
xiànɡ mù dài kuǎn
  • project loan
  1. 造船项目贷款风险识别与评估方法研究

    Research on Risk Identification and Assessment of Shipbuilding Project Loan

  2. 非经营性项目贷款存在的问题及对策

    The Problems and Countermeasures of Non-operating Project Loan

  3. abc船厂项目贷款余额变动表?

    Loan balance change statement of the ABC shipbuilding factory project ?

  4. 现在,你可以通过联邦政府房屋管理局(FHA)获得贷款——由FHA支持的项目贷款,支付额度仅减少3.5%。

    Right now you can get a loan through the FHA -- backed by the FHA , rather , for as low as three and a half percent down .

  5. 分析了BOT项目贷款的特点,进而揭示了银行对BOT项目贷款的巨大信用风险,并建立了信用风险评价模型,通过计算违约风险度来量化信用风险。

    In this paper , the feature of BOT project is analysed , then , the vast credit risk of the banks providing loans for BOT project is discussed , and a model of credit risk evaluation is established for estimating the credit risk by calculating the default risk degree .

  6. 今年8月,越南最赫赫有名的大亨阮德坚(NguyenDucKien)由于被指通过不正当方式向房地产项目贷款而被逮捕,这加剧了外界对越南银行业的担忧。

    Fears over Vietnam 's banks intensified in August when one of the country 's most prominent tycoons , Nguyen Duc Kien , was arrested for allegedly improperly lending money to real-estate projects .

  7. 南京农业发展的金融支持&农业项目贷款

    Financial Support for Agricultural Development of Nanjing : Agricultural Project Loans

  8. 银行工程项目贷款中的工程风险管理研究

    A Study of Project Risk Management in Project Item Loan of Banks

  9. 银行大型水利水电项目贷款风险评估体系的建构

    Risk-rating System on Bank 's loan to Large Water Conservancy & Hydroelectric Projects

  10. 跨世纪林业项目贷款的思考

    Thoughts on the loan of the forest conservation projects in the new century

  11. 第五部分,分析了光大银行参与项目贷款的可行性。

    Fifthly , the paper analyses the possibility of loan from Guangda bank .

  12. 公路改造项目贷款银行招标取得突破

    Breakthrough Has been Made on the Loan Bank Tendering for Highway Rebuilding Projects

  13. 房地产项目贷款投资评估体系研究

    Study on Real Estate Loan Project Investment Appraisal System

  14. 在项目贷款风险管理的研究上,我国则是刚刚起步。

    The study on credit risk management in project is just beginning in China .

  15. 如何作出项目贷款决策

    How to Make Decision of Project Loan

  16. 科学的风险等级评定是银行项目贷款决策的重要基础。

    Scientific evaluation of risk rank is the important base of item of commercial bank .

  17. 项目贷款不同于一般的贷款业务,具有其独特的特征。

    Project financing has special character , which makes it be different from ordinary credit services .

  18. 项目贷款的期限过长,集中度过高,带来安全性和流动性风险。

    Project loan period is long and high concentration . It brings security and liquidity risk .

  19. 项目贷款风险的法律控制

    The Prevention of Project Finance Risk

  20. 研究银行项目贷款评估方法对于降低我国金融风险及银行贷款决策都具有十分重要的实际意义。

    Researching in it had a significantly practical meaning to lower the financial risk and loan decision as well .

  21. 今天,我们的环保项目贷款金额达150亿美元,其中包括气候变化和生物多样性项目。

    Today , we have an environmental portfolio of $ 15 billion , including climate change and biodiversity programs .

  22. 他说,该行的国外项目贷款已经快速增长,预计将进一步增多。

    He said the bank 's lending for foreign projects had grown very fast and was expected to rise further .

  23. 科学、客观、可靠的现金流量评价是保证银行项目贷款正确决策的关键因素。

    The scientific 、 objective and dependable cash flow appraisal become the the key factor for making right project loan decisions .

  24. 世界银行与印度政府于5月12日签署了4.65亿美元的项目贷款协议。

    The World Bank and the Government of India signed an agreement for the US $ 465 million dollar project on May12 .

  25. 世行与供水和卫生规划署均致力于加大世行卫生项目贷款的影响。

    The World Bank and the Water and Sanitation Program work in tandem to bolster the impact of Bank lending for sanitation .

  26. 在其中一个社区(贡山),村民们接受了改良农作方式培训,并用项目贷款购买了农用物资而从中受益。

    In one community ( Gongshan ), villagers have received training for improved agricultural practices and benefited from loans for purchasing agricultural inputs .

  27. 中国发展银行的职能是给重要的国家项目贷款,它经历了股份制改造,成为商业性银行。

    The CDB , which mainly lends to key national projects , is undergoing share-holding transformation to turn itself into a commercial bank .

  28. 项目贷款因其期限长、金额大、风险高而成为银行谨慎放贷的品种之一。

    Because of long term , large amount and high risk , project loan is a pretty prudential product and difficult to be achieved .

  29. 在近几年,项目贷款在我国获得迅速发展,并已经成为国内银行新增贷款最主要的领域。

    In recent years , the project loans were developed rapidly in China and have become the most important areas of new bank loans .

  30. 中国铁道部将利用世界银行铁路项目贷款建设联通全国的铁路专用通讯网络。

    China 's Railway Ministry will use the railway project World Bank loan to build a railway specific communication network to link the whole country .