
jiān xìnɡ jì shēnɡ
  • facultative parasitism
  1. 专性寄生必需以宿主为营养来源,兼性寄生也能营自由活动。

    The host of parasitic essential to the nutrition source of the parasite and can camp free .

  2. 菌寄生真菌粉红聚端孢生防机制的研究兼性寄生菌能够象寄生虫或腐生物一样生存。

    Studies on Biocontrol Mechanisms of the Mycoparasite Agent Trichothecium Roseum ; a facultative parasite can exist as a parasite or a saprophyte .

  3. 中药天麻是一种退化的兰科植物,生长于山区,依靠兼性寄生于栎属树种上的蜜环菌为生。

    The traditional medicine gastrodia is a degenerated orchid plant which grows depending on the Armillaria symbiosis on Quercus species in wild mountain area .

  4. 兼性寄生菌能够象寄生虫或腐生物一样生存。阻力有两种:寄生阻力和诱导阻力。

    A facultative parasite can exist as a parasite or a saprophyte . There are two kinds of drags , parasite drag and induced drag .

  5. 兼性寄生的能在不同环境条件下活动的。用于某些生物,如细菌在有氧或无氧条件下都能生存

    " Capable of functioning under varying environmental conditions . Used of certain organisms , such as bacteria that can live with or without oxygen . "

  6. 目的布鲁氏菌是兼性细胞内寄生菌,能够在吞噬细胞内长期存活并繁殖,引起家畜流产和人的波浪热。

    Brucella spp are the facultative intracellular pathogens with the ability to survive and multiply in phagocytes , and they can cause abortion of pregnant domestic animals and undulant fever in humans .

  7. 布鲁氏菌是一种兼性胞内寄生致病菌,该菌进入巨噬细胞后不但不被杀灭反而会被保护起来,这是布病不能治愈的主要原因。

    Brucella is a facultative intracellular parasitic bacterium . Bacteria into macrophages not only kill but will not be protected , as this is the main reason patients can not be cured .