
  • 网络Project Overview;project profile;Project Summary
  1. 第三章九江市天然气项目概况和天然气需求量预测。

    Chapter II of Jiujiang City , natural gas project overview and forecast demand for natural gas .

  2. 首先,本文介绍了工程项目概况,策划了工程施工方案与施工总体安排,并制定了施工资源保证、施工质量保证、以及施工安全保证措施。

    First , the article described the project overview and made the planning of the overall construction program and construction arrangements , and then established the assurance measures of the resources supply , project quality and safety construction .

  3. 在此基础上介绍了PTB项目概况以及项目不同阶段沟通管理存在的问题。

    On this basis , introduced PTB profiles and project communication management problems at different stages .

  4. 介绍了风险及风险管理的概念,总结了风险管理的主要内容,包括风险识别、风险评价和风险应对;第三章,江西TD公司JL高速公路项目概况。

    After the introduction of the concept of risk and risk management , this paper summarized the key elements of risk management , including risk identification , risk assessment and the response to risk ; Chapter Three is the profile of TD Company JL Expressway Project in Jiangxi province .

  5. 欧洲核与辐射应急管理及恢复策略研究项目概况

    Introduction to European Approach to Nuclear and Radiological Emergency Management and Rehabilitation Strategies

  6. 项目概况筛选和初步评价信息系统

    Project Profile Screening and Pre-Appraisal Information System

  7. 国家自然科学基金微生物学学科2000~2006年度资助面上项目概况及分析

    Overview and analysis of general projects in Microbiology funded by NSFC during 2000 ~ 2006

  8. 白求恩医科大学十年科研项目概况分析

    Analysis of 10 Years ( 1988 - 97 ) research Projects of Bethune Medical University

  9. 国家基金委机械学科在微纳米技术领域资助项目概况

    Basic facts of funding on micro / nanotechnology in division of mechanical engineering , NSFC

  10. 国外煤气化联合循环发电项目概况

    General Situation of IGCC Projects Abroad

  11. 世界主要国家电力公司电网建设项目概况

    Network Construction Projects in some Countries

  12. 首先简单介绍项目概况后,应用地产评价模型得出加油站项目位置评分;

    Firstly , calculated the position score by using real estate site rating model after introduced the project simply ;

  13. 研究分析分为三大部分:即项目概况、市场分析和项目财务分析。

    Research and analysis is divided into three parts : the project profile , the market analysis and project analysis .

  14. 项目概况:和静县是一个以山地为主的县,山地占全县总面积的92.6%;

    Project description : Hejing County is of landform with mainly mountainous region , which accounts for92.6 % of total area ;

  15. 第二部分项目概况及项目选址基本理论与方法,主要介绍项目选址的基本理论与有关分析方法。

    The second , Project Summary and Basic Theories and Procedures for Site Selection , explains the basic theories of site selection and related methods of analysis .

  16. 第二章为项目概况,介绍了项目的基本情况、建设依据、规划设计,确立配送中心的发展方向。

    The second chapter is the project profile , introduce the basic conditions of the project 、 construction on 、 planning and design 、 established its development direction .

  17. 介绍了中国第1套采用壳牌粉煤气化技术制取合成氨原料气的工程建设项目概况和主要工作内容;

    General situation and main working content were introduced for the project construction of ammonia synthesis stock gas making from Shell pulverized coal gasification technology used in the first plant in China ;

  18. 项目概况:邢台晶龙大酒店有限公司是由晶龙集团有限公司投资建设,集商住、会议、餐饮、娱乐、购物于一体的酒店。

    Project Introduction : Jinglong Hotel of Xingtai , containing accommodating , meeting , eating , entertaining and shopping in it , will be a project invested by Jinglong Group Co. , Ltd.

  19. 本文介绍了浙江财富金融中心项目概况,并从设计意向、整体构思、形体、功能等方面,概括阐述了约翰·波特曼的设计思想。

    This paper introduces the general situation of Zhejiang Fortune Finance Center and expatiates in detail John Portman 's design philosophy for the building from the aspects such as architectural concepts , body and function .

  20. 本篇主要概述了自然博物馆的定义、分类、国内外发展概况,并介绍了重庆自然博物馆项目概况。

    This chapter talks about the definition and classification of the nature museum , general describes how the national and abroad developments are about , and briefly introduces the project of Chongqing Natural History Museum .

  21. 分别从以下几个方面展开:房地产行业发展概况、唐山城市和项目概况、项目投资市场环境、项目投资社会及环境影响评价、投资估算及经济评价分析。

    In the following aspects which : real estate development , about tangshan city and investment market , about the project , project investment environment of social and environmental impact assessment , investment and economic analysis .

  22. 叙述了西气东输工程项目概况,说明了西气东输工程用钢管驻厂监造工作开展实施的具体方法步骤。

    An overview is made of the West-to-East Gas Pipeline Project and an introduction is made of the specific methods and steps to carrying out mill-based supervision of the manufacture of the steel pipes used for the project .

  23. 文章最后介绍了笔者参与的三个实际工程案例,通过对其项目概况、设计理念等的阐述,进一步论述城市新型花园公寓住区设计的原则和方法。

    Finally , the project profiles and design concepts of three project examples that the author participated are introduced to make a further discuss on the principles and methods on new type of city garden apartment residential design .

  24. 全文共分九章:第一章先简要介绍项目概况和股东基本情况,进而揭示本文的研究问题、意义和研究框架。

    The thesis consists of the following nine chapters : Chapter One : This chapter firstly describes the brief introduction to the Project and the shareholders , then followed with the subject , significance and the frame of the research .

  25. 本论文通过对铸造行业生产车间的实际调研,分析研究了铸造车间的污染状况、存在的问题和影响粉尘治理的因素,对项目概况进行了工程分析。

    Through practical research to production workshop of foundry industry , this thesis analyses and studies the pollution situation , existing problems and factors affecting dust treatment in foundry workshop , and carries out an engineering analysis to the general situation of the project .

  26. 监测实施细则应包括编制依据、建设项目概况、项目区水土保持状况、水土保持监测目标和原则、监测内容和方法、监测组织管理、预期成果及其形式等内容。

    The detailed monitor implement rules should include compile gist , sketch condition of construction items , soil and water conservation condition of project zone , soil and water conservation monitor aim and principle , monitor content and means , monitor organization and management , anticipated results and forms , etc.

  27. 其次,围绕三阳新社区项目的概况、特点和存在的困难,提出BT模式,研究分析BT模式在项目实施的过程和效果,总结存在的问题和不足,深入研究BT投融资管理。

    Secondly , based on the general situation , characteristics and difficulties in Sanyang program , this paper studies the executive process and the results of BT in this project ; summarizes the existing problems and further studies the investment and financing management .

  28. 汶川地震科学钻探项目的概况和钻探技术

    General Information and Drilling Technology of Wenchuan Earthquake Scientific Drilling Project

  29. 2003-2004年国家863计划先进制造与自动化技术领域项目进展概况

    The Implementation of Advanced Manufacturing and Automation Programs in 863 Project in 2003-2004

  30. 第二部分介绍了金马国际体育城项目的概况和开发背景。

    The second part introduces the general situation and development background of the project .