
  • 网络disaster;catastrophic event
  1. Underbrag就是拿自己经历的灾难性事件或尴尬事件四处传播,一般人都不会拿这些事儿到处说。其实就是“自黑”。

    Underbrag is when you brag1 your own disaster or situation that one would not normally brag about .

  2. 论灾难性事件纪念报道的报道策略&美国9·11事件报道与9·11五周年报道之比较

    On the Strategy of Disaster Commemoration Reports

  3. 过去几周发生了太多灾难性事件,以至于人们创造出了一个新词“黑天鹅疲劳”(blackswanfatigue)来描绘市场的反应。

    So many catastrophic events have struck the world in the past few weeks that a new phrase –" black swan fatigue "– has been coined to characterise the market reaction .

  4. 背景:近年来,随着各种突发灾难性事件(地震、洪水、恐怖袭击、车祸等)的发生,创伤后应激障碍(post-TraumaticStressDisorder,PTSD)成了关注的重点。

    Background : Recently , with increasing of sudden catastrophic events ( earthquake , flood , terrorist attack etc ) post-traumatic stress disorder ( PTSD ) has received much attention .

  5. 有消息援引欧盟(eu)能源专员冈瑟厄廷格(guentheroettinger)的话称,福岛核电站“实际上已失控”,数小时内可能发生“进一步的灾难性事件”,这条消息令投资者的神经受到考验。

    The nerves of investors were tested when European Union Energy Commissioner Guenther Oettinger was quoted as saying that the Fukushima nuclear plant was " effectively out of control " and that " further catastrophic events " were possible within hours .

  6. 我国灾难性事件的电视新闻评论研究

    The Study of News Commentaries of TV of Disaster of China

  7. 今天的灾难性事件清楚地表明了计划的重要性。

    Today 's disastrous events clearly indicate the importance of planning .

  8. 试看近来发生的一些灾难性事件及其发生的时间

    Consider a few modern disasters and the times at which they occured

  9. 别斯兰的灾难性事件发生后,这是他首次与外籍人士见面。

    It was his first meeting with foreigners since the Beslan catastrophe .

  10. 论主流媒体自然灾难性事件报道的特点与影响

    On the Characteristics and Influence of Natural Disasters Reports in Mainstream Media

  11. 本文使用这种方法建立了一个灾难性事件信息抽取系统。

    A calamity event information extraction system is conducted using the methods .

  12. 无论是哪个国家,无论是什么样的社会制度,都难以避免灾难性事件发生。

    Neither countries nor kinds of social systems can avoid calamitous incident completely .

  13. 答:2012年地球不会发生任何灾难性事件。

    Answer ( A ): Nothing bad will happen to the Earth in2012 .

  14. “人类间的传播将成为一个灾难性事件,”她说。

    " Human to human transmission would be a catastrophic event ," she says .

  15. 上周的火车相撞事故之后紧接着又发生了这起灾难性事件。

    This disaster comes hard on the heels of last week 's train crash .

  16. 中西方灾难性事件新闻摄影报道的差异性研究

    Comparative Studies on Photo Journalism : the Difference between China and Western Disaster Coverage

  17. 人们很容难把恐龙长逝的缘由归结为宽酷的灾难性事件。

    One can raedily trace the disappearance of dinosaurs to a major cataclysmic event .

  18. 谈灾难性事件报道的基本策略

    The Fundamental Strategies on the Disastrous Events

  19. 一些灾难性事件值得引以为戒。

    Several disasters provide cautionary tales .

  20. 确实,短期来讲,政府关门绝不是什么灾难性事件;

    In the short term , it is true , a shutdown would be far from catastrophic ;

  21. 考虑到欧元面临的这些威胁,全面救助西班牙可能会成为一个灾难性事件。

    Amid these threats to the euro , a full bailout of Spain could be a cataclysmic event .

  22. 很多考古学家认为这次灾难性事件其实就是圣经中所说的诺亚洪水。

    Many archeologists think that this catastrophic event was in fact the Noah 's Flood of the Bible .

  23. 当出现硬件故障或灾难性事件时,不可避免地需要恢复整个系统。

    Inevitably , you may need to restore the entire system due to hardware failure or a catastrophic event .

  24. 但天野之弥赞同那些淡化灾难性事件风险的核专家。

    But Mr Amano added his voice to those nuclear experts playing down the risk of a catastrophic event .

  25. 衍生金融工具带来的灾难性事件使其计量问题需要得到更好的解决。

    The measuring problems about derived financial instruments need to be better solved because they have brought some disasters .

  26. 他们往往乐意于费笔墨报道一些中国的灾难性事件,而对好的或者正面的新闻只是一笔带过或根本就不提及。

    A bad press is all the media-TV , radio , and newspapers consistently referring to'bad'things and ignoring the good .

  27. 因其影响巨大,中外新闻媒体均将灾难性事件作为报道重点。

    Because of its great influence , the Chinese and Foreign news medium focus on the report of disaster affairs news .

  28. 如今不同之处在于几个灾难性事件几乎同时发生,这让贫困的环境恶化。

    The difference now is that several catastrophic events have occurred practically at the same time , exacerbating conditions of poverty .

  29. 灾难性事件是导致严重的生命及财产损失,甚至威胁人类生存的事件。

    Catastrophe is an event that can cause serious loss of life and property , and even threatens the survival of humanity .

  30. 科学家们在讨论最可能导致恐龙灭绝的原因时,并没有否定其他可能同时发生的灾难性事件。

    While researchers debate what exactly was the culprit , they don 't deny that these other cataclysmic events could have happened as well .