bank .

  15. 关于我们的财政状况、信誉地位和贸易信誉,请向我们的开户银行或我地商会了解。

    Regarding our financial position , credit standing and trade reputation , please refer to our bank or to our local chamber of commerce .

  16. 登记主管机关应当收缴其公章,并将注销登记情况告知其开户银行

    The registration authority shall take over its official seal and notify the bank at which it has an account of the cancellation of its registration

  17. 请把那家公司的详细情况如公司全称,开户银行以及账号填写在这张表上。

    B : Please fill out this from with detailed information , such as the full name of the Indian company has an account and the account number .

  18. 客户从自己的帐户中去取现金时,只需开一张由自己取款的支票,并在柜台上提交给开户银行。

    A customer draws cash out of his own account simply by making out a cheque payable to himself and presenting it at the counter of his own branch .

  19. 对确需在集市使用现金购买物资的,经开户银行审核后,可以贷款金额内支付现金。

    If it is necessary to make purchases on fairs by cash , the account holding bank may after examination make cash disbursement within the amount of loan issued .

  20. 第五十五条合营企业的基本建设资金,由合营企业的开户银行统一管理。

    Article 55 The capital construction funds for the joint venture shall be placed under the unified management of the bank with which the joint venture has opened an account .

  21. (四)该期建筑预算总额的百分之二十已汇入深圳市开户银行。

    20 % of the total construction budget for the period in question has already been remitted to the bank in the Shenzhen Municipality at which the account has been opened .

  22. 企业缴纳的待业保险费在缴纳所得税前列支,由企业的开户银行按月代为扣缴。

    Unemployment insurance premiums shall be paid before the enterprises pay their income taxes , and shall be withheld on a monthly basis by the banks in which the enterprises open their accounts .

  23. 合营企业凭营业执照,在境内银行开立外汇账户和人民币账户,由开户银行监督收付。

    A joint venture shall , on the strength of its business license , open accounts in foreign exchange and in Renminbi with banks in China , which shall supervise its receipts and payments .

  24. 第一百一十二条证券交易所应当将收存的交易保证金、风险基金存入开户银行专门帐户,不得擅自使用。

    Article 112 . A stock exchange shall deposit in a special bank account the trading guarantee fund and risk ? bearing fund it has collected , and unauthorized use of these funds is not allowed .

  25. 登记事项包括:单位名称、住所、经营地点、单位类型、法定代表人或者负责人、开户银行帐号以及劳动保障行政部门规定的其他事项。

    The item that register includes : type of unit name , abode , management place , unit , legal representative or chief , open an account the any other business that bank account and labor safeguard service set .

  26. 研究顾客人口统计特征(年龄、性别、受教育程度等)和顾客的交易行为(开户银行的个数、开户时间长短等)对服务质量的影响。

    Exploring the demographic character ( age , sex , educated level and so on ) and customer 's purchase behaviors ( amount of bank account , time of opening an account and so on ) influences the service quality .

  27. 现金,由别人开出的支票,汇票和邮政汇票均可存人活期帐户中,此活期帐户可以在原开户银行,也可以在任何银行的任何分行。

    Cash , cheques drawn by other people , money orders and post orders can be paid into a current account , either at the branch where the account is kept , or at any other branch of any bank .

  28. 银行帐号:填写在中国境内开户银行的名称和款项结算帐号,如系多家开户银行,应分别列明。

    A / C number : the name of the bank in China with which an account is opened and the A / C number of settlement . If accounts are opened with several banks , the names and numbers should be filled out respectively .

  29. 这主要由于我国银行业长期处于国有垄断状态,加上转移成本过高,选择余地不多,许多顾客不愿更换当前开户的银行而选择其它的服务提供者。

    This is mainly due to a long period of state-owned banking monopoly , and too high transfer costs , so customers do not want to choose other service providers .

  30. 在银行开户,和银行、托行或任何金融机构,私人企业或公共部门谈判。

    To open bank accounts , negotiate with bank , trust or any financial institutions , private or public entities .