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shī shì
  • agent;do;the doer of the action in a sentence
施事 [shī shì]
  • (1) [agent]∶语法上指动作的主体,即做出动作或发生变化的人或事物,如冰化了的冰。表示施事物的名词不一定是句子的主语。如:鱼让猫叼走了中施事是猫,而主语是鱼

  • (2) [do]∶行事

  • 立俗施事,无所不宜

施事[shī shì]
  1. 面向Agent与面向对象文章对施事宾语句中动词的特点也进行了初步分析。

    The article gives a preliminary analysis of the characteristic of the verb in agent - object clause .

  2. 分析了N1为施事时语义组合与句法结构之间的对应关系。

    Analyzed the relationship between syntactic structure and the semantic combination when N1 is an agent .

  3. 二价动词做存现句的B段,其先决条件是作为施事的N1不摘要能出现,其次是处所成分位于动词之前。

    The prerequisite for the bi-valent verbs to be a part of existence construction is N1 must be omitted and the location words lies before the verb .

  4. 同时,作为与心理动词的比较,判断测试中还考察了中国学生对英语施事者作主语的物理变化动词如break的掌握情况。

    Causative verbs that denote a physical change of state and have agentive subjects ( e.g. , break ) are also included in the test for purposes of comparison .

  5. 例如,施事角色映射为主语,受事/客体映射为宾语,目标/处所映射为间接宾语,工具/来源映射为旁格(oblique)。

    For instance , agent is usually realized as subject , patient / theme realized as object , goal / location as indirect object , and instrument / source as oblique .

  6. 观察VP1施事与主语是否重合,两个VP的施事是否一致,不失为一种有效的分析方法。

    It is an efficient and analytic method to make sure whether the doer of the VP-structure is identical with the subject , and whether two doers are same .

  7. 其题元栅均是{施事,受事}。

    Their thematic grids are all { agent , patient } .

  8. 施事成分出现的情况较少,大多为第三人称。

    There is less agent composition , mostly for the third person .

  9. 少数被动标记后不出现施事。

    Some passive markers are not followed by the agent .

  10. 话语理解的关键在于语境。语境具有普遍性,具有施事功能。

    The key point of understanding discourse lies in context .

  11. 非名词性词语在一定条件下也能充当施事。

    Under certain conditions , non-nominal words can also act as agents .

  12. 汉语和英语一样,是用语序表示句子的主语(施事)和宾语(受事)。

    Other language indicate subjects and objects with cases or other grammatical markers .

  13. 施事宾语句的结构类型和特点

    Structural Type and Characteristic of Agent - Object Clause

  14. 用以表示施事者执意要做的事。

    Insistence on the part of the subject .

  15. 第四章探讨受事成分、施事成分和谓语的语义特征。

    The fourth chapter discusses stiff composition , illocutionary composition and predicate semantic characteristics .

  16. 动词后的数量短语为施事。

    The postverbal numeral phrase is an agent .

  17. 话语的施事功能及其翻译策略

    Illocutionary Function and its Translation Strategies

  18. 典型的语义角色包括施事,受事,来源,目的等。

    The typical semantic roles include Agent , Patient , Source and Goal and so on .

  19. 本文是对汉语非受事宾语,特别是对施事宾语的语义范畴的研究。

    The article deals with the study of semantic category of non-patient objects , mainly agentive objects .

  20. 淡化施事;道歉,和其他的言语行为一样,具有三种模式:叙事行为、施事行为、成事行为。

    Lessening the agent ; Apology , just like other speech acts , has three kinds of pattern .

  21. 施事宾语在句法上表现为两类,即直接施事宾语与间接施事宾语。

    Agentive objects are divided into two categories syntactically , that is , direct objects and indirect objects .

  22. 我们发现,双宾动词总是和施事、与事、受事三个语义相联系。

    We found that the verb is always connected with three cases of Agent , Recipient and Patient .

  23. 这种构式义压制进入其内的动词、施事和受事,使之产生新的意义或特征。

    This constructional meaning coerces the verb , the agent and the patient into new semantics or properties .

  24. 尤其是言语行为理论三分说中的施事行为。

    Particularly , the illocutionary act in the trichotomy of Speech Act Theory has shed light on drama translation .

  25. 是标记一般主语位置上的施事性对比焦点的限制条件

    Restrictive Conditions Under Which an Agent as Subject Becomes a Contrastive Focus and Is Marked by " Shi "

  26. 分配-共享构式表达的是施事和受事之间的一种分配和共享的数量关系。

    The Distributing and Sharing Construction expresses a quantity relation of distributing and sharing between the agent and the patient .

  27. 中动句可以描述动作过程与施事以外的各种参与者之间的关系。

    The middle structure can describe the relationship between the various participants in the procedure outside the process and the agent .

  28. 在这两种语言中,施事论元必须是有意愿的主语论元,也就是有生命的。施事论元能够有意识地实施传递。

    In both languages , agent requires a volitional subject argument , and animacy ; it carries out the transfer intentionally .

  29. 原型被动概念的内涵是受事者承受施事者施加的具体被动行为。

    The connotation of the prototypical passive concept is : The patient undergoes the concrete passive action exerted by the agent .

  30. 因此,被描述的对象,即事件非施事的参与者,被提升到主语的位置,同时,施事被降级为隐性论元。

    As a result , the described passive participant is promoted to the subject position , while the agent is demoted .