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  • 网络concurrent words
  1. HSK甲级词中的兼类词研究

    Studies on the Most Frequently Used Conversion Words in HSK

  2. 关于《HSK大纲》兼类词的范围问题

    On the Scope of Conversion Words in HSK

  3. 基于语料库的《HSK词汇大纲》兼类词研究

    The Study of the Trans-classed Words of " Vocabulary Outline for HSK " on Chinses Corpus

  4. 有6组6个兼类词词性误标。

    Have 6 groups of six multi-category words part-of-speech mistakenly label .

  5. 确定形动兼类词的标准刍议

    On the Criteria of Defining the Lexicons in Adjective - Verb Concurrence

  6. 动名兼类词一直是兼类问题中的热点和难点,在辞书词性标注中存在分歧。

    Verb-noun words has been a hot and difficult problem in multi-category words .

  7. 汉维语兼类词对比研究

    On the Contrast of Homonyms in Chinese and Uighur

  8. 汉语中的兼类词、同形词类组及其处理策略

    Grammatical Category Ambiguity , Homonymous Colligation in Chinese and the Appropriate Solving Strategies

  9. 现代汉语单音节兼类词研究&基于《现代汉语词典》的定量统计分析

    Words in the Contemporary Chinese & A Quantitative survey of the Contemporary Chinese Dictionary

  10. 现代汉语中介语语料库兼类词使用情况统计分析

    Statistics and Analysis on the Use of Multi-Category Words in the Chinese Interlanguage Database

  11. 对于误标及兼类词的误标进行了更正。对标注不完整的地方进行了补充。

    Corrected mistakenly logo and of multi-category words and mark incomplete place to the added .

  12. 副、区兼类词的句法分布及功能发展

    The syntax distributing and function of the intersecting words of descriptive adverbs and non-predicate adjectives

  13. 测试评价标准分别采用了词性标注准确率和兼类词排歧准确率。

    Test evaluation criteria were used in POS tagging accuracy and part-category words disambiguation accuracy .

  14. 随着语言的使用,大量的抽象词的名词成为名形兼类词而被人们广泛接受。

    And the abstract nouns are easy to become the multi-category words and accepted by people .

  15. 第二章主要探讨动名兼类词的界定。

    The second chapter is focused on the definition of the verb and noun trans-classed word .

  16. 介连兼类词的词性消歧是中文信息处理难题之一。

    Lexical ambiguity resolution is one of the hard problems to handle in Chinese information processing .

  17. 第三章是现代汉语双音节动名兼类词形成途径分析。

    The Third chapter is formation analysis of disyllabic verb and noun trans-classed words in Modern Chinese Dictionary .

  18. 最后实例说明汉语兼类词词性标注规则的获取方法。

    Finally , a example is used to illustrate the acquiring method of ambiguity word POS tagging rules .

  19. 有学者提出可以用区别词来鉴别动名兼类词的词性,本文主要验证这一方法的可行性。

    A premise is that a distinctive word must have the possibility to modify a multifunctional word , bu .

  20. 第六章探寻了双音节动名兼类词在词汇系统中的价值。

    The sixth chapter is the research on the value of verb and noun trans-classed word in vocabulary system .

  21. 对三组本应是兼类词但归为同音词的词进行了分析与更正。

    This should be on three groups of multi-category words but to homophone words for the analysis and correction .

  22. 针对这一难点问题,本文提出了一种兼类词词性标注的自动校对方法。

    Aiming at this question , the paper describes an approach to correcting the part-of-speech tagging of multi-category words automatically .

  23. 要区别兼类词没的不同句法功能;

    Here are points :( 1 ) We should distinct the word " mei " grammar function in different sentences .

  24. 本文解释在这两项语言工程中关于同形词和兼类词的处理策略。

    This paper explains the policies of the homograph and the multi-category words processing in these two projects on language engineering .

  25. 本文主要阐述了作为和身为这类能表示身份特征的动介兼类词的语法功能和语义特征,在详尽描写动词用法的同时,突出分析其表达身份特征的介词用法和作用。

    In the description of verb usage while highlighting the analysis of their expression of identity and role of the preposition usage .

  26. 该方法以大规模汉语语料为基础,利用粗糙集理论及方法为工具,挖掘兼类词词性标注校对规则,并应用规则对机器标注结果进行自动校对。

    It mines rules from right-tagged corpus using the method of rough sets , and then corrects the results of part-of-speech tagging automatically .

  27. 语法平面的因素有兼类词、语法结构层次、语法结构关系等;

    The factor of the grammer plane has double word , arrangement of grammar structure , relation of grammer structure and so on ;

  28. 摘要对汉语、维语兼类词和汉维语兼类词进行了对比,分析了汉维语兼类词的异同。

    This article explicates the similarities and differences between Chinese Homonyms and those of Uighur through analyzing Chinese Homonyms Uighur homonyms and the contrast of them .

  29. 但是,在涉及到其它词类与副词兼类词的词性判别问题上,汉语相对英语而言则显得更为复杂。

    However , when it comes to the issue of word class discrimination on adverb trans-class , it is more complicated for Chinese than that in English .

  30. 我相信在我的这项工作中所收集的数据、总结出的结论和探索的思路、方法对汉语兼类词研究具有参考意义。

    I believe my data from this work , conclusions and ideas , methods will be of great importance and significance to a reference work on study the Chinese two-type words .