
jiān chāi
  • see also 兼职
兼差 [jiān chāi]
  • [concurrent post] 兼职的旧称

  1. 其次,应用SWOT分析法对战略的备选方案进行论证、评价与选择,确定了市场渗透为主兼差异化的竞争战略。

    Secondly , we can use the SWOT analysis to demonstrate , evaluate and select strategic options , and determine the competition strategy which mainly to market penetration and part time alienation .

  2. 有家室的警察必须兼差才能维持家计。

    Policemen with families have to moonlight to make end meet .

  3. 这些工人靠兼差来提高生活水平。

    These workers moonlight to live on a higher plane .

  4. 他得到一份洗碗碟的兼差工作。

    He got a part-time job washing dishes .

  5. 我常兼差作模特儿。

    I do some part-time male modeling .

  6. 阿珍:事实上,我不能去。我今天晚上要工作。我有一份兼差。

    Jane : Actually , I can 't.I 've got to work tonight . I 've taken a second job .

  7. 乡村俱乐部有个停靠小艇的码头,一九四七年有一阵子,那儿有个兼差的员工还蛮符合汤米对布拉契的描述。

    There was a marina with the country club , and for a while in1947 there had been a part-time grease-and-gas jockey working there who matched Tommy 's description of Elwood Blatch .

  8. 但在丢掉一家工厂的工作后,曹吉瑞目前做着兼差。由于没有多少剩下的积蓄,他知道,他的儿子无法在这里一直呆下去。

    But Mr Cao now works in part-time jobs after losing his position in a factory and , with little money left , he knows his son will not be able to stay much longer .