
  • 网络disaster risk management
  1. 综述了第6届国际IIASA-DPRI综合灾害风险管理论坛的主要内容,并就中国综合灾害风险管理对策提出了具体的建议。

    This paper reviewed main contents of the Sixth Annual IIASA-DPRI Forum on Integrated Disaster Risk Management , and brought forward several suggestions for integrated disaster risk management in China .

  2. 中国城市综合灾害风险管理现状与对策

    Issues and strategies for integrated urban disaster risk management in China

  3. 我国尚未建立起有效的农业灾害风险管理体制,农业保护与支持缺乏力度,如此如何能应对WTO开放条件下全方位的农业市场竞争?

    It has not established effective risk management of agricultural flood , Chinese agricultural conservation and holding are short of strength , and how to cope with all agricultural competition in WTO ?

  4. 综合自然灾害风险管理理论依据探析

    Exploratory analysis of theoretical basis for integrated natural disaster risk management

  5. 试论长江流域洪水灾害风险管理

    On risk management of flood disasters in the Yangtze river basin

  6. 综合自然灾害风险管理的理论、对策与途径

    Theories , Strategies and Approaches for Integrated Natural Disaster Risk Management

  7. 灾害风险管理的不同利益相关者研究

    A Research on the Different Stakeholders Relative to Disaster Risk Management

  8. 公众防灾教育在灾害风险管理中的作用

    The Function of Public Education on Disaster Prevention in Disaster Risk Management

  9. 中、日两国灾害风险管理对策体制比较研究

    The Comparison of China 's and Japan 's Risk Management Countermeasure System

  10. 透过灾害风险管理系统及清除地雷,保障人们的安全

    Reduction in risks to people through disaster risk management systems and landmine clearance

  11. 综合自然灾害风险管理&全面整合的模式与中国的战略选择

    Integrated natural disaster risk management : comprehensive and integrated model and Chinese strategy choice

  12. 加强综合灾害风险管理研究。

    Enhancing researches on integrated disaster risk management .

  13. 地震灾害风险管理和实施技术

    Earthquake disaster risk management and implementation technology

  14. 地质灾害风险管理对策论

    Risk management antidote theory for geological disasters

  15. 气候适应性与灾害风险管理

    Climate Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management

  16. 洪水灾害风险管理广义熵智能分析的理论框架

    Theoretical analysis frame based on general entropy and intelligence integration methodology for flood disaster risk management

  17. 综合自然灾害风险管理

    Comprehensive Risk Management of Natural Disasters

  18. 世行集团提倡采用巨灾风险融资机制,认为它是灾害风险管理战略框架的重要组成部分。

    The World Bank Group advocates catastrophe risk financing as an important element of the strategic framework for disaster risk management .

  19. 综合灾害风险管理是当今国际社会积极倡导并推进的灾害风险管理理念和模式。

    Nowadays , integrated disaster risk management has been the disaster risk management principle and mode actively advocated and promoted by international community .

  20. 洪水灾害风险管理是一项复杂的系统工程,在防洪减灾工程理论与实践中具有重要意义。

    As a complex system engineering , flood disaster risk management takes on very important meaning in the theory and practice of flood control .

  21. 设想了5个关键问题,以指导拟议中的粮农组织关于气候变化及灾害风险管理的专家会议的讨论和最后产出。

    Five key questions are envisioned to guide the discussion and final outputs for the proposed FAO Expert Meeting on Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management .

  22. 承灾体脆弱性研究对灾害风险管理、区域防灾减灾、减灾投资,以及灾害保险等有着重要的意义。

    The study on vulnerability of disaster body is of importance to disaster risk management , regional hazard prevention and investment in disaster reduction and insurance .

  23. 最后提议洪水保险应该从城市开始试点,完善城市洪涝灾害风险管理工作。

    At last , the author proposes that flood insurance should be first launched in urban areas , which would perfect risk management of urban flood hazard .

  24. 组织须备有一套程序,可以用来搜集、载并响应有关的信息与来自利害相关者的询问请求。灾害风险管理的不同利益相关者研究

    Organizations should implement a procedure for receiving , documenting and responding to relevant information and requests from interested parties . A Research on the Different Stakeholders Relative to Disaster Risk Management

  25. 洪灾损失评估在防洪规划以及法规制定、洪水灾害风险管理、防洪减灾效益评估、洪水保险等方面都起着极其重要的作用。

    The flood disaster loss assessment plays an important role in flood control planning , flood risk management , flood insurance , flood control and disaster mitigation assessment and formulation of related laws and regulations .

  26. 目前,综合学科知识的发展和先进科技手段在自然灾害风险管理领域的应用,提高了洪水风险评估与损失估算的准确率,为建立洪水保险机制奠定了技术基础。

    Currently , comprehensive scientific development and application of advanced technology in the risk management improve the accuracy of flood risk evaluation and measurement and lay the solid technological base for the establishment of flood insurance .

  27. 建立城市综合灾害风险管理范式,特别是高度重视城市规划中综合减灾规划的改进和完善,加快拓展城市企业灾害保险与再保险和发展适应城市灾害风险的安全社区范式。

    Establishing integrated urban disaster risk management mode , especially improving integrated disaster reduction planning in urban planning , popularizing enterprises ' insurance and reinsurance , and developing safe community paradigm to adapt urban disaster risk .

  28. 这一现象警示我们重新理解传统脆弱区和发展中的自然、社会、经济脆弱性,完善新形势下的灾害风险管理体制,以利于减少和应对新形势下的灾害风险。

    It warns us to understand vulnerable regions of the traditional and the vulnerability of developing nature , society and economy . It is necessary to improve disaster risk management system under the new situation so that disaster risk could be reduced .

  29. 通过简要回顾中国的环境地质工作与存在问题,初步架构了山地区域工程地质环境质量评价功能区划工程容量评价地质灾害风险管理等四阶段递进的研究框架。

    In a brief review of environmental geology work and existing deficiencies in China , we propose an evaluation system that consists of four procedures based on sustainable use , i.e. quality features , function divisions , engineering capacity and geo-hazard risk management of a regional geo-environment .

  30. 本文采用GIS技术与层次分析法相结合的方法,进行地质灾害风险评价管理研究。

    The paper combine GIS technology and Analytic Hierarchy Process to assess the risk of slope geological disasters and do research on risk management .