
  • 网络Aegilops tauschii;Aegilops tauschii Cosson;Aegilops squarrosa
  1. 节节麦是六倍体普通小麦的祖先种之一,D染色体组的供体种;

    Aegilops tauschii is D genome donor of common wheat , and the useful genes of Ae .

  2. 在整个吸水过程中,无论是吸水量还是吸水率,小麦普遍高于节节麦。

    But wheat absorbed water mainly in the early stage , while Aegilops tauschii is during early stage to middle stage .

  3. 节节麦细胞质对普通小麦性状的效应

    Effects of Aegilops squarrosa cytoplasm on the characters of common wheat

  4. 克服节节麦×普通小麦杂交不亲和性的研究

    Studies on overcoming the cross incompatibility of Aegilops squarrosa × triticum aestivum

  5. 结果表明,小麦近缘植物中存在着丰富的抗纹枯病资源,其中有5份材料表现免疫,他们是节节麦34、峨观草、野燕麦、八倍体小黑麦、六倍体小黑麦;

    The results showed that 5 accessions from relatives of wheat were immune to wheat sharp eyespot ;

  6. 结果表明:不同来源节节麦的酯酶同工酶存在较大差异,共分成15种基本类型。

    The results showed significant difference of esterase in all of the four stages i.e. seeding , Shooting , flag leaf and young ear , which patterns can be divided into 15 types .

  7. 以苦荞麦麦麸为主要原料,经配料、挤压成型、脱水定型、焙炒提香、冷却包装制得的节节苦荞麦茶,具有一定保健作用和较大的市场潜力。

    With the bran of buckwheat is a main raw material , through the mix , squeeze and molding , dehydrate , bake , produce of Tartary-buckwheat Tea , have the health care the function and bigger market potential .