
  1. 天津石化PTA装置节能降耗措施探讨

    Discussion on the measures for energy-saving and consumption-reducing in PTA Plant of Tianjin Petrochemical Corporation

  2. 库鄯输油管道节能降耗措施及经济效益分析

    Energy Saving Measures and Economic Profits Analysis of Korla-Shanshan Oil Pipeline

  3. 矿山生产节能降耗措施的探讨

    Discussion on the Measures of Energy Saving in the Salt Mining

  4. 回转窑节能降耗措施探讨

    Discussions on Saving Energy and Reducing Consumption of Rotary Kiln

  5. 燕山石化乙烯装置节能降耗措施及成效

    Energy-saving Methods in Ethylene Unit in SINOPEC Beijing Yanshan Co. and Effect

  6. 强化节能降耗措施提高磨矿分级技术水平

    Strengthen energy saving & consumption reducing measure promote grinding and classification technique level

  7. 矿山企业节能降耗措施

    Measures of energy saving for metallurgical mine enterprise

  8. 调整空调系统工作状态的节能降耗措施

    The Measures of Adjusting Work State of Air-conditioning System to Save Energy and Reduce Consumption

  9. 丙烯腈装置节能降耗措施的实例分析

    Energy Saving Analysis of an Acrylonitrile Plant

  10. 茂名乙烯裂解装置燃料气系统的节能降耗措施

    The Measure of Consumption Reducing and Energy Saving about Fuel Gas System of Pyrolyzer in Maoming Ethylene

  11. 以实例介绍中密度纤维板生产线设计环节的节能降耗措施。

    Illustrating how to design medium density fiberboard production line to save energy and control the production cost .

  12. 液氯生产的节能降耗措施制磷电炉增产降耗途径探讨

    Energy Saving Measures for Liquid Chlorine Production The Probe for Output Increasing and Consumption Decreasing of the Electric Phosphorus Furnace

  13. 它既是一项环境保护措施,也是一项重要的节能降耗措施。

    The project is a measure of environment protection not only , but also it is an important measure of saving energy and decreasing consumption .

  14. 通过操作条件的调整优化以及采取一系列节能降耗措施,可以进一步降低装置的能耗,改善产品的分布。

    Through the adjustment and optimization of operating conditions and to take a series of energy saving measures that can further reduce the device 's energy consumption , improve product distribution .

  15. 介绍了南钢新建180m2烧结机工程的概况,以及该工程所采取的节能降耗措施,并提出了投产后生产中应努力的方向。

    The general aspects and energy saving measures of NANGANG 180 ? m 2 sintering machine project were presented and some notable matters after commission were also proposed , in this paper .

  16. 本文通过能耗测试及分析,提出具体的节能降耗措施,为新设备的开发研制提供技术支持,以便成型技术更好的适应市场,成型产品具备与常规能源竞争的优势。

    By the energy consumption test and the analysis , the article proposed the concrete measure of saving-energy and reducing energy consumption , providing the technical support for the new equipment development .

  17. 节能降耗措施在石化企业的应用与效益评价沼液与化学农药相结合能起到增效、减少化学农药用量、减少污染,保护环境的作用。

    Application and Benefit of Energy Saving Technology in Petrochemical Enterprise When used together with a chemical pesticide , it could greatly increase the pesticidal activity , reduce the amount of pesticide application and benefit the environment protection .

  18. 浅谈我公司PVC树脂生产中节能降耗的措施

    Brief introduction to the energy saving and consumption reduction measures during the production of PVC resin in our corporation

  19. 煤气发生炉采用专用炉箅是节能降耗新措施

    Application of Special Grate in Gas Producer

  20. 介绍了硫酸生产过程中合理回收利用余热的方法及节能降耗的措施。

    This paper introduces the methods of the recovery and utilization of waste heat and energy saving in the production of sulphuric acid .

  21. 对典型钢铁企业-鞍钢能耗影响因素的分析表明,研究钢铁企业物质流对能耗的影响,进而提出节能降耗的措施,对建设资源节约型、环境友好型企业具有重要意义。

    Analysis on the influencing factors of the energy intensity of An Steel indicates that the research on material flow will benefit the construction of a resource saving and environment-friendly enterprise .

  22. 近年来各种节能降耗的措施、政策和目标在不断制订和完善,同时政府也相应投入大量资金用于支持节能降耗项目的开展。

    In recent years , various measures , policies , and objectives of energy-saving are developed and refined constantly . Meanwhile , the government has also invested a lot of money to support the energy-saving projects .

  23. 介绍了淮钢超高功率电炉使用铁水热装、二次燃烧、低纯度氧炼钢三项新技术,提出了电炉炼钢节能降耗新措施。

    The three new technology of hot metal charging , post combustion and low pure oxygen steel making used in Huaiyin Iron Steel Group are introduced . Some new measures of saving energy and reducing consumption in EAF are pointed out .

  24. 包钢节能降耗的重要措施

    The important measures of energy saving and consumption reduction at BISCO

  25. 山西省节能降耗形势与措施

    Analysis on Energy Conservation Situation in Shanxi Province and its Measures

  26. 居民小区节能降耗的技术措施

    Technical measure of saving energy and reducing consumption in resident sub-district

  27. 论直流开关电源节能降耗的工程措施

    The Method of Saving Energy on DC Switching Mode Power Supply

  28. 空调系统节能降耗的技术措施

    Energy conservation technologies and measures for air-conditioning system

  29. 国内蒸馏装置节能降耗的技改措施

    Measures for Saving Energy of Distillation Units

  30. 本文介绍了鞍钢矿业集团东烧厂采用这种浮选赤铁细精矿烧结的节能降耗经验和措施。

    The experience and measure about flotation hematite concentrate sintering were presented in this paper .