
kāi pán
  • opening quotation;opening quotation (on the exchange);opening
开盘 [kāi pán]
  • (1) [opening quotation (on the exchange)]∶指证券、黄金等交易市场每天开始营业时所开的价目

  • (2) [opening]∶交易中每日贸易的开始

  • 开盘汇率

开盘[kāi pán]
  1. 苏黎世的金价下挫2美元,以385.50元开盘。

    Gold declined $ 2 in Zurich to open at 385.50

  2. 股市开盘时行情看涨。

    The market opened in a bullish mood .

  3. 美国南方电力公司在星期一的开盘抢购中收购了英国西南电力公司11.2%的股份。

    Southern acquired 11.2 per cent of Sweb in a dawn raid on Monday .

  4. 请电传商品B一千的开盘价。

    Please telex your offer for1000 Products B.

  5. 然而,当中国人寿(chinalife)在1月9日登陆上海证交所,并在开盘后一分钟便上涨近1倍时,挤在交易大厅的投资者和企业高管齐声为这条消息欢呼。

    Yet when the price of China Life shares almost doubled in the first minutes of trading in Shanghai yesterday , the news was greeted with cheers from investors and company executives thronging the trading floor .

  6. PDA软件也将能把用户与数据库类型的信息(如股票开盘)连起来。

    PDA software also will be able to connect users with data-base-style information , such as stock quotes .

  7. 今天上午,Twitter开盘价为45.10美元,而前一天晚上公司首次公开募股(IPO)的定价为每股26美元。

    Twitter began trading this morning at $ 45.10 per share , after pricing its IPO last night at $ 26 per share .

  8. 星光闪耀的新开发项目海德公园一号(onehydepark)于一月份正式开盘,据报道,其中部分单元房的每平方英尺售价超过6000英镑(合9625美元)。

    At one Hyde Park , a starry new development which officially opened in January , some units have reportedly sold for more than 6000 ( $ 9625 ) per square foot .

  9. 10月19日上午,在主持节目时,美国道琼斯工业平均指数(DowJonesindustrialaverage)从股市开盘便大幅跳水,之后又出现暴跌,收盘时下跌了22.6%。

    The morning of Oct. 19 , he was on the news desk as the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged from the opening bell and then collapsed , ending up down 22.6 % .

  10. 本次墨西哥会议预计将于周日下午闭幕。下周一亚洲市场开盘前,G20将发表一份联合公报,并召开一轮记者招待会。

    The summit is expected to conclude on Sunday afternoon with a communiqu é and a round of press conferences before Asian markets open on Monday .

  11. Zynga股票于上周五正式上市,开盘价为10美元/股,相应地,公司价值只有70亿美元。

    The stock debuted Friday at $ 10 a share , valuing the company at a relatively modest $ 7 billion .

  12. IPO价格为14美元/股的人人网首日开盘涨幅超过70%(见上图),早间更是一度突破24美元。

    Its shares jumped more than 70 % ( see chart , right ) when trading started , topping out at $ 24 early on their first day after pricing at $ 14 .

  13. 在周一首个交易日中,中国石油A股股价开盘大幅走高,最终收于每股人民币43.96元(约合5.90美元),其IPO价格为16.70元。

    When those shares made their debut on the exchange yesterday , their price rocketed to a close of 43.96 yuan ( US $ 5.90 ) each , from the IPO price of 16.70 yuan .

  14. 由于时间非常紧张,加上美联储(Fed)和美国财政部也在敦促其在3月17日周一股市开盘前敲定这笔交易,摩根大通不得不快速完成通常需要耗时数周的尽职调查流程。

    With the clock ticking and the Federal Reserve and Treasury breathing down its neck to clinch a deal before the markets opened on Monday , the bank had to rush a due diligence process that would normally take weeks .

  15. 对冲基金T3CapitalManagement的首席策略师瑞德勒(ScottRedler)在周一股市开盘前的交易员会议上说,AIG的股票多日未见波动,已到了大幅涨落的时候。

    At a traders meeting before the market opened on Monday , Scott Redler , chief strategist at hedge fund T3 Capital Management , noted that AIG 's stock hadn 't moved much for days and was ripe for a breakout .

  16. 远洋天地是由中远房地产开发公司于2000年开发2001年开盘的位于CBD东侧的一个中档高品质住宅项目。

    Ocean paradise is the residential project developed by SORED in 2000 . It is located near to the CBD and positioned as a middle level and high quality residential project .

  17. 如果你认为股价将被低估,你可以CFD多头开盘以进行杠杆操作,当股价上涨时从中获利(者有可能在该股价下跌时蒙受损失)。

    If you consider a stock to be undervalued , you can go long with a CFD on leverage and benefit from a rise in its share price ( or possibly lose if the underlying share price falls ) .

  18. Knight的技术差错导致纽约证交所(NYSE)周三对148只股票展开调查,因为其中许多股票的价格在开盘后45分钟里出现巨幅波动。

    The technical error at Knight caused the New York Stock Exchange to place 148 stocks under review on Wednesday after many of them fluctuated widely during the first 45 minutes of trading .

  19. 上市不过才16个多月,Yelp目前的股价已经涨到了51.50美元,是开盘价15美元的三倍还多。

    After a little more than 16 months , yelp is trading at $ 51.50 a share , more than three times its $ 15 offering price .

  20. 或许纽约证券交易所(nyse)看上去像是一家老式的交易所,包括它的交易大厅和开盘钟声,但其背后的那家公司,却越来越专注于衍生品。

    It may look like an old-fashioned stock exchange , complete with trading floor and opening bell , but the company behind the New York Stock Exchange is increasingly about derivatives .

  21. 自从今年年初美国经济走软在印度引发焦虑后,印度股市一直走低。星期一,孟买股指SENSEX指数开盘后大幅度下滑4.5%。

    The Mumbai stock index , the Sensex , tumbled by 4.5 percent soon after trading opened .

  22. 其次为MillennialMedia,这家位于巴尔的摩的移动广告平台服务商在3月28日夜间筹集了1.33亿美元,发行1020万股,每股定价13美元(该股3月30日开盘价为25.58美元)。

    It was followed by millennial media ( mm ) , a baltimore-based mobile advertising platform that on Wednesday night raised $ 133 million by pricing 10.2 million shares at $ 13 per share ( it opened today at $ 25.58 ) .

  23. 回归结果表明,首日开盘涨幅、首日换手率和发行方式是影响IPO抑价的主要因素,而且三者对IPO抑价的影响因素渐次降低。

    Regression results show that opening up the first day , the first day of issue of exchange rate and the distribution way is a major factor which impacts the IPO under-pricing , but the three impact factors of the IPO under-pricing gradually reduced .

  24. 7月25日开盘数小时之后,基于Facebook平台的游戏公司Zynga公布了其糟糕的季度业绩,Facebook的股价下跌8%。而第二天,Facebook自己的数据公开之后,股价更是再跌10%。

    It dropped by 8 % after hours on July 25th when Zynga , a games company that uses Facebook as a base , reported poor quarterly results , and by another 10 % after Facebook 's own figures came out the next day .

  25. 京东财务总监黄宣德在接受CNBC采访时说:我想投资者确实意识到了京东商业模式的强劲发展势头,所以京东上市刚一开盘就收效喜人。

    I think investors do realize the strength of JD . com 's business model . So [ the IPO ] has been well received , said CFO Sidney Huang in an interview on CNBC .

  26. 8月16日,市场笼罩在今夏的动荡阴云中,在纽约证交所(nyse)交易的西班牙santander银行i系列优先股当天开盘下挫4%,报18美元。

    On August 16 , in the middle of the summer market turmoil , the nyse-traded preferred series I shares of Santander , the Spanish bank , opened the day down 4 points , selling at 18 .

  27. 受Knight算法交易影响的148只股票中,至少有40只股票的股价波动幅度超过了10%,因断路开关机制在开盘15分钟后才投入运行,而且该机制反映的是股价波动性,而非指令流量。

    In total at least 40 of the 148 stocks affected by the Knight trading algo experienced a change of more than 10 per cent , as circuit breakers do not start operating until 15 minutes into the trading day and reflect volatility , not order flow .

  28. 在星期二那天,纽约商品交易所(NYMEX)的每桶原油价格只比开盘价抬高了几个美分。商品交易所结算协会〔纽约〕

    During the day on Wednesday , a barrel of crude oil was trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange ( NYMEX ) at just a few cents above its opening price . COMEX Clearing Association [ New York ]

  29. 4月16日Etsy在纳斯达克上市,股票以31美元的价格开盘,当天股价攀升高于35美元,这比公司首次公开募股价16美元翻了不只一番。

    Its shares opened at $ 31 on April 16 , the day the company made its Nasdaq debut , and climbed above $ 35 during the day , more than double the firm 's initial public offering ( IPO ) price of $ 16 .

  30. 据最新消息,亚洲股市开盘走高。

    Asian markets are opening and trading higher at last check .