
jiān rèn jiào shī
  • part-time teacher
  1. 假如科研人员兼任教师,待遇还应当提高一点,因为付出的劳动更多嘛。

    A scientific researcher who is concurrently a teacher should get higher pay , because he is expending greater labour .

  2. 现有幼儿体育教育主要依靠一般幼儿教师兼任体育教师完成。

    Preschool physical education mainly depends on the part-time physical education teachers to complete now .

  3. 毕业至今工作于广西师范大学国际交流处,担任越南语翻译,兼任越南语教师。

    Working in the Office of International Exchanges since graduation as interpreter and in charge of filing .