首页 / 词典 / good


shòu shì
  • the object of the action in a sentence;object;take over a job
受事 [shòu shì]
  • (1) [the object of the action in a sentence;object]∶语法上指动作的对象,即动作所及于的人或事物

  • (2) [take over a job]∶接受职事或职务

  • 居家为父子,受事为君臣

受事[shòu shì]
  1. 其次,举例分析了连动句中主语角色的复杂性,即可以为施事论元、受事论元或施受同体论元。

    Secondly , this thesis takes examples to analyze the complicacy of subject which can serve as agentive argument , object argument , and both .

  2. 介词。这部分分别描写了移民方言中引出施事、受事、对象、方位、时间、工具、目的和原因的介词。

    Part 9 describes respectively the preposition eliciting the subject , the object , the location , the time , the tool , the motive and the cause in the immigrant dialect .

  3. N为受事连动结构的句法分析

    A Syntactic Analysis of the Serial Verb Construction with Nas Patient in Chinese

  4. 从开+NP的语义关系考察了NP的语义类型。发现NP有五种语义类型,其中最主要的是作受事宾语。

    Part three : From the perspective of semantic relations , it explores the semantic types of " NP " and classified into five semantic types .

  5. 例如,施事角色映射为主语,受事/客体映射为宾语,目标/处所映射为间接宾语,工具/来源映射为旁格(oblique)。

    For instance , agent is usually realized as subject , patient / theme realized as object , goal / location as indirect object , and instrument / source as oblique .

  6. 同时,不同功能类型的动词所导致的受事N2的不同位移,决定了R1、R2在述语动词后句法分布的差异;

    Meanwhile , verbs with different functions lead to different patient N 2 transpositions and thus determine the difference of syntactic distribution for R 1 and R 2 after the predicate verb .

  7. Martinet提出的经济原则为理论背景,考察了汉语受事标记的过度使用以及跨语言研究得出的某些语法共性特征,认为语法结构的格局及其形成在很大程度上是受经济原则制约的。

    Martinet 's theory of economic principle , this paper makes a research on the excessive use of patient marked in Chinese .

  8. 现代汉语受事宾语句中配项的匹配规律研究

    On Rules of Item Pairing in Modern Chinese Patient Object Clauses

  9. 支配书类受事的看和读看着儿童受苦,我可受不了。

    I can 't endure to see / seeing children suffer .

  10. 其题元栅均是{施事,受事}。

    Their thematic grids are all { agent , patient } .

  11. 现代汉语受事主语句研究评述

    On the Object Used as Subject In the Modern Chinese

  12. 典型受事宾语句的句法&语义特征及认知分析

    The Syntactic and Semantic Properties and Cognitive Analysis of Prototypical-patient Object Sentence

  13. 汉语和英语一样,是用语序表示句子的主语(施事)和宾语(受事)。

    Other language indicate subjects and objects with cases or other grammatical markers .

  14. 汉语教学中,格语法适用于非受事宾语。

    In Chinese teaching , case grammar can be applied to teach non-patient objects .

  15. 第四章探讨受事成分、施事成分和谓语的语义特征。

    The fourth chapter discusses stiff composition , illocutionary composition and predicate semantic characteristics .

  16. 此外,受事主语也对其构式意义起到了一定的作用。

    Besides , the patient-subject also plays a leading role in English middle construction .

  17. 汉语口语体受事前置句

    Patient Prepositional Sentence in Modern Oral Chinese

  18. 受事主语句中的主语可直接或有条件地后置作宾语;

    The subject can be directly or conditionally postponed as the object of the main verb ;

  19. 这就导致有时必须用标记来标明句首的受事,而推动被动标记发展的语法动因则是标记自身的语法化进程。

    It is the grammaticalization process of passive markers themselves that motivates the markers ' development .

  20. 被动结构简单来说就是主语为受事的句子。

    Passive construction is the sentence in which the subject is the patient of the predicate .

  21. 典型的语义角色包括施事,受事,来源,目的等。

    The typical semantic roles include Agent , Patient , Source and Goal and so on .

  22. 句法平面上分析并比较了把字句和无标记受事主语句的主语、谓语和宾语。

    Syntax aspect analyzes and compares the two kinds of sentences of subject , predicate and object .

  23. 现代汉语把字句与无标记受事主语句之间存在着相当密切的关系。

    The " ba " sentence in modern Chinese has close relationship with the unmarked patient-as-the-subject sentence .

  24. 本文是对汉语非受事宾语,特别是对施事宾语的语义范畴的研究。

    The article deals with the study of semantic category of non-patient objects , mainly agentive objects .

  25. 我们发现,双宾动词总是和施事、与事、受事三个语义相联系。

    We found that the verb is always connected with three cases of Agent , Recipient and Patient .

  26. 这种构式义压制进入其内的动词、施事和受事,使之产生新的意义或特征。

    This constructional meaning coerces the verb , the agent and the patient into new semantics or properties .

  27. 受事可以分为物质、信息和事件三类,物质是其典型的语义属性。

    The patient can be categorized into substance , information and event , with substance being its prototypical semantic properties .

  28. 分配-共享构式表达的是施事和受事之间的一种分配和共享的数量关系。

    The Distributing and Sharing Construction expresses a quantity relation of distributing and sharing between the agent and the patient .

  29. 本文主要考察现代汉语受事宾语句中论元共现的规律,以及管控论元共现的语言机制。

    The thesis mainly expounds the argument co-occurrence rules and mechanisms that govern argument co-occurrence in modern Chinese patient object clauses .

  30. 并根据课程的特点,选择了口语课堂为实验环境,以74名非英语专业大一学生为受事,在课堂教学中有意识地培养学习自主性。

    The experiment was carried out among 74 freshmen in Chongqing University in the collaborative speaking class to foster learner autonomy .