
jiān zhí
  • part-time job;moonlight;concurrent post;sideline;hold two or more posts concurrently;plurality;pluralism;double up
兼职 [jiān zhí]
  • (1) [pluralism;plurality;moonlight;hold two or more posts concurrently]∶一人同时担任两个或两个以上的职务

  • 兼职过多

  • (2) [concurrent post;part-time job]∶在本职之外兼任的职务

  • 减少兼职

兼职[jiān zhí]
  1. 出纳人员在早年称作司库,直接治理一个单位的钱款进出,所以对稽核、会计档案保管和记账等几个岗位不能兼职。

    Cashier personnel calls treasurer in one 's early years , manage the debt pass in and out of an unit directly , to audit , accountant so archives keeps and a few post such as charge to an account cannot hold two or more posts concurrently .

  2. 现在在合肥哪里可以找到兼职?

    Now in Hefei , where can find concurrent post ?

  3. 她成了裁减兼职工作的受害人。

    She became a casualty of the reduction in part-time work .

  4. 预计将来会有更多人从事兼职工作。

    The prognosis is for more people to work part-time in the future .

  5. 她几经周折终于使兼职人员权利法案在议会中得以通过。

    She piloted a bill on the rights of part-time workers through parliament .

  6. 兼职管理业务是搞不好的。

    It 's just not feasible to manage the business on a part-time basis .

  7. 我现在只是兼职。

    I 'm only part-time at the moment .

  8. 我们有20名兼职员工。

    We have 20 part-time members of staff .

  9. 利兹的兼职时间是10点到2点。

    Liz works part-time from 10 till 2 .

  10. 她在寻找兼职工作。

    She 's looking for a part-time job .

  11. 这家公司鼓励工作分担和从事兼职工作。

    The company encourages job-shares and part-time working .

  12. 第一个孩子出生后她就从全职工作改为兼职工作。

    She made the switch from full-time to part-time work when her first child was born .

  13. 最新的学校兼职工作版面上有广告登着“各种六年级课程”(range误拼为rnage,原文如此)。

    The latest school jobs page advertises a ' wide rnage ( sic ) of 6th form courses . '

  14. 我干兼职,每周工作3天。

    I 'm part-time . I work three days a week .

  15. 他在一家戏院兼职当引座员。

    He did part-time work as an usher in a theatre .

  16. 很多企业通过雇用薪金低廉的兼职工人来减少开支。

    Many businesses are cutting back by employing lower-paid part-time workers

  17. 只是为了维持生计,几乎每个职员都要偷偷地做兼职。

    Almost every employee must moonlight in second jobs simply to subsist .

  18. 他们将通过减少雇用兼职工人来节省开支。

    They will make economies by hiring fewer part-time workers .

  19. 队员们都是兼职的,这对你有利还是不利?

    Does the fact that your players are part-timers help or hinder you ?

  20. 客户服务部的员工往往是兼职者。

    Customer service departments are often staffed by part-timers .

  21. 国有企业职工可以兼职。

    Workers in state enterprises were permitted to moonlight .

  22. 她人很好也顾家,把家庭看得比兼职工作更为重要。

    She was kind and domestic and put her family before her part-time job .

  23. 你或许只能做个薪水低、非正常工作时间上班的兼职。

    You may have to work part-time , in a badly paid job with unsociable hours

  24. 她欣然辞去了兼职工作,全身心地投入到她的艺术中去。

    She gladly gave up her part-time job to devote herself entirely to her art .

  25. 一般说来,兼职工作很难找。

    Part-time work is generally hard to find

  26. 他的美发天赋令他很快在当地一家发廊找到一份兼职工作。

    His flair with hair soon landed him a part-time job at his local barbers .

  27. 我有3份兼职工作,一年能挣大约14,000英镑。

    I have three part-time jobs , which bring in about £ 14,000 a year .

  28. 她有一份月收入2,000日元的兼职工作。

    She 's got a part-time job for which she earns 2,000 yen a month .

  29. 这份兼职很赚钱。

    It was quite a lucrative sideline

  30. 雇一个兼职会计将使你摆脱追讨未付单据和支付账单的负担。

    A part-time bookkeeper will relieve you of the burden of chasing unpaid invoices and paying bills .