
zāi huāng
  • famine due to crop failures
灾荒 [zāi huāng]
  • [famine due to crop failures] 由于自然灾害造成饥馑

  • 灾荒频仍

灾荒[zāi huāng]
  1. 内蒙古地区灾荒研究的背景及其意义

    The Background and Meaning of the Famine Due to Crop Failures Research in Inner Mongolia Area

  2. 清代黄淮平原自然灾害频发、灾荒处处、流民众多。

    The Qing dynasty Huang-huai plain had frequent natural calamities , famine due to crop failures everywhere .

  3. th文摘:以问答形式,探讨灾荒史研究的几个理论问题:地方政府与中央政府的关系;关于湖南改赈为贷的问题;传统社会与近代社会荒政的差异;

    In the form of interlocution , this article discusses a few theoretic questions on disaster and famine history : the relationship between the local government and the central government ;

  4. 对1928年陕甘灾荒及救济的考察

    The 1928 Famine of Shaanxi and Gansu Provinces and its Relief

  5. 20年来近代华北灾荒史研究述评

    Study on Disaster History of North China in Recent Two Decades

  6. 浅析抗战后广西的灾荒

    On Famine in Guangxi after the War of Resistance against Japan

  7. 造成灾荒的原因,既有自然因素又有一定的人为影响。

    The famine was caused by both natural and human factors .

  8. 其时中原灾荒严重,阶级矛盾极度尖锐。

    Zhongyuan the time famine serious , extremely sharp class contradictions .

  9. 明代北方灾荒的社会控制

    Northern China 's Disaster and the Social Control of Ming Dynasty

  10. 清代山东地区的灾荒与人口变迁

    Shandong Area 's Famine and Population Vicissitudes in the Qing Dynasty

  11. 灾荒打击下的农村经济状况等等。

    4 , the conditions of the rural economies hit by famines .

  12. 灾荒:考察近代中国社会的另一个视角

    Famine : Another Viewing-angle for Inspecting the Modern Chinese Society

  13. 中国古代的灾荒理念

    The Ideas of Famine and Natural Calamity in Ancient China

  14. 论晚清灾荒的成因及其影响

    On the Causes and Influence of Famine in the Late Qing Dynasty

  15. 第二部分,阐述晚清直隶灾荒的影响。

    The second part dwells on consequences of natural disasters .

  16. 华北抗日根据地的灾荒与救济研究

    Study on the Calamity and Relief of Huabei Anti-Japanese Imperialism Base Area

  17. 灾荒是制约社会发展的重要因素。

    Famine is an important factor that constrains social development .

  18. 第一部分重点探讨了宋代的灾荒救助问题。

    The First part expound the question of famine relief .

  19. 苏州地区的灾荒救济研究(1912-1935)

    Research on the Famine Relief in Suzhou ( 1912-1935 );

  20. 这些现象为以后的灾荒救治提供了有益的教训。

    The phenomena provide a useful lesson for the future famine treatment .

  21. 救济灾荒;

    To relieve famine ; ( 3 ) brain edema ;

  22. 灾荒·长沙抢米风潮·辛亥革命

    Famine , Rice-Plundering Unrest in Changsha and Revolution in 1911

  23. 20世纪20年代末绥远灾荒教训分析

    Lessons from the famine in Suiyuan in the late 1920s

  24. 《周礼》所见灾荒思想

    The Thought of Anti-disaster and Famine Relief in Zhou Li

  25. 政府还准备储备物资以防灾荒。

    It also stockpiled food to give relief in times of famine .

  26. 灾荒在阻碍经济发展,扰乱经济秩序的同时也直接或间接地引发了人口变迁。

    Famine caused changes in population either directly or indirectly .

  27. 1928~1930年年馑陕西灾荒移民问题

    An Analysis of the Shaanxi Emigrants during the Famine in 1928 ~ 1930

  28. 近十年来中国近代灾荒史研究综述

    The Summary of the Chinese Modern Famine History Research in Recent Ten Year

  29. 自救与赈济:近代安徽民间社会对灾荒的救助

    Self-Rescue and Relief : Civil Society 's Aid to Disasters in Modern Anhui

  30. 1900&1909年灾荒直接导致了长沙抢米风潮的爆发。

    The famine between 1900-1909 led directly to the rice-plundering unrest in Changsha .